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Q2201216 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

From space, astronaut sounds the alarm about climate crisis
The Associated Press

    A French astronaut has used a video call from space to sound the alarm about worsening repercussions from climate change that he can see ______ the International Space Station.
       Entire regions of Earth in flames. Storms trailing destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity’s only home floating like a blue — but also tarnished — pearl in the vastness of space.
      Through the portholes ______ the International Space Station, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has an arresting view of global warming’s repercussions. He used a video call from space to sound the alarm Thursday, as negotiators, government officials and activists continued meeting at a U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
        “We see the pollution of rivers, atmospheric pollution, things like that.”
        “We saw entire regions burning from the space station, ______ Canada, in California,” he said. “We saw all of California covered ______ a cloud of smoke and flames with the naked eye from 400 kilometers (250 miles) up.”

Adapted from Access on October 25th.
The underlined expression in the text is similiar in meaning to
Ano: 2021 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2021 - PM-PR - Aspirante |
Q2097617 Inglês
The following text refers to the question.

There have been 18 opioid-related deaths in Nova Scotia so far this year

             Paramedics in Nova Scotia used naloxone to save 165 people from opioid overdoses in 2018 and 188 people in 2019. In 2020, 102 people were saved as of July 31.
           Eight years ago, Matthew Bonn watched his friend turn blue and become deathly quiet as fentanyl flooded his body. Bonn jumped in, performing rescue breathing until paramedics arrived. That was the first time Bonn fought to keep someone alive during an overdose.
               But it wouldn't be his last. Over the years, he tried more dangerous ways to snap people out of an overdose.
             "I remember doing crazy things like throwing people in bathtubs, or, you know, giving them cocaine. As we know now, that doesn't help," said Bonn, a harm-reduction advocate in Halifax. "But ... in those panic modes, you try to do whatever you can to keep that person alive."     
            This was before naloxone – a drug that can reverse an opioid overdose – became widely available to the public. In 2017, the Nova Scotia government made kits with the drug available for free at pharmacies.
        Whether used by community members or emergency crews, naloxone has helped save hundreds of lives in the province.    
         Matthew Bonn is a program co-ordinator with the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs, and a current drug user himself.
            Almost every other day in Nova Scotia, paramedics and medical first responders in the province use the drug to reverse an opioid overdose, according to Emergency Health Services (EHS).

(Available in: 
In the text, the word “whether” underlined and in bold type can be replaced without losing its meaning by:
Q1820814 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder à questão.
    L2 learning strategies are specific behaviors or thought processes that students use to enhance their own L2 learning. One of the six major groups of L2 learning strategies identified by Oxford (1990) is the one which comprises the “compensatory strategies”, that is, strategies that help the learner make up for missing knowledge. Each instance of L2 use is an opportunity for more L2 learning. Oxford and Ehrman (1995) demonstrated that compensatory strategies are significantly related to L2 proficiency in their study of native-English-speaking learners of foreign languages.
(Oxford, Rebecca: Language Learning Styles and Strategies, In IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 3rd edition. 2002. pp. 362;364. Adaptado

O professor propõe atenção ao contexto e pede ao aluno o sentido da palavra sublinhada no trecho “the one which comprises the “compensatory strategies””. A escolha do aluno deve recair sobre alternativa
Q1780366 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto destacado a seguir.

When my family first moved to North Carolina, we lived in a rented house three blocks from the school where I would begin the third grade. My mother made friends with one of the neighbors, but one seemed enough for her. Within a year we would move again and, as she explained, there wasn’t much point in getting too close to people we would have to say good-bye to. Our next house was less than a mile away, and the short journey would hardly merit tears or even goodbyes, for that matter. It was more of a “see you later” situation, but still I adopted my mother’s attitude, as it allowed me to pretend that not making friends was a conscious choice. I could if I wanted to. It just wasn’t the right time.

Back in New York State, we had lived in the country, with no sidewalks or streetlights; you could leave the house and still be alone. But here, when you looked out the window, you saw other houses, and people inside those houses. I hoped that in walking around after dark I might witness a murder, but for the most part our neighbors just sat in their living rooms, watching TV. The only place that seemed truly different was owned by a man named Mr. Tomkey, who did not believe in television […].  

To say that you did not believe in television was different from saying that you did not care for it. Belief implied that television had a master plan and that you were against it. It also suggested that you thought too much. When my mother reported that Mr. Tomkey did not believe in television, my father said, “Well, good for him. I don't know that I believe in it, either”.

“That's exactly how I feel,” my mother said, and then my parents watched the news, and whatever came on after the news.

SEDARIS, David. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. Recurso eletrônico. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 2004, p. 5. 

O trecho destacado do segundo parágrafo, “I hoped that in walking around after dark I might witness a murder, but for the most part our neighbors just sat in their living rooms, watching TV.”, poderia ser mais bem traduzido sem perda de sentido como:
Q1780359 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto destacado a seguir. 

Since from August 1914 to November 1918 Great Britain and her Allies were fighting for civilization it cannot, I suppose, be impertinent to inquire what precisely civilization may be. “Liberty” and “Justice” have always been reckoned expensive words, but that “Civilization” could cost as much as I forget how many millions a day came as a surprise to many thoughtful taxpayers. The story of this word’s rise to the highest place amongst British war aims is so curious that, even were it less relevant, I should be tempted to tell it […].

“You are fighting for civilization”, cried the wisest and best of those leaders who led us into war, and the very soldiers took up the cry, “Join up, for civilization’s sake”. Startled by this sudden enthusiasm for an abstraction in which till then politicians and recruiting-sergeants had manifested little or no interest, I, in my turn, began to cry: “And what is civilization?” I did not cry aloud, be sure: at that time, for crying things of that sort aloud, one was sent to prison. But now that it is no longer criminal, nor unpatriotic even, to ask questions, I intend to inquire what this thing is for which we fought and for which we pay. I propose to investigate the nature of our leading war-aim. Whether my search will end in discovery and – if it does – whether what is discovered will bear any likeliness to the Treaty of Versailles remains to be seen.

BELL, Clive. Civilization: An Essay. 1ª ed. 1928. Harmondsworth,

Middlesex, UK: Penguin Books, 1938, p. 13. 

O termo startled, destacado no trecho do segundo parágrafo, “Startled by this sudden enthusiasm [...]”, pode ser entendido como:
1: D
2: C
3: C
4: D
5: C