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Q829316 Inglês

Mark the option that can replace the sentence below without changing its meaning.

“It can't do anything else” (lines 38 and 39).

Ano: 2017 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: CBM-DF Provas: IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Serviço Social | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Civil | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Enfermagem | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Nutrição | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Psiquiatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Medicina do Trabalho | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Pediatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Elétrica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Mecânica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Radiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Biblioteconomia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Arquivologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Museologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Endodontia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Odontopediatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Periodontia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Fisioterapia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Farmácia-Bioquímica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Psicologia Clínica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Anestesiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Cardiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Cirurgia Vascular | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Ginecologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Ortopedia e Traumatologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Proctologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Otorrinolaringologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Reumatologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Urologia |
Q780399 Inglês

Kate: You haven’t uttered a word ever since we’ve gotten here.

Babs: I feel dizzy and have a sore gut.

Kate: You’d better see a doctor.

You’d better see a doctor” is the contration of:

Ano: 2017 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: CBM-DF Provas: IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Serviço Social | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Civil | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Enfermagem | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Nutrição | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Psiquiatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Medicina do Trabalho | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Pediatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Elétrica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Mecânica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Radiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Biblioteconomia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Arquivologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Museologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Endodontia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Odontopediatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Periodontia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Fisioterapia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Farmácia-Bioquímica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Psicologia Clínica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Anestesiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Cardiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Cirurgia Vascular | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Ginecologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Ortopedia e Traumatologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Proctologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Otorrinolaringologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Reumatologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Urologia |
Q780395 Inglês

                           How things work: 100 scientific explanations

      Preservation property has always been important to humans. Historians in the ninth century were the first to record the use of varnish, a protective liquid composed of resins, natural oils, and alcohol, among other ingredients. Furniture makers learned that if they painted coats of the stuff on a piece of furniture or wood floor, it made it impervious to liquids and their damage and shielded it from normal wear and tear. And the makers liked the shine furniture had after it was varnished.

      Varnish comes in many formulations. Some are oil based, using linseed or tung oil, while others are water-based. Varnish cures, or dries, on what it’s painted, creating a glossy, clear film on the surface. Some oil-based varnishes can turn to a yellowish color; water-based varieties do not. Wood must be carefully cleaned and sanded before any varnish is applied. Several coats are often required. All varnishes contain resins — terpenes with five-carbon molecules called isoprenes and also include a drying oil or solvent to reduce drying time.

     Although furniture and flooors are still the most frequently varnished items, the wooden hulls of boats are also often varnished. Clear nail polish, a type of varnish, can be used for countless small fixes: dab small amounts to keep splintered wood from snagging, prevent ink from running, and stop buttons on clothing or screws on sunglasses from coming loose.

           (National Geographic Special Publication “How Things Work” Adapted.)

In “water-based varieties do not” (line 08) DO NOT means:
Q743652 Inglês

Texto 3

Drifting apart: Amazing underwater photos that show the growing gap between two tectonic plates

Tuesday, May 31 2011


A frase correta que corresponde a “Amazing underwater photos that show the growing gap” é:
Q719499 Inglês

Fill in the blanks with the right group of words.

Yesterday we spent a day at the camp. I only spent half _______________ hour milking the cows, because I didn´t know how to do it. However, there were _____________________people who knew and would do if I asked them

After that I called the reception just about an hour or two before I wanted to head out and even though they had______________ other riders they just took me and my husband on the horse ride, so it was only us ____________the tour guide; a very nice woman, Joanna. It was out first time riding a horse and she was great _____________ easing our fears, she picked great horses for ____________like us, slowed down at any time and made us feel at ease. She took pictures of _________ on horses with the spectacular valley as the background. It was really an amazing activity!

31: B
32: A
33: A
34: A
35: D