Questões de Concurso Militar EsFCEx 2020 para Magistério de Inglês

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Q1778057 Inglês
   Read the following extract and answer question.

     The disjunction between method as conceptualized by theorists and method as conducted by teachers is the direct consequence of the inherent limitations of the concept of method itself. First and foremost, methods are based on idealized concepts geared toward idealized contexts. Since language learning and teaching needs, wants, and situations are unpredictably numerous, no idealized method can visualize all the variables in advance in order to provide situation-specific suggestions that practicing teachers so clearly need in order to tackle the challenges they confront every day of their professional lives. As a predominantly topdown exercise, the conception and construction of methods have been largely guided by a one-size-fits-all (…) approach that assumes a common clientele with common goals.

(KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Beyond methods:
macrostrategies for language teaching. Adapted)
Considering the excerpt above, it is fair to say that the writer argues for the
Q1778058 Inglês
   Read the following extract and answer question.

     The disjunction between method as conceptualized by theorists and method as conducted by teachers is the direct consequence of the inherent limitations of the concept of method itself. First and foremost, methods are based on idealized concepts geared toward idealized contexts. Since language learning and teaching needs, wants, and situations are unpredictably numerous, no idealized method can visualize all the variables in advance in order to provide situation-specific suggestions that practicing teachers so clearly need in order to tackle the challenges they confront every day of their professional lives. As a predominantly topdown exercise, the conception and construction of methods have been largely guided by a one-size-fits-all (…) approach that assumes a common clientele with common goals.

(KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Beyond methods:
macrostrategies for language teaching. Adapted)
Kumaravadivelu states that there are over 15 methods for Second and Foreign Language (L2) teaching, which he divides into three categories, i.e. language-centered, learner-centered and learning-centered methods, as seen, respectively, in alternative:
Q1778059 Inglês
The term pedagogy of multiliteracies was created in 1996, by the New London Group. According to Rojo and Moura (2012), the group asked themselves questions such as “O que é uma educação apropriada para mulheres, para indígenas, para imigrantes que não falam a língua nacional, para falantes dos dialetos não padrão? (...).”
(ROJO, R.; MOURA, E. (orgs). Multiletramentos na escola.)
Assinale a alternativa que melhor caracteriza a pedagogia dos multiletramentos.
Q1778060 Inglês
   Leia o texto e responda à questão.

     The discussion of the worldliness of English (…) suggests that it is impossible to separate English from its many contexts, and therefore, that the idea that it might be possible to ‘just teach the language’ - is (…) indefensible. (…) To teach is to be caught up in an array of questions concerning curriculum, educational systems and classroom practices: (1) whose knowledges and cultures are given credence? (2) to what extent does an educational system reproduce social and cultural inequalities? And (3) what understandings of language, culture, education, authority, knowledge or communication do we assume in our teaching?

(PENNYCOOK, A. The cultural politics of English as an international language. Adaptado). 
A discussão de Pennycook sobre “just teach the language” vai ao encontro do debate sobre multiletramentos feito por Rojo e Moura em seu livro, uma vez que os autores entendem que, para ensinar na área, é preciso que o(a) professor(a)
Q1778061 Inglês
   Leia o texto e responda à questão.

     The discussion of the worldliness of English (…) suggests that it is impossible to separate English from its many contexts, and therefore, that the idea that it might be possible to ‘just teach the language’ - is (…) indefensible. (…) To teach is to be caught up in an array of questions concerning curriculum, educational systems and classroom practices: (1) whose knowledges and cultures are given credence? (2) to what extent does an educational system reproduce social and cultural inequalities? And (3) what understandings of language, culture, education, authority, knowledge or communication do we assume in our teaching?

(PENNYCOOK, A. The cultural politics of English as an international language. Adaptado). 
According to Daniels and Hedegaard (2011/2013), one can say that the greatest challenges for teachers to formulate their actions in classes with students with disabilities would be the
46: E
47: B
48: D
49: C
50: E