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Q1814799 Noções de Informática

Considerando o Microsoft Office 365, julgue o item seguinte. 

No Excel, a função XLOOKUP é capaz de encontrar informações em um intervalo de linhas, mas, caso não encontre a combinação desejada, poderá retornar falso, por isso, para retornar o valor aproximado da combinação, deve ser usada a função CONT.SE. 

Q1814797 Noções de Informática

Julgue o item a seguir, referente ao sistema operacional Linux. 

Se, em um arquivo de texto de nome lista1 que contenha uma lista de nomes, o usuário quiser listar todos os nomes, exceto os que contenham a palavra jose, ele deverá executar o comando a seguir.

grep -r ‘jose’ lista1 

Q1814796 Noções de Informática

Julgue o item a seguir, referente ao sistema operacional Linux. 

Para configurar as permissões de leitura, escrita e execução em um arquivo de nome programa1, de maneira que qualquer usuário ou grupo tenha essas permissões, deve ser usado o comando a seguir.

chmod 700 programa1

Q1814795 Noções de Informática

Julgue o item a seguir, referente ao sistema operacional Linux. 

Para visualizar as primeiras dez linhas de um arquivo de nome messages.log, pode ser utilizado o comando a seguir.

head messages.log

Q1814794 Inglês
   The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil. White sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see; clusters of cashew trees throw flickering shadows like ocean waves on the sand.
   Here among these shifting dunes formerly enslaved men and women founded the Pixaim Quilombo near the mouth of the river. They developed a reliable sustainable lifestyle and community well attuned to the dynamic, always changing estuary.
   But it is a lifestyle utterly dependent on the São Francisco River; reliant on the planting of rice in marshes downstream and on catching plentiful freshwater fish upstream.
Now, varied and growing water demands by upstream dams and other users are threatening the long-established quilombo lifestyle — demands that experts predict will worsen severely in Brazil’s Northeast.
   “We used to catch fish that were meters long, but now you have to go much farther up the river to find them,” remembers 84-year-old Aladim, who lives in Pixaim. “The fish left, so the people left,” he remarks.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

The sentence ‘The fish left, so the people left’ (last paragraph) shows how much the river determines people's lives in the community of Pixaim.

Q1814793 Inglês
   The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil. White sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see; clusters of cashew trees throw flickering shadows like ocean waves on the sand.
   Here among these shifting dunes formerly enslaved men and women founded the Pixaim Quilombo near the mouth of the river. They developed a reliable sustainable lifestyle and community well attuned to the dynamic, always changing estuary.
   But it is a lifestyle utterly dependent on the São Francisco River; reliant on the planting of rice in marshes downstream and on catching plentiful freshwater fish upstream.
Now, varied and growing water demands by upstream dams and other users are threatening the long-established quilombo lifestyle — demands that experts predict will worsen severely in Brazil’s Northeast.
   “We used to catch fish that were meters long, but now you have to go much farther up the river to find them,” remembers 84-year-old Aladim, who lives in Pixaim. “The fish left, so the people left,” he remarks.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

It can be concluded from the last paragraph that the fishermen are no longer able to find the same kind of fish in the same spot of the river.

Q1814792 Inglês
   The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil. White sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see; clusters of cashew trees throw flickering shadows like ocean waves on the sand.
   Here among these shifting dunes formerly enslaved men and women founded the Pixaim Quilombo near the mouth of the river. They developed a reliable sustainable lifestyle and community well attuned to the dynamic, always changing estuary.
   But it is a lifestyle utterly dependent on the São Francisco River; reliant on the planting of rice in marshes downstream and on catching plentiful freshwater fish upstream.
Now, varied and growing water demands by upstream dams and other users are threatening the long-established quilombo lifestyle — demands that experts predict will worsen severely in Brazil’s Northeast.
   “We used to catch fish that were meters long, but now you have to go much farther up the river to find them,” remembers 84-year-old Aladim, who lives in Pixaim. “The fish left, so the people left,” he remarks.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the last paragraph, the word “who” refers to “Aladim”.

