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Q1820787 Inglês

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Because we all have different styles of teaching, and therefore planning, orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive. As Bailey (1996) points out, a lesson plan is like a road map “which describes where the teacher hopes to go in a lesson, presumably taking the students along”. It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember, because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in response to the actuality of the classroom. As Bailey (1996) correctly points out, “In realizing lesson plans, part of a skilled teacher’s logic in use involves managing such departures to maximimize teaching and learning opportunities”. Clearly thought-out lesson plans will more likely maintain the attention of students and increase the likelihood that they will be interested.

(RICHARDS, Jack C.; RENANDYA, Willy A.(Ed.). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 36. Adaptado) 

The underlined phrase in “orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive” (line 3)
Q1814788 Inglês
   The body of officers representing the civil authority of government is known as police. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities. However, police scholars have criticized this popular understanding of the word “police” — that it refers to members of a public organization having the legal competence to maintain order and enforce the law — for two reasons. First, it defines police by their ends rather than by the specific means that they use to achieve their goals. Second, the variety of situations in which police are asked to intervene is much greater than law enforcement and order maintenance.
   There is now a consensus among researchers that the common feature among all the different agencies engaged in policing is the legal competence to enforce coercive, nonnegotiable measures to resolve problematic situations. Such situations are characterized by their potential for harm and the need to solve them urgently before they develop that potential. Hence, the actual use of coercion or the threat of using it allows police to put a quick, nonnegotiated, and conclusive end to problematic situations.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the word “actual” means present.

Q1804057 Inglês

IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships

  IMO?s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2018 adopted the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships, which aims to enhance existing regulations and introduce new supporting measures to reduce marine plastic litter from ships.

What is marine litter? 

  Plastic materials in all shapes and sizes are omnipresent in our seas and oceans. They break down extremely slowly in the marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years. Marine litter originates from many sources and causes a wide spectrum of environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts. For example, marine litter can cause harm to sea life if ingested or even death if a marine mammal becomes entangled in litter.

  Marine litter has been defined by UN Environment (United Nations Environment) as “any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment. Marine litter consists of items that have been made or used by people and deliberately discarded into the sea or rivers or on beaches; brought indirectly to the sea with rivers, sewage, storm water or winds; accidentally lost, including material lost at sea in bad weather (fishing gear, cargo); or deliberately left by people on beaches and shores.”

   Marine litter, including plastics and microplastics, is known to result from land-based sources in massive quantities but can also originate from ships. Debris particles have been observed in coastal areas, in waters far from anthropogenic pollution sources, in surface waters, in the water column of deep water and in ocean sediments, and from the equator to the poles, including trapped in sea ice.

  UN Environment estimates that 15% of marine litter floats on the sea's surface, 15% remains in the water column and 70% rests on the seabed.

  According to another study, 5.25 million plastic particles, weighing 268,940 tonnes in total, are currently floating in the world”s oceans.

What problems does marinelitter cause? 

  In addition to the environmental and health problems posed by marine litter, floating garbage and plastics pose a costly as well as dangerous problem for shipping, as they can be anavigational hazard and become entangled in propellers and rudders.

  Another problem requiring urgent remedial action is the massive accumulation of plastics, not only in coastal areas but also in the deep sea.

  This litter is harmful to marine life: sea creatures can become trapped inside containers or strangled by nets or ropes, and microplastics can also enter the food chain as they are indigestible when swallowed.

(Adapted from

In which statement is the word well an adjective?
Q1804054 Inglês
“They break down extremely slowly in the marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years.” The underlined expression means:
Q1804042 Inglês

Which option corresponds to the sentences that are grammatically correct?

I) Sue kissed them each on the forehead.

II) My niece has lost nearly each friend she had.

III) I can write with any hand.

IV) They each said what they thought.

V) Paul didn't get on with either parent.

86: E
87: E
88: A
89: D
90: D