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Q846073 História

Em relação à vinda da família real portuguesa para o Brasil e os fatos relacionados a esse evento, associe a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira e, a seguir, assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.


1. Bloqueio Continental (1806).

2. Abertura dos Portos (1808).

3. Tratado de Comércio e Navegação (1810).

4. Tratado de Aliança e Amizade (1810).

5. Congresso de Viena (1815).


( ) Foi marco impulsionador para D. João assinar o decreto que elevou o Brasil a categoria de Reino Unido a Portugal e Algarves.

( ) Ato que pôs fim a trezentos anos de sistema colonial, uma vez que rompeu com o exclusivismo comercial entre a Metrópole e Colônia.

( ) Tomou os produtos ingleses mais competitivos que os demais países, inclusive Portugal .

Q846072 História

Analise as proposições abaixo sobre a população indígena no Brasil colonial e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a resposta correta.

I. Os grupos indígenas encontrados no litoral pelo português eram principalmente tribos do tronco tupi.

II. O povo Tupi encontrado pelos portugueses praticava a agricultura, dentre os roçados estavam o da mandioca, o do milho e o do tabaco.

III. A unidade linguística e cultural dos povos indígenas contribuíram para a formação de duradoras confederações regionais que impediram o inimigo de conquistar várias áreas do litoral.

IV. A prática da antropofagia foi iniciada com a chegada dos portugueses como uma forma de amedrontrar os invasores.

Q846071 História
Em 1532, D. João III decidiu-se pela criação das capitanias hereditárias. Marque a alternativa correta sobre as capitanias hereditárias:
Q846070 História

Com relação às atividades econômicas no período colonial brasileiro, pode-se afirmar que tiveram como sentido principal “fornecer ao comércio europeu gêneros tropicais ou minerais de grande importância; o açúcar, o algodão, o ouro...”

(FURTADO, Celso. Formação econômica do Brasil. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007. P. 118)

Entendendo o sentido colocado no texto, analise as afirmativas, colocando entre parênteses a letra “V”, quando se tratar de afirmativa verdadeira, e a letra “F” quando se tratar de afirmativa falsa. A seguir, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.

( ) Estruturou-se sobre a grande propriedade, a monocultura e o trabalho escravo.

( ) Proporcionou o enriquecimento de um grupo de poderosos traficantes de escravos.

( ) A produção aurífera foi desenvolvida sob rígida fiscalização da metrópole.

Q846069 Geografia

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto abaixo.

Também conhecida como floresta pluvial tropical, a ______________ é um dos biomas mais importantes à preservação da biodiversidade brasileira e mundial, mas é o mais ameaçado, restando atualmente apenas 7% da sua área original, que chegava a cobrir uma área de 1 milhão de km2.

Q846068 Geografia
Devido à sua posição geográfica, com influência da tropicalidade, o território brasileiro sofre grande influência de sistemas meteorológicos, sendo estes os principais responsáveis por episódios de chuvas e estiagens no país, tais como: chuvas nas regiões Nordeste e Norte, em março e abril, e as estiagens prolongadas ou chuvas intensas no Sudeste e Sul do Brasil. Marque a alternativa correta acerca da atuação, respectivamente, que esses fenômenos estão associados:
Q846067 Geografia

Analise as afirmativas sobre a divisão regional do Brasil, colocando entre parênteses a letra “V”, quando se tratar de afirmativa verdadeira, e a letra “F” quando se tratar de afirmativa falsa. A seguir, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.

( ) O IBGE, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, foi criado no governo de Getúlio Vargas, com a finalidade de conhecer melhor o território nacional e os dados estatísticos da população brasileira. Para tanto, foi necessário considerar as enormes diferenças existentes nas diversas áreas do Brasil.

( ) A região Sudeste foi criada na divisão regional do país de 1969, que passou a adotar o critério de regiões homogêneas, fazendo também desaparecer a antiga região Leste o que incluiu os Estados da Bahia e de Sergipe na região Nordeste.

( ) A atual divisão regional, baseada em macrorregiões homogêneas, manteve as mudanças operadas a partir da Constituição de 1988, com o Estado de Goiás desmembrado e o surgimento do Estado de Tocantins passando a integrar a região Centro-Oeste.

