Questões de Concurso Militar EsFCEx 2010 para Oficial - Magistério Matemática

Foram encontradas 80 questões

Q245662 Inglês
Choose the best alternative to complete the question below:

Which vegetable is __________ : carrots, onions or potatoes?
Q245663 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below in the right order:

I play tennis __________ Sundays __________ the morning. My husband prefers to play __________ night.
Q245664 Inglês
Choose the answer with the verbs that appropriately complete the sentences below:

Anna __________ go to school today because she __________ walk. Her mother told her she __________ see a doctor.
Q245665 Inglês
Choose the alternative that shows the correct question for the answer below:

Joana likes her school very much.
Q245666 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below in the right order:

We don't have __________ money, just __________ reais. Let's take only __________ milk.
36: C
37: B
38: E
39: D
40: B