Questões Militares de Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

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Q743652 Inglês

Texto 3

Drifting apart: Amazing underwater photos that show the growing gap between two tectonic plates

Tuesday, May 31 2011


A frase correta que corresponde a “Amazing underwater photos that show the growing gap” é:
Q724630 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Another plane returns to Guarulhos airport

    For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return to Guarulhos airport, after being hit by birds.

    The incident happened on Wednesday (27) with a Boeing 737- 800 belonging to the airline Gol _____ took off for Fortaleza. The bird entered one of the two motors, causing serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned to Guarulhos almost two hours after taking off. The aircraft had to use fuel to land with less weight.

Choose the word to have the text completed:
Q724308 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o artigo 11 da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, em inglês, para responder a questão, assinalando a alternativa que completa corretamente as respectivas lacunas.
Q719478 Inglês


In the sentence “They´ll let you take it home” The object pronoun “it” refers to:
Q716559 Inglês


A palavra them (l. 23) refere-se:
86: A
87: A
88: E
89: B
90: C