Questões Militares
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Ao escrever relatórios por meio do MS-Word 2010, em sua configuração padrão, um usuário pode desejar incluir quebras de páginas e/ou seções. O ícone “Quebras”, exibido a seguir, é usado para inserir alguns tipos de quebras de páginas e seções, e localiza-se na guia
A imagem a seguir mostra parte da barra de tarefas do MS-Windows 7, em sua configuração padrão.
Assinale a alternativa que informa quantos aplicativos acessórios padrão do MS-Windows 7 estão em execução, de acordo
com a imagem exibida.
Em uma circunferência de raio x cm e centro O, considere uma reta t tangente em um ponto C e a corda AB paralela à reta t, corda essa que é a diagonal maior do losango AOBC, conforme mostra a figura.
Se = 12√3 cm, então a área destacada em verde mede,
em cm2
Certo combustível preenchia totalmente um reservatório A,
na forma de um cilindro circular reto, de raio da base igual a m e altura igual a 5 m. Sabe-se que 4/5 do combustível
contido em A foi transferido, sem desperdício, para 10
reservatórios menores B, todos iguais e também cilíndricos,
de 1,25 m de altura, preenchendo-os totalmente.
Nessas condições, é correto afirmar que a medida do raio do reservatório B é, em metros, igual
Um terremoto de magnitude 7,1 graus na escala Richter no México deixou ontem pelo menos 147 mortos e derrubou dezenas de prédios. A tragédia ocorreu 12 dias depois de um tremor de 8,2 graus matar 98 pessoas na costa sul do país.
(O Estado de S.Paulo. 20.09.2017)
Magnitude é uma medida quantitativa do tamanho do terremoto e está relacionada com a energia sísmica liberada no foco e também com a amplitude das ondas registradas pelos sismógrafos. Usando a fórmula descrita por Richter e Gutenberg em 1935 para relacionar magnitude e energia, logE = 11,8 + 1,5M, em que E = energia liberada em ergs e M = magnitude do terreno, é correto afirmar que a relação entre a energia liberada pelo primeiro terremoto (E1) e a liberada pelo segundo terremoto (E2) é dada corretamente por
Considere a elaboração, pelo Centro de Inteligência da
Polícia Militar (CIPM), de um planejamento estratégico
para a deflagração de uma operação policial ostensiva em
uma região R, com alta incidência do tráfico de drogas. A questão têm como referência essa
Considere a elaboração, pelo Centro de Inteligência da
Polícia Militar (CIPM), de um planejamento estratégico
para a deflagração de uma operação policial ostensiva em
uma região R, com alta incidência do tráfico de drogas. A questão têm como referência essa
Considere a elaboração, pelo Centro de Inteligência da
Polícia Militar (CIPM), de um planejamento estratégico
para a deflagração de uma operação policial ostensiva em
uma região R, com alta incidência do tráfico de drogas. A questão têm como referência essa
Na operação, está previsto o apoio aéreo de um helicóptero, que deve seguir um trajeto previamente determinado: partir de um ponto A, dirigir-se a um ponto B e, em seguida, deslocar-se até um ponto C, retornando depois ao ponto de partida. A rota do helicóptero está representada pelo triângulo retângulo ABC mostrado na figura.
Sendo = 6 km, é correto afirmar que
é, em
quilômetros, igual a
Considere a elaboração, pelo Centro de Inteligência da
Polícia Militar (CIPM), de um planejamento estratégico
para a deflagração de uma operação policial ostensiva em
uma região R, com alta incidência do tráfico de drogas. A questão têm como referência essa
Considere a elaboração, pelo Centro de Inteligência da
Polícia Militar (CIPM), de um planejamento estratégico
para a deflagração de uma operação policial ostensiva em
uma região R, com alta incidência do tráfico de drogas. A questão têm como referência essa
Considere a elaboração, pelo Centro de Inteligência da
Polícia Militar (CIPM), de um planejamento estratégico
para a deflagração de uma operação policial ostensiva em
uma região R, com alta incidência do tráfico de drogas. A questão têm como referência essa
Domestic violence victims denied justice: state of Roraima
fails to investigate, prosecute abusers
June 21, 2017
The authorities in the Brazilian state of Roraima are failing to investigate or prosecute domestic violence cases, leaving women at further risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The serious problems in Roraima, the state with the highest rate of killings of women in Brazil, reflect nationwide failures to provide victims of domestic violence with access to justice and protection.
Killings of women rose 139 percent from 2010 to 2015 in Roraima, reaching 11.4 homicides per 100,000 women that year, the latest for which there is data available. The national average is 4.4 killings per 100,000 women—already one of the highest in the world. Studies in Brazil and worldwide estimate that a large percentage of women who suffer violent deaths are killed by partners or former partners.
Only a quarter of women who suffer violence in Brazil report it, according to a February 2017 survey that does not provide state-by-state data. Human Rights Watch found in Roraima that when women do call police they face considerable barriers to having their cases heard. Military police told Human Rights Watch that, for lack of personnel, they do not respond to all emergency calls from women who say they are experiencing domestic violence. Other women are turned away at police stations. Some civil police officers in Boa Vista, the state´s capital, decline to register domestic violence complaints or to request protection orders. Instead, they direct victims to the single “women’s police station” in the state – which specializes in crimes against women – even at times when that station is closed. Even when police receive their complaints, women must tell their story of abuse, including sexual abuse, in open reception areas, as there are no private rooms to take statements in any police station in the state.
Not a single civil police officer in Roraima receives training in how to handle domestic violence cases. Some police officers, when receiving women seeking protection orders, take statements so carelessly that judges lack the basic information they need to decide whether to issue the order. Civil police are unable to keep up with the volume of complaints they do receive. In Boa Vista, the police have failed to do investigative work on a backlog of 8,400 domestic violence complaints.