Q1814791 Inglês
   The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil. White sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see; clusters of cashew trees throw flickering shadows like ocean waves on the sand.
   Here among these shifting dunes formerly enslaved men and women founded the Pixaim Quilombo near the mouth of the river. They developed a reliable sustainable lifestyle and community well attuned to the dynamic, always changing estuary.
   But it is a lifestyle utterly dependent on the São Francisco River; reliant on the planting of rice in marshes downstream and on catching plentiful freshwater fish upstream.
Now, varied and growing water demands by upstream dams and other users are threatening the long-established quilombo lifestyle — demands that experts predict will worsen severely in Brazil’s Northeast.
   “We used to catch fish that were meters long, but now you have to go much farther up the river to find them,” remembers 84-year-old Aladim, who lives in Pixaim. “The fish left, so the people left,” he remarks.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the third paragraph, the author informs that the community dependence on the São Francisco River is limited to a specific area of the river, near to the ocean.

Q1814790 Inglês
   The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil. White sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see; clusters of cashew trees throw flickering shadows like ocean waves on the sand.
   Here among these shifting dunes formerly enslaved men and women founded the Pixaim Quilombo near the mouth of the river. They developed a reliable sustainable lifestyle and community well attuned to the dynamic, always changing estuary.
   But it is a lifestyle utterly dependent on the São Francisco River; reliant on the planting of rice in marshes downstream and on catching plentiful freshwater fish upstream.
Now, varied and growing water demands by upstream dams and other users are threatening the long-established quilombo lifestyle — demands that experts predict will worsen severely in Brazil’s Northeast.
   “We used to catch fish that were meters long, but now you have to go much farther up the river to find them,” remembers 84-year-old Aladim, who lives in Pixaim. “The fish left, so the people left,” he remarks.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In “The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil” (first paragraph), the word “one” means one specific special person.

Q1814789 Inglês
   The landscape where the São Francisco River enters the Atlantic Ocean seems so out of place it makes one wonder if this is still coastal Brazil. White sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see; clusters of cashew trees throw flickering shadows like ocean waves on the sand.
   Here among these shifting dunes formerly enslaved men and women founded the Pixaim Quilombo near the mouth of the river. They developed a reliable sustainable lifestyle and community well attuned to the dynamic, always changing estuary.
   But it is a lifestyle utterly dependent on the São Francisco River; reliant on the planting of rice in marshes downstream and on catching plentiful freshwater fish upstream.
Now, varied and growing water demands by upstream dams and other users are threatening the long-established quilombo lifestyle — demands that experts predict will worsen severely in Brazil’s Northeast.
   “We used to catch fish that were meters long, but now you have to go much farther up the river to find them,” remembers 84-year-old Aladim, who lives in Pixaim. “The fish left, so the people left,” he remarks.

Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
The text explains how the economic activities performed by the people of Pixaim is damaging the flow of the river São Francisco.
Q1814788 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the word “actual” means present.

Q1814787 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

In the first paragraph, the excerpt “that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law” reinforces which meaning of the word “police” is condemned by police scholars.

Q1814786 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

According to the view presented in the second paragraph, the main characteristic of police agencies is the competence to deal with potentially harmful circumstances.

Q1814785 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

It can be inferred from the text that policing has been object of academic interest.

Q1814784 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

The expression to be entrusted with, as used in the sentence “Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities” (first paragraph), means to be affected by.

Q1814783 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

In the sentence “The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police” (first paragraph), the word “representing” could be correctly replaced both with the phrase which represents and which represent, although each option has a slightly different meaning.