Q846066 Geografia
Contemporaneamente, aos fatores tradicionais de localização das atividades industriais no território, em escala nacional e regional, somam-se a concessão de terrenos para instalação de fábricas e isenções totais ou parciais de impostos. Marque a alternativa correta que indica como esses fatores em conjunto são conhecidos:
Q846064 Geografia

Inovações técnicas e organizacionais na agricultura concorrem para criar um novo uso do tempo e um novo uso da terra. O aproveitamento de momentos vagos no calendário agrícola ou o encurtamento dos ciclos vegetais, a velocidade de circulação de produtos e de informações, a disponibilidade de crédito e a preeminência dada à exportação constituem, certamente, dados que vão permitir reinventar a natureza, modificando solos, criando sementes e até buscando, embora pontualmente, impor leis ao clima.

(FONTE: SANTOS, Milton; SILVEIRA, Maria Laura. O Brasil: território e sociedade no início do século XXI. 2ª ed., Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001.)

Assinale a alternativa correta que se refere ao texto acima:

Q846063 Geografia

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto abaixo:

A integração do território pela(o)s ___________ e a expansão da frota nacional de __________permitem, entre outras coisas, descrever a imposição do sistema de circulação_____________ no Brasil em um país continental com grande disponibilidade hídrica.

Q846062 Geografia

“O processo de industrialização da agricultura tem eliminado gradativamente a separação entre a cidade e o campo, entre o rural e o urbano, unificando-os dialeticamente. Isto quer dizer que campo e cidade, cidade e campo formam uma unidade contraditória.”

(Ariovaldo Umbelindo de Oliveira)

Analise as afirmativas abaixo a partir da leitura do texto acima, colocando entre parênteses a letra “V” quando se tratar de afirmativa verdadeira, e a letra “F” quando se tratar de afirmativa falsa. A seguir, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.

( ) A exemplo disto, pode-se observar uma unidade onde a diferença entre os setores da atividade econômica (agricultura, pecuária e outros, em um; indústria, o comércio etc, em outro) vai sendo soldada de um lado pela presença, na cidade, do trabalhador assalariado (“boia-fria”) do campo.

( ) A partir do avanço da tecnologia e a globalização, as indústrias estão ofertando empregos que exigem um alto grau de formação atualizada ao mercado e bons salários.

( ) O desenvolvimento do capitalismo esta tornando cada vez maior a separação do campo e da cidade. A separação que o capitalismo uniu durante a transição feudalismo/capitalismo envolvendo camponeses-servos e artesões.

( ) A cidade revela estas contradições. Ela é, pois, palco e lugar das lutas rurais feitas em áreas urbanas e/ou lutas urbanas que ocorrem em áreas rurais.

Q845857 Física

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

As fibras ópticas funcionam pelo Princípio da Reflexão Total, que ocorre quando os raios de luz que seguem determinados percursos dentro da fibra são totalmente refletidos na interface núcleo-casca, permanecendo no interior do núcleo. Considerando apenas a incidência de raios meridionais e que os raios refratados para a casca são perdidos, e ainda, sabendo que os índices de refração do ar, do núcleo e da casca são dados, respectivamente, por n0, n1; e n2 ( n1 > n2 > n0), o ângulo máximo de incidência θa , na interface ar-núcleo, para o qual ocorre a reflexão total no interior da fibra é:


• raios meridionais são aqueles que passam pelo centro do núcleo; e

• todas as opções abaixo correspondem a números reais.

Q845116 Inglês

Woman who rescued Nigerian 'witch-child' beats Obama and Pope Francis to top list of world's most inspiring people


      A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been cast out by his own community for being a "witch-child" has been recognised in an international list of the most inspiring people of the year. Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker who rescued the young Nigerian boy back in February 2016, beat the likes of Pope Francis, Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama to top the list of 100 inspiring individuals compiled by German-language OOOM Magazine.

      An image of Ms Lovén giving the two-year-old boy (now called Hope) some water was shared around the world, and served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria. Witch accusations is a growing problem in many African countries, especially in Nigeria, where Anja's charity African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation cares for other children like Hope.

