Questões de Concurso Militar PM-BA 2011 para Aspirante da Polícia Militar
Foram encontradas 15 questões
Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). About London’s Olympic Park, it’s correct to say:
( ) It won’t take long to be ready for use.
( ) The stadium seats are going to be built very soon.
( ) There isn’t much water there.
( ) Former industrial canals have turned into waterways.
According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is:
The phrase “500 days to go” ( l. 4) means that it’s 500 days
Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
Considering penguins without flipper tags, the only statement without support from the text is that they
Fill in the parentheses with T(True) or F (False).
The paragraphs from the text, (in brackets on the right), have answers to the following questions:
( ) Why do biologists tag penguins? [par.1]
( ) How long have scientists been following penguins? [par.2]
( ) Where do penguins usually breed? [par.3]
( ) What are scientists worried about? [par.4]
According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
The only alternative in which the word from the text, on the left, is not suitably defined is
The only false cognate is in alternative
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”
GATES, Bill. The first...Disponível em: < wwvol1.html >. Acesso em: 30 mar. 2011.
According to the text, automation contributes to
Considering how subordinates should be rated, the text says that
The expression “jump ship” (l. 5) should be understood as
According to this cartoon, penguins are sort of responsible for