Questões de Concurso Militar EsFCEx 2016 para Oficial - Informática

Foram encontradas 7 questões

Q773803 Inglês
Chose the correct alternative according to the use of modals. ( ) I was so tired last night but I couldn’t sleep. ( ) She not must help you. ( ) I’m not sure. I might not go to the movies.
Q773804 Inglês

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

____Christmas I went to Montreal to see my friend. He lives_____a boat. Can you believe it? ____the winter he moves to an apartment ____the city.

Q773805 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right use of articles: I wrote__ letter to my friend yesterday. Today I saw_____ letter on ____dinner table. I forgot to post it.
Q773806 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right use of pronouns. Dear friend, thanks for _____email. It is so nice to hear from ______. Let _____tell you ______news, even though ______are much more interesting.
Q773807 Inglês

Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.

_________________ place I’ve ever visited was the Netherlands.

Q773808 Inglês
Which of the relative clauses below modifies the object of the sentence?
Q773809 Inglês
Which of the alternatives below best completes the dialogue? • John:_______you watch the soccer game on channel 4 last night? • George: No: _____ it good? • John: Awesome! The visiting team_______score a single goal. • George: I'm glad I _______ there. I hate to see a visiting team lose. • John: I _____ _know you were that crazy !!!! Why should the visiting team win?
1: B
2: A
3: E
4: A
5: C
6: E
7: C