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( ) Choque anafilático - dificuldade para respirar, cáibras abdominais e urticária.
( ) Colapso pulmonar - dispneia, dificuldade de respiração e queda brusca na frequência respiratória.
( ) Asma - opressão no peito, chiados que indicam dificuldade para respirar e aumento na frequência respiratória.
( ) Pneumonia ou bronquite - dor no peito, fadiga e tosse possivelmente com muco.
( ) Espasmo do plexo solar - incapacidade de locomoção e câibras no músculo sóleo.
Cargo ship carrying Porsches and Bentleys is burning and adrift at sea
À fire_________ Wednesday morning on the Felicity Ace, a ship about 650 feet long, near Portugal's Azores Islands, according to the Portuguese navy. The ship had departed from Emden, Germany, on Feb. 10 and was scheduled to arrive in Davisville, R.l., next week, according to a ship tracking website.
(Adapted from
Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl had attempted to prove that the Polynesian islands could have been colonized______ people ______South America______ pre-Colombian times,
(Adapted from<> )
The Portuguese navy_______ all 22 crew members via helicopter. Authorities _________the rescue mission as “highly skilled and physically demanding.” The crew members______ to a hotel on Faial Island in the Azores. Nobody_______ in the fire.
(Adapted from https:/
(Adapted from https:/
Read the text below and answer the question.
COVID Airborne Transmission v. Monkeypox: Key Differences between viruses
By Aristos Georgiou
More than 1,000 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed around the world in several countries where the disease is not usually found - including the United States - raising questions about how the virus is spreading. But can monkeypox, a rare disease that is usually restricted to parts of Central and West Africa, spread via airborne transmission like the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
Some infectious diseases can spread through airborne transmission via tiny respiratory droplets known as aerosols that can become suspended in the air. These droplets are produced when an individual exhales, sneezes, coughs, talks, or sings, for example. These droplets can contain live viruses or other pathogens that can potentially infect healthy people if they land in the eyes, nose or mouth.
Airborne transmission does not require face-toface contact, and, in fact, an infected person does not even have to be in the same room as another individual to infect them because the droplets can linger in the air for some time,
Several diseases spread through airborne transmission, including measles and chickenpox. Others, meanwhile, can spread via larger respiratory droplets that do not float in the air as easily and fall to the ground faster.
SARS-CoV-2' spreads through exposure to respiratory fluids containirig the infectious virus, and, while it was not clear if the early stages of the: "CÓVID-19 pandemic, we now kriow that this can include âerosols. poa tt
(Adapted from https://www.neiuswesk com)
Read the text below and answer the question.
COVID Airborne Transmission v. Monkeypox: Key Differences between viruses
By Aristos Georgiou
More than 1,000 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed around the world in several countries where the disease is not usually found - including the United States - raising questions about how the virus is spreading. But can monkeypox, a rare disease that is usually restricted to parts of Central and West Africa, spread via airborne transmission like the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
Some infectious diseases can spread through airborne transmission via tiny respiratory droplets known as aerosols that can become suspended in the air. These droplets are produced when an individual exhales, sneezes, coughs, talks, or sings, for example. These droplets can contain live viruses or other pathogens that can potentially infect healthy people if they land in the eyes, nose or mouth.
Airborne transmission does not require face-toface contact, and, in fact, an infected person does not even have to be in the same room as another individual to infect them because the droplets can linger in the air for some time,
Several diseases spread through airborne transmission, including measles and chickenpox. Others, meanwhile, can spread via larger respiratory droplets that do not float in the air as easily and fall to the ground faster.
SARS-CoV-2' spreads through exposure to respiratory fluids containirig the infectious virus, and, while it was not clear if the early stages of the: "CÓVID-19 pandemic, we now kriow that this can include âerosols. poa tt
(Adapted from https://www.neiuswesk com)