Pilot Lúcia, working in a ship, in shallow water, realized t...

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Q2196970 Engenharia Naval
Pilot Lúcia, working in a ship, in shallow water, realized that she takes more horsepower to meet her required speed when compared with deep water condition. Lúcia looked at the free surface and listed the following notes in her notebook:
I) The flow of water around the bottom of the hull is restricted in shallow water, therefore the water flowing under the hull speeds up.
II) The faster moving water decreases the pressure under the hull, causing the ship to “squat”, increasing wetted surface area and increasing frictional resistance.
III) The waves produced in shallow water tend to be longer than do waves produced in deep water at the same speed.
IV) The energy required to produce ship’s waves in shallow water is the same to deep water at the same speed.

Following “Principles of Naval Architecture” what is the correct alternative?  