(Human Rights Watch. brazil-domestic-violence-victims-denied-justice. Adaptado)
Domestic violence victims denied justice: state of Roraima
fails to investigate, prosecute abusers
June 21, 2017
The authorities in the Brazilian state of Roraima are failing to investigate or prosecute domestic violence cases, leaving women at further risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The serious problems in Roraima, the state with the highest rate of killings of women in Brazil, reflect nationwide failures to provide victims of domestic violence with access to justice and protection.
Killings of women rose 139 percent from 2010 to 2015 in Roraima, reaching 11.4 homicides per 100,000 women that year, the latest for which there is data available. The national average is 4.4 killings per 100,000 women—already one of the highest in the world. Studies in Brazil and worldwide estimate that a large percentage of women who suffer violent deaths are killed by partners or former partners.
Only a quarter of women who suffer violence in Brazil report it, according to a February 2017 survey that does not provide state-by-state data. Human Rights Watch found in Roraima that when women do call police they face considerable barriers to having their cases heard. Military police told Human Rights Watch that, for lack of personnel, they do not respond to all emergency calls from women who say they are experiencing domestic violence. Other women are turned away at police stations. Some civil police officers in Boa Vista, the state´s capital, decline to register domestic violence complaints or to request protection orders. Instead, they direct victims to the single “women’s police station” in the state – which specializes in crimes against women – even at times when that station is closed. Even when police receive their complaints, women must tell their story of abuse, including sexual abuse, in open reception areas, as there are no private rooms to take statements in any police station in the state.
Not a single civil police officer in Roraima receives training in how to handle domestic violence cases. Some police officers, when receiving women seeking protection orders, take statements so carelessly that judges lack the basic information they need to decide whether to issue the order. Civil police are unable to keep up with the volume of complaints they do receive. In Boa Vista, the police have failed to do investigative work on a backlog of 8,400 domestic violence complaints.
(Human Rights Watch. brazil-domestic-violence-victims-denied-justice. Adaptado)
Domestic violence victims denied justice: state of Roraima
fails to investigate, prosecute abusers
June 21, 2017
The authorities in the Brazilian state of Roraima are failing to investigate or prosecute domestic violence cases, leaving women at further risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The serious problems in Roraima, the state with the highest rate of killings of women in Brazil, reflect nationwide failures to provide victims of domestic violence with access to justice and protection.
Killings of women rose 139 percent from 2010 to 2015 in Roraima, reaching 11.4 homicides per 100,000 women that year, the latest for which there is data available. The national average is 4.4 killings per 100,000 women—already one of the highest in the world. Studies in Brazil and worldwide estimate that a large percentage of women who suffer violent deaths are killed by partners or former partners.
Only a quarter of women who suffer violence in Brazil report it, according to a February 2017 survey that does not provide state-by-state data. Human Rights Watch found in Roraima that when women do call police they face considerable barriers to having their cases heard. Military police told Human Rights Watch that, for lack of personnel, they do not respond to all emergency calls from women who say they are experiencing domestic violence. Other women are turned away at police stations. Some civil police officers in Boa Vista, the state´s capital, decline to register domestic violence complaints or to request protection orders. Instead, they direct victims to the single “women’s police station” in the state – which specializes in crimes against women – even at times when that station is closed. Even when police receive their complaints, women must tell their story of abuse, including sexual abuse, in open reception areas, as there are no private rooms to take statements in any police station in the state.
Not a single civil police officer in Roraima receives training in how to handle domestic violence cases. Some police officers, when receiving women seeking protection orders, take statements so carelessly that judges lack the basic information they need to decide whether to issue the order. Civil police are unable to keep up with the volume of complaints they do receive. In Boa Vista, the police have failed to do investigative work on a backlog of 8,400 domestic violence complaints.
(Human Rights Watch. brazil-domestic-violence-victims-denied-justice. Adaptado)
Domestic violence victims denied justice: state of Roraima
fails to investigate, prosecute abusers
June 21, 2017
The authorities in the Brazilian state of Roraima are failing to investigate or prosecute domestic violence cases, leaving women at further risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The serious problems in Roraima, the state with the highest rate of killings of women in Brazil, reflect nationwide failures to provide victims of domestic violence with access to justice and protection.
Killings of women rose 139 percent from 2010 to 2015 in Roraima, reaching 11.4 homicides per 100,000 women that year, the latest for which there is data available. The national average is 4.4 killings per 100,000 women—already one of the highest in the world. Studies in Brazil and worldwide estimate that a large percentage of women who suffer violent deaths are killed by partners or former partners.
Only a quarter of women who suffer violence in Brazil report it, according to a February 2017 survey that does not provide state-by-state data. Human Rights Watch found in Roraima that when women do call police they face considerable barriers to having their cases heard. Military police told Human Rights Watch that, for lack of personnel, they do not respond to all emergency calls from women who say they are experiencing domestic violence. Other women are turned away at police stations. Some civil police officers in Boa Vista, the state´s capital, decline to register domestic violence complaints or to request protection orders. Instead, they direct victims to the single “women’s police station” in the state – which specializes in crimes against women – even at times when that station is closed. Even when police receive their complaints, women must tell their story of abuse, including sexual abuse, in open reception areas, as there are no private rooms to take statements in any police station in the state.
Not a single civil police officer in Roraima receives training in how to handle domestic violence cases. Some police officers, when receiving women seeking protection orders, take statements so carelessly that judges lack the basic information they need to decide whether to issue the order. Civil police are unable to keep up with the volume of complaints they do receive. In Boa Vista, the police have failed to do investigative work on a backlog of 8,400 domestic violence complaints.
(Human Rights Watch. brazil-domestic-violence-victims-denied-justice. Adaptado)