Write T for true and F for false, then choose the alternati...

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Q1987284 Inglês
“I spent last year in London. I’m from a small town, and London is a very big city. (...) There were so many people to talk to, but I always felt embarrassed about my English. I missed my family and my two cats. My roommate was always listening to loud music, so I rarely had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents. It was a good experience, but I am glad to be home!” Carla Fonseca – Resende (Neil J. Anderson, editado)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1 
Write T for true and F for false, then choose the alternative with the right sequence.
According to the text, Carla Fonseca
( ) expected London to be a bigger place. ( ) didn’t feel confident about her English. ( ) sounds disappointed at her experience abroad. ( ) felt lonely because she had to live abroad on her own.  