      "When she saw the starving child, she acted like a human being and became an inspiration for millions," said Georg Kindel, OOOM's editor-in-chief, who led the jury that chose the list. Speaking today about the experience, she said: "He was the size of a little baby, my whole body froze. I was thinking of my own son when I saw the boy. For me it was clear at that moment that I would fight with all my strength for him to survive."

Adapted from worlds-most-inspiring-person-2016-ooom-anja-ringgren-lovennigeria-witch-child-a7460976.html

According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative.

I - Hope's community didn't want him because of a superstition.

II - Ms Lovén started helping orphan children after she met Hope.

III - Anja's foundation cares for poor parents who have many children.

IV - George Kindel was the only person who voted for Ms Lovén.

V - Ms Lovén has a child of her own and it's a boy.

Q845115 Inglês

Woman who rescued Nigerian 'witch-child' beats Obama and Pope Francis to top list of world's most inspiring people


      A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been cast out by his own community for being a "witch-child" has been recognised in an international list of the most inspiring people of the year. Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker who rescued the young Nigerian boy back in February 2016, beat the likes of Pope Francis, Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama to top the list of 100 inspiring individuals compiled by German-language OOOM Magazine.

      An image of Ms Lovén giving the two-year-old boy (now called Hope) some water was shared around the world, and served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria. Witch accusations is a growing problem in many African countries, especially in Nigeria, where Anja's charity African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation cares for other children like Hope.

      "When she saw the starving child, she acted like a human being and became an inspiration for millions," said Georg Kindel, OOOM's editor-in-chief, who led the jury that chose the list. Speaking today about the experience, she said: "He was the size of a little baby, my whole body froze. I was thinking of my own son when I saw the boy. For me it was clear at that moment that I would fight with all my strength for him to survive."

Adapted from worlds-most-inspiring-person-2016-ooom-anja-ringgren-lovennigeria-witch-child-a7460976.html

When Ms Lovén says: "... my whole body froze." (paragraph 3), she means
Q845114 Inglês

Woman who rescued Nigerian 'witch-child' beats Obama and Pope Francis to top list of world's most inspiring people


      A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been cast out by his own community for being a "witch-child" has been recognised in an international list of the most inspiring people of the year. Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker who rescued the young Nigerian boy back in February 2016, beat the likes of Pope Francis, Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama to top the list of 100 inspiring individuals compiled by German-language OOOM Magazine.

      An image of Ms Lovén giving the two-year-old boy (now called Hope) some water was shared around the world, and served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria. Witch accusations is a growing problem in many African countries, especially in Nigeria, where Anja's charity African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation cares for other children like Hope.

      "When she saw the starving child, she acted like a human being and became an inspiration for millions," said Georg Kindel, OOOM's editor-in-chief, who led the jury that chose the list. Speaking today about the experience, she said: "He was the size of a little baby, my whole body froze. I was thinking of my own son when I saw the boy. For me it was clear at that moment that I would fight with all my strength for him to survive."

Adapted from worlds-most-inspiring-person-2016-ooom-anja-ringgren-lovennigeria-witch-child-a7460976.html

Choose the best alternative that correctly substitutes the word highlight in the sentence "... served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria." (paragraph 2).
Q845113 Inglês

                                   Military operations in megacities

                                         A linguistic perspective

      The challenge of conducting future military operations within megacities (cities with populations over ten million) lies in understanding the dynamic and multidimensional complexities of these urban areas. Military operations in megacities, whether combat-oriented or otherwise, will be similar to those in other urban environments, but will be complicated by factors unique to the megacity environment.

      First and foremost, megacities are largely multilingual. While this can be said of large cities in general, the scale of multilingualism in megacities magnifies its effects. For instance, in New York City (NYC) - a metropolitan megacity of over eighteen million people - nine foreign languages are spoken by communities of one hundred thousand or larger. Language also plays a role in determining one's identity and the language community in which one decides to live. For example, the majority of Russian speakers in NYC tend to live in south Brooklyn and Staten Island, while Chinese speakers tend to cluster in Manhattan and Sunset Park. In megacities, language, culture, and regional context go hand in hand and often reach beyond ethnic identities.

