Questões Militares Comentadas por alunos sobre pronomes | pronouns em inglês

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Q658819 Inglês
The relative pronoun THAT can be omitted in all the sentences below, EXCEPT
Q658808 Inglês

All the options below complete the boldfaced sentence. Mark the one in which the Relative Pronoun is INCORRECTLY used.

When Brazilian Aviation School was founded,

Q658688 Inglês

                               Leave Out All The Rest (Linking Park)

                                                Soundtrack of Twilight

I dreamed I was missing

You were so scared

But no one would listen

‘Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming

I woke with this fear

What am I leaving

When I’m done here



When my time comes

Forget the wrong that I’ve done

Help me leave behind some

Reasons to be missed


Don’t be afraid

I’ve taken my beating

I’ve shared what

I made



Someone else can come and save me from myself

I can’t be who you are  

Observe the reflexive pronoun in italics (myself) and then read the sentences below.

I. Just help yourself, won’t you?

II. I hope the children behave themselves.

III. The chef himself welcomes the customers to the restaurant.

Considering the letters A (reflexive), B (emphatic) and C (idiomatic), match the sentences to the letters and choose the correct alternative.

Q658687 Inglês

                               Leave Out All The Rest (Linking Park)

                                                Soundtrack of Twilight

I dreamed I was missing

You were so scared

But no one would listen

‘Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming

I woke with this fear

What am I leaving

When I’m done here



When my time comes

Forget the wrong that I’ve done

Help me leave behind some

Reasons to be missed


Don’t be afraid

I’ve taken my beating

I’ve shared what

I made



Someone else can come and save me from myself

I can’t be who you are  

The line “I’ve shared what I made” is the answer to one question. Mark it.
Q657431 Inglês
“their and themselves”, underlined in the text, are respectively
141: B
142: C
143: B
144: D
145: D