Q1814782 Português
   A sociedade que não proporciona liberdade — direito do homem que reconhece a ele o poder de escolha nos diversos campos da vida social — aos seus membros, a rigor, não se justifica. A liberdade, ainda que não absoluta, é meta e essência da sociedade.
   São extremos: de um lado, a utópica sociedade perfeita, ou seja, essencialmente democrática, liberal e sem injustiças econômicas, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. Nela, a liberdade é absoluta. Do outro lado, a sociedade imperfeita, desigual, não democrática, injusta, repleta dos mais graves vícios econômicos, de educação, de saúde, culturais etc. Nesta, a liberdade é inexistente.
   Entre os extremos está a sociedade real, a de fato, a verdadeira ou efetiva, aquela na qual os problemas econômicos, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. existem em infinitos níveis intermediários.
   As três sociedades — perfeita, imperfeita e real — “existem”, cada qual com a sua estabilidade interna de convivência, de forma que os seus membros experimentam relações entre si com a liberdade possível. Quanto mais imperfeita é a sociedade, menos liberdade os indivíduos possuem e maior é a tendência de convivência impossível. Na outra ponta, quanto mais a sociedade está próxima da perfeição, mais próximos da liberdade absoluta estão os indivíduos. Há a convivência ótima.
   A sociedade real, por seu turno, pode ter maior ou menor segurança pública. Numa sociedade real, a maior segurança pública possível é aquela compatível com o equilíbrio dinâmico social, ou seja, adequada à convivência social estável. Não mais e não menos que isso. Logo, para se ter segurança pública, há que se buscar constantemente alcançar e preservar o equilíbrio na sociedade real pela permanente perseguição à ordem pública.

  D’Aquino Filocre. Revisita à ordem pública. In: Revista de Informação Legislativa, Brasília, out.–
dez./2009. Internet: <> (com adaptações).

A respeito das ideias e dos aspectos linguísticos do texto precedente, julgue o item.

Na frase “Não mais e não menos que isso” (último parágrafo), o segmento “e não” poderia ser corretamente substituído por nem, sem prejuízo da coerência do texto.

Q1814781 Português
   A sociedade que não proporciona liberdade — direito do homem que reconhece a ele o poder de escolha nos diversos campos da vida social — aos seus membros, a rigor, não se justifica. A liberdade, ainda que não absoluta, é meta e essência da sociedade.
   São extremos: de um lado, a utópica sociedade perfeita, ou seja, essencialmente democrática, liberal e sem injustiças econômicas, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. Nela, a liberdade é absoluta. Do outro lado, a sociedade imperfeita, desigual, não democrática, injusta, repleta dos mais graves vícios econômicos, de educação, de saúde, culturais etc. Nesta, a liberdade é inexistente.
   Entre os extremos está a sociedade real, a de fato, a verdadeira ou efetiva, aquela na qual os problemas econômicos, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. existem em infinitos níveis intermediários.
   As três sociedades — perfeita, imperfeita e real — “existem”, cada qual com a sua estabilidade interna de convivência, de forma que os seus membros experimentam relações entre si com a liberdade possível. Quanto mais imperfeita é a sociedade, menos liberdade os indivíduos possuem e maior é a tendência de convivência impossível. Na outra ponta, quanto mais a sociedade está próxima da perfeição, mais próximos da liberdade absoluta estão os indivíduos. Há a convivência ótima.
   A sociedade real, por seu turno, pode ter maior ou menor segurança pública. Numa sociedade real, a maior segurança pública possível é aquela compatível com o equilíbrio dinâmico social, ou seja, adequada à convivência social estável. Não mais e não menos que isso. Logo, para se ter segurança pública, há que se buscar constantemente alcançar e preservar o equilíbrio na sociedade real pela permanente perseguição à ordem pública.

  D’Aquino Filocre. Revisita à ordem pública. In: Revista de Informação Legislativa, Brasília, out.–
dez./2009. Internet: <> (com adaptações).

A respeito das ideias e dos aspectos linguísticos do texto precedente, julgue o item.

No final do último parágrafo, a palavra “perseguição” tem o mesmo sentido de persecução.

