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Q910359 Inglês
Music and young minds

Available at: < youngmind/>. Access on: 10 June 2018, with adaptations.
According to the text, some people’s primary reason for providing music lessons to their children is that music
Q910358 Inglês
Music and young minds

Available at: < youngmind/>. Access on: 10 June 2018, with adaptations.
What is the central theme of the text?
Q910357 Inglês

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

MANDELA, Nelson. Available at: < /nelson_mandela_157855>. Access on: 1st May 2018.

What can be inferred from Nelson Mandela’s comparison of education to a weapon in the text?

Q910356 Inglês

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

MANDELA, Nelson. Available at: < /nelson_mandela_157855>. Access on: 1st May 2018.

According to the text, it is correct to say that

Q910354 Português
Texto 3

Por uma sociedade mais tolerante e inclusiva

NEGRI, Katia. Disponível em: <http: // as-habilidadesemocionais-e-sociais-podem-contribuir/>. Acesso em: 1o maio 2018 (fragmento), com adaptações.
A respeito dos mecanismos responsáveis pela coesão do texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
296: D
297: B
298: C
299: E
300: A