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Q571101 Inglês
The adjective “best" (l. 20) is the superlative degree of
Ano: 2013 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: ITA Prova: Aeronáutica - 2013 - ITA - Aluno - Inglês |
Q546011 Inglês
Substituindo os adjetivos long e comprehensive, respectivamente, por easy e rich na oração Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development(linha 1), teremos:
Q543128 Inglês
In lines 2 – 3: “(…) and despite an unresolved lawsuit that has delayed the project (...)”, the word in bold is formed by the prefix 'un'. In which option below the word is not correctly formed by the same prefix ?
Q524220 Inglês
Mark the option that contains an adjective in the same form as in “The safest industries and jobs are dominated by managers [...]” (lines 62 and 63).
Q520309 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

My car wasn‟t big enough, so, I needed a ________ one. My new car is______ and __________ than the one I had. It is _________ car in the world.

136: D
137: D
138: E
139: B
140: A