Q1814780 Português
   A sociedade que não proporciona liberdade — direito do homem que reconhece a ele o poder de escolha nos diversos campos da vida social — aos seus membros, a rigor, não se justifica. A liberdade, ainda que não absoluta, é meta e essência da sociedade.
   São extremos: de um lado, a utópica sociedade perfeita, ou seja, essencialmente democrática, liberal e sem injustiças econômicas, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. Nela, a liberdade é absoluta. Do outro lado, a sociedade imperfeita, desigual, não democrática, injusta, repleta dos mais graves vícios econômicos, de educação, de saúde, culturais etc. Nesta, a liberdade é inexistente.
   Entre os extremos está a sociedade real, a de fato, a verdadeira ou efetiva, aquela na qual os problemas econômicos, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. existem em infinitos níveis intermediários.
   As três sociedades — perfeita, imperfeita e real — “existem”, cada qual com a sua estabilidade interna de convivência, de forma que os seus membros experimentam relações entre si com a liberdade possível. Quanto mais imperfeita é a sociedade, menos liberdade os indivíduos possuem e maior é a tendência de convivência impossível. Na outra ponta, quanto mais a sociedade está próxima da perfeição, mais próximos da liberdade absoluta estão os indivíduos. Há a convivência ótima.
   A sociedade real, por seu turno, pode ter maior ou menor segurança pública. Numa sociedade real, a maior segurança pública possível é aquela compatível com o equilíbrio dinâmico social, ou seja, adequada à convivência social estável. Não mais e não menos que isso. Logo, para se ter segurança pública, há que se buscar constantemente alcançar e preservar o equilíbrio na sociedade real pela permanente perseguição à ordem pública.

  D’Aquino Filocre. Revisita à ordem pública. In: Revista de Informação Legislativa, Brasília, out.–
dez./2009. Internet: <> (com adaptações).

A respeito das ideias e dos aspectos linguísticos do texto precedente, julgue o item.

A retirada das vírgulas que isolam o trecho “para se ter segurança pública” (último parágrafo) prejudicaria a correção gramatical do texto.

Q1814779 Português
   A sociedade que não proporciona liberdade — direito do homem que reconhece a ele o poder de escolha nos diversos campos da vida social — aos seus membros, a rigor, não se justifica. A liberdade, ainda que não absoluta, é meta e essência da sociedade.
   São extremos: de um lado, a utópica sociedade perfeita, ou seja, essencialmente democrática, liberal e sem injustiças econômicas, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. Nela, a liberdade é absoluta. Do outro lado, a sociedade imperfeita, desigual, não democrática, injusta, repleta dos mais graves vícios econômicos, de educação, de saúde, culturais etc. Nesta, a liberdade é inexistente.
   Entre os extremos está a sociedade real, a de fato, a verdadeira ou efetiva, aquela na qual os problemas econômicos, educacionais, de saúde, culturais etc. existem em infinitos níveis intermediários.
   As três sociedades — perfeita, imperfeita e real — “existem”, cada qual com a sua estabilidade interna de convivência, de forma que os seus membros experimentam relações entre si com a liberdade possível. Quanto mais imperfeita é a sociedade, menos liberdade os indivíduos possuem e maior é a tendência de convivência impossível. Na outra ponta, quanto mais a sociedade está próxima da perfeição, mais próximos da liberdade absoluta estão os indivíduos. Há a convivência ótima.
   A sociedade real, por seu turno, pode ter maior ou menor segurança pública. Numa sociedade real, a maior segurança pública possível é aquela compatível com o equilíbrio dinâmico social, ou seja, adequada à convivência social estável. Não mais e não menos que isso. Logo, para se ter segurança pública, há que se buscar constantemente alcançar e preservar o equilíbrio na sociedade real pela permanente perseguição à ordem pública.

  D’Aquino Filocre. Revisita à ordem pública. In: Revista de Informação Legislativa, Brasília, out.–
dez./2009. Internet: <> (com adaptações).

A respeito das ideias e dos aspectos linguísticos do texto precedente, julgue o item.

Mantendo-se a correção gramatical e o sentido original do texto, o trecho “Quanto mais imperfeita é a sociedade, menos liberdade os indivíduos possuem e maior é a tendência de convivência impossível.” (quarto parágrafo) poderia ser reescrito da seguinte forma: Na medida que é mais imperfeita a sociedade, menos liberdade tem os indivíduos e maior é a tendência de convivência impossível.

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