According to the text, the 15-M movement made

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Welcome to Madrid: City of Protests

Madrid (CNN) - “The people, united, will never be divided!” yells the crowd, angrily waving banners and placards. “To fight is the only way!” Dog-walkers, mothers with strollers, and pensioners carrying shopping bags join the crowd. These people on the sidewalk are no curious neighbors. Indeed, many of them are complete strangers to the family living on the fifth floor, but they are all here to protect Rocio from eviction - being forced to leave her property by legal process.

Rocio and her son, now 17 and in high school, moved from Ecuador in 2003, when times were good and jobs plentiful in Spain. But then the global financial crisis hit, bringing Spain’s economy down, Rocio lost her two jobs - in a shop, and as a cleaner. For a while, Rocio got by on benefits, but then those stopped too. She is an example of the crisis many Spaniards face as the country deals with the highest unemployment rate since the Civil War in the 1930s, and a recession entering its second year. “I can’t stand the thought of living on the streets with my son, but I have no idea where else to go”, she says.

Rocio’s story is echoed by others all over Spain. It is this fear that took many Spanish citizens to action. Many of those people who are outside the door of Rocio’s apartment block are supporters of “Stop Desahucios” (Stop Evictions), part of the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH - Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca), a group that campaigns to prevent banks and authorities from eviction because of the country’s economic crisis. They accuse the banks and authorities of “real estate terrorism”.

There are also the mass marches of the 15-M movement - also known as the “Indignados”. Activist Dante Scherma, 24, says citizens were not used to speaking out on political issues. “The 15-M movement made people talk about social issues, and about politics in normal conversations - in cafés, restaurants, bars - where before they only talked about football or fashion.”

Back in Vicalvaro, the moment of truth has arrived, but the crowd - now shouting at the police, insisting they have to stop forcing families to leave their properties - appears to have had an impact. Lawyers from the PAH explain that Rocio will be able to stay - for a while, at least. For those working to stop Spain’s eviction epidemic, today has seen a small and temporary victory. For those demonstrating about cuts, corruption and lack of cash, the protests will go on.
According to the text, the 15-M movement made

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A alternativa correta é: B - citizens in Spain more interested in social issues.

O tema central da questão é a transformação social provocada pelo movimento 15-M, também conhecido como "Indignados". O texto destaca como este movimento incentivou os cidadãos espanhóis a se interessarem mais por questões sociais e políticas, algo que não era comum anteriormente. Para resolver a questão, é necessário entender o impacto social e político mencionado no texto.

Justificativa para a alternativa correta (B): O texto afirma que o movimento 15-M fez com que os cidadãos passassem a discutir questões sociais e políticas em conversas do dia a dia, como em cafés e restaurantes. Isso demonstra um aumento no interesse por temas sociais, tornando esta alternativa a mais adequada.

Por que as outras alternativas estão incorretas?

A - Spaniards’ lives lose their importance: O texto não menciona que as vidas dos espanhóis perderam importância. Pelo contrário, destaca a mobilização social para apoiar aqueles afetados pela crise, como Rocio.

C - Spaniards talk more about football and fashion: A alternativa está incorreta porque o texto afirma que, antes do movimento, os espanhóis falavam principalmente sobre futebol e moda, mas o 15-M mudou isso, induzindo discussões sobre política e questões sociais.

D - people go to cafés, restaurants and bars: Embora o texto mencione esses locais, o ponto central é que as conversas nesses ambientes mudaram para incluir discussões sociais e políticas, não apenas que as pessoas frequentavam esses lugares.

E - Spaniards accept evictions: Pelo contrário, o texto descreve como os cidadãos se uniram para lutar contra as despejos, indicando resistência e não aceitação.

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ere are also the mass marches of the 15-M movement - also known as the “Indignados”. Activist Dante Scherma, 24, says citizens were not used to speaking out on political issues. “The 15-M movement made people talk about social issues, and about politics in normal conversations - in cafés, restaurants, bars - where before they only talked about football or fashion.”

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