Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2017 para Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 2)
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According to the cartoon
Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed
Write (T) for true statements and (F) for false statements and choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
( ) The noise created by Lilium is too loud.
( ) Lilium will be a sustainable form of air transportation.
( ) Lilium has fan engines and an innovative technology to cut pollution.
( ) A European Space Agency designed an amazing aircraft with space for more than two people to sit.
To be or not to be Every one
Every one knows that ‘To be or Not to be, that is the question’ comes from Hamlet, but when someone says ‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’, they are probably unaware that they also quoting from the same play.
Innovations/ Thompson
The quotation, in bold in the extract, means
‘headed’, underlined in the text, means