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Q1987291 Inglês
Beauty is where you find it.

     There are nearly 8 billion people living on Earth and, naturally, different cultures have different ideals of beauty for both men and women. Generally speaking, in most western societies being thin is more acceptable than being overweight, whereas nations in other parts of the planet may prefer a more full-bodied appearance. So if you wake up feeling ugly some day, just __________ that you may be the ideal of beauty somewhere. Perhaps you are living in the wrong country.  
The word whereas, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to
Q1987290 Inglês
Beauty is where you find it.

     There are nearly 8 billion people living on Earth and, naturally, different cultures have different ideals of beauty for both men and women. Generally speaking, in most western societies being thin is more acceptable than being overweight, whereas nations in other parts of the planet may prefer a more full-bodied appearance. So if you wake up feeling ugly some day, just __________ that you may be the ideal of beauty somewhere. Perhaps you are living in the wrong country.  
Choose the alternative that completes the text. 
Q1987289 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Choose the correct alternative to complete the gap in the comic strip. 

Q1987288 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The sentence “But I’ve developed a new philosophy” is an example of Present Perfect. Choose the alternative which follows the same grammar rule.  
Q1987287 Inglês
“My year abroad in the United States was a truly awesome experience. I’m not a shy person, and I was very comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of speaking practice. (...) When I got home, my close friends couldn’t believe how much I had improved!” Mariko Okada – Tokyo (Neil J. Anderson)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1
Write T for true and F for false, then choose the alternative with the right sequence.
According to the text, Mariko Okada
( ) can be considered an extrovert person. ( ) spent more than eleven months in a foreign country. ( ) thinks that she would speak more if she weren’t so shy. ( ) regrets investing her time and money on a trip to an English-speaking country. 
Q1987286 Inglês
“My year abroad in the United States was a truly awesome experience. I’m not a shy person, and I was very comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of speaking practice. (...) When I got home, my close friends couldn’t believe how much I had improved!” Mariko Okada – Tokyo (Neil J. Anderson)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1
Choose the alternative with possible antonyms of the adjectives “awesome” and “close”.  
Q1987285 Inglês
“I spent last year in London. I’m from a small town, and London is a very big city. (...) There were so many people to talk to, but I always felt embarrassed about my English. I missed my family and my two cats. My roommate was always listening to loud music, so I rarely had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents. It was a good experience, but I am glad to be home!” Carla Fonseca – Resende (Neil J. Anderson, editado)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1 
The word rarely, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning to 
Q1987284 Inglês
“I spent last year in London. I’m from a small town, and London is a very big city. (...) There were so many people to talk to, but I always felt embarrassed about my English. I missed my family and my two cats. My roommate was always listening to loud music, so I rarely had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents. It was a good experience, but I am glad to be home!” Carla Fonseca – Resende (Neil J. Anderson, editado)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1 
Write T for true and F for false, then choose the alternative with the right sequence.
According to the text, Carla Fonseca
( ) expected London to be a bigger place. ( ) didn’t feel confident about her English. ( ) sounds disappointed at her experience abroad. ( ) felt lonely because she had to live abroad on her own.  
Q1987283 Inglês
“Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work. I had classes six hours a day, five days a week - with lots of homework. I also kept a journal of my experience. (...) On weekends, my homestay family took me to lots of __________ places. (...) I’m definitely glad I went!” Alvin Chen - Hong Kong (Neil J. Anderson, editado)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1
Write T for true and F for false, then choose the alternative with the right sequence.
According to the text, Alvin Chen
( ) sounds disappointed at his experience abroad. ( ) had a good time abroad, despite studying hard. ( ) was able to make written notes about his daily routine. ( ) doesn’t think that he had enough English speaking practice.
Q1987282 Inglês
“Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work. I had classes six hours a day, five days a week - with lots of homework. I also kept a journal of my experience. (...) On weekends, my homestay family took me to lots of __________ places. (...) I’m definitely glad I went!” Alvin Chen - Hong Kong (Neil J. Anderson, editado)

Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book 1
Choose the alternative that completes the text. 
Q1987281 Português
Marque a alternativa correta quanto ao grau do adjetivo destacado na frase abaixo.
     “A alegria de Perpétua foi quase tamanha como a do pai e da mãe, se não maior.” (Machado de Assis)  
Q1987276 Português
Considerando o trecho seguinte, em qual alternativa há erro no emprego da vírgula?
      Mesmo em menor quantidade o lixo residencial também pode conter substâncias tóxicas e por isso deve-se ter cuidado especial com alguns descartes como: pilhas baterias de celular alguns tipos de lâmpadas remédios e embalagens de inseticida. 
Q1987274 Português
Quantos advérbios há nos versos?
O relógio “Passa, tempo, tic-tac Tic-tac, passa, hora Chega logo, tic-tac Tic-tac, e vai-te embora Passa, tempo Bem depressa Não atrasa” (...) (Vinícius de Moraes) 
Q1987268 Português
Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta com relação aos processos de formação de palavras.
      “Ele é um homem ainda moço, de 30 anos presumíveis, magro, de estatura média. Seu olhar é morto, contemplativo. Suas feições transmitem bondade, tolerância e há em seu rosto um quê de instabilidade. Seus gestos são lentos, preguiçosos, bem como sua maneira de falar.” (Dias Gomes)
Q1987266 Português
Assinale a alternativa cujo plural do substantivo em destaque está correto.
Q1987261 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o espaço da palavra deve ser completado com sc.  
Q1944859 Matemática
Antes de falecer, o Senhor Antônio deixou em seu testamento a divisão de sua fazenda para seus quatro filhos.
Depois da morte do Senhor Antônio, ao abrir o testamento, os filhos se depararam com o seguinte documento: 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A fazenda tem o formato retangular e os quatro lotes A, B, C e D também serão retangulares.
Se as marcações deixadas no testamento pelo Senhor Antônio forem respeitadas, então a área x destinada ao filho Damião, é igual a  
Q1944858 Matemática
Considere o triângulo ABC, mostrado na figura abaixo, em que o lado Imagem associada para resolução da questão mede x cm e Imagem associada para resolução da questão mede y cm.  

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

As medidas dos lados Imagem associada para resolução da questão e Imagem associada para resolução da questão satisfazem o sistema de equações Imagem associada para resolução da questão
A área do triângulo ABC, em cm2 , é igual a
Q1944855 Matemática
Considere que x1 e x2 são as raízes da equação do segundo grau (m − 2)x2 + (m − 10)x = −16 + 2m, na incógnita x, com m ∈ IR, m ≠ 2 e x1 + x2 = 7  

Seja B o valor da expressão Imagem associada para resolução da questão  Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O número B
Q1944854 Matemática
Na figura, as retas r, s e t são paralelas.
O ponto C é a interseção dos segmentos Imagem associada para resolução da questão e Imagem associada para resolução da questão  e pertence à reta s.
As medidas dos ângulos Imagem associada para resolução da questãoImagem associada para resolução da questãoImagem associada para resolução da questão e Imagem associada para resolução da questão são, em graus, respectivamente, iguais a 7β, 7α, 4α e 4β  

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A medida do ângulo Imagem associada para resolução da questão é igual a
1221: B
1222: A
1223: B
1224: D
1225: C
1226: A
1227: B
1228: D
1229: A
1230: D
1231: A
1232: A
1233: D
1234: B
1235: B
1236: D
1237: C
1238: D
1239: D
1240: B