Questões de Concurso Militar PM-MS 2022 para Oficial Combatente do Quadro de Oficiais Policiais - Militares - QOPM
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I. A palavra Assembleia (linha 1) não é acentuada, apesar de ser uma oxítona terminada em ditongo aberto. II. A regra que justifica o emprego do indicativo de crase em referentes às hipóteses (linha 10) é a mesma para a ocorrência de crase em segunda à sexta-feira. III. O emprego de hífen em Comando-Geral (linha 27) se justifica, por ser uma palavra composta que mantém a noção de composição e a unidade de sentido.
I. O emprego de uma vez que (linha 13) expressa uma relação de conformidade com o que está sendo defendido. II. O emprego de apesar de (linha 17) introduz uma relação de adição com a oração subsequente. III. O emprego de caso (linha 31) estabelece uma relação de condição com a oração subsequente.
Answer the question based upon the following this :
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill If
I only could, I'd be running up that hill It
doesn't hurt me
Do you want to feel how it feels?
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making?
It's you and me
And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get him to swap our places
(Runnig up that Hill by Kate Bush)
Acoording to the song and the grammar rules, what’s the
meaning of “make a deal with God” ?
- I got married, separated, and we have already shared the assets. - What about the children? - The judge decided that they would stay with the one who received the most assets. - So they stayed with their mother? - No, they stayed with our lawyer.
The excerpt that reveals humor is:
Liz Truss is _________ under pressure from Tory MPs to ensure benefits rise in line with prices, with minister Penny Mordaunt arguing it "makes sense". Former PM Boris Johnson _________ benefits would rise with inflation. Ms Truss has refused to say she _________ maintain the commitment, as she faces questions over how to pay for her government's tax-cutting plans. The PM told the BBC a decision _________ yet been made, as the issue dominated Tory party conference in Birmingham. Speaking to Times Radio, Ms Mordaunt said: "We tomake sure that people are looked after and that people can paytheir bills. We are not about _________ to help people with one hand and take away with another." _________ if she welcomed Ms Mordaunt _________ her views public, Ms Truss said: "I _________ forward to having those discussions."
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Lee atentamente la estrofa de la canción:
Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado el sonido y el abecedario
Con él las palabras que pienso y declaro
Madre, amigo, hermano y luz alumbrando
La ruta del alma del que estoy amando
Analiza las afirmaciones a seguir:
I. La palabra vida es el sujeto de la oración “me ha dado el sonido y el abecedario”. II. El pronombre él se refiere a “abecedario”. III. El complemento verbal de “pienso” es las palabras. IV. En “estoy amando” tenemos una perífrasis verbal.
Marca la opción que contiene las afirmaciones verdaderas.