      In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we must understand the role of the languages used in its communities. How _____(1) language communities interact in megacities? What tensions _____ (2) caused by multiple language communities in urban space? What role______ (3) language play in the power structures (government or otherwise) of megacities?

                                                                              Adapted from Military Review - Jan/Feb 2016

According to the text, choose the correct statement.
Q845112 Inglês

                                   Military operations in megacities

                                         A linguistic perspective

      The challenge of conducting future military operations within megacities (cities with populations over ten million) lies in understanding the dynamic and multidimensional complexities of these urban areas. Military operations in megacities, whether combat-oriented or otherwise, will be similar to those in other urban environments, but will be complicated by factors unique to the megacity environment.

      First and foremost, megacities are largely multilingual. While this can be said of large cities in general, the scale of multilingualism in megacities magnifies its effects. For instance, in New York City (NYC) - a metropolitan megacity of over eighteen million people - nine foreign languages are spoken by communities of one hundred thousand or larger. Language also plays a role in determining one's identity and the language community in which one decides to live. For example, the majority of Russian speakers in NYC tend to live in south Brooklyn and Staten Island, while Chinese speakers tend to cluster in Manhattan and Sunset Park. In megacities, language, culture, and regional context go hand in hand and often reach beyond ethnic identities.

      In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we must understand the role of the languages used in its communities. How _____(1) language communities interact in megacities? What tensions _____ (2) caused by multiple language communities in urban space? What role______ (3) language play in the power structures (government or otherwise) of megacities?

                                                                              Adapted from Military Review - Jan/Feb 2016

Choose the alternative containing the correct words to respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in paragraph 3.
Q845111 Inglês

                                   Military operations in megacities

                                         A linguistic perspective

      The challenge of conducting future military operations within megacities (cities with populations over ten million) lies in understanding the dynamic and multidimensional complexities of these urban areas. Military operations in megacities, whether combat-oriented or otherwise, will be similar to those in other urban environments, but will be complicated by factors unique to the megacity environment.

      First and foremost, megacities are largely multilingual. While this can be said of large cities in general, the scale of multilingualism in megacities magnifies its effects. For instance, in New York City (NYC) - a metropolitan megacity of over eighteen million people - nine foreign languages are spoken by communities of one hundred thousand or larger. Language also plays a role in determining one's identity and the language community in which one decides to live. For example, the majority of Russian speakers in NYC tend to live in south Brooklyn and Staten Island, while Chinese speakers tend to cluster in Manhattan and Sunset Park. In megacities, language, culture, and regional context go hand in hand and often reach beyond ethnic identities.

      In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we must understand the role of the languages used in its communities. How _____(1) language communities interact in megacities? What tensions _____ (2) caused by multiple language communities in urban space? What role______ (3) language play in the power structures (government or otherwise) of megacities?

                                                                              Adapted from Military Review - Jan/Feb 2016

Choose the statement in which the word lies is used with the same meaning as in paragraph 1.
Q845110 Inglês

                          A handwritten note from September 11

      In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in contact with the people we love. September 11, 2001, was a day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones were safe. At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists who crashed an airplane into the western side of the building.

      Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed then, but few were successful. Franklin and Daria Gaillard (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and worked at the Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the building and had a previous agreement that they would meet at their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency.

      Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to Franklin saying "Frank - Sweetie I am okay. I'm w/ my office over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I'll stay there till you come. Love lots & lots, Chip." Frank found the note and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the attack.

      What makes this story so interesting is the handwritten note. Today, in our digital culture, we have a variety of ways to let people know that we are safe. Text messages, voicemail, and different forms of social media can be used to get the information out to loved ones. In 2001, when these attacks__________(1), the cellular network was still growing and was not as robust as it is today.

      This letter is just one of the many objects that The National Museum of American History_________ (2) since 2001. To learn more, visit our online exhibition September 11th: Bearing Witness to History.

              Adapted from


Choose the alternative containing the correct verb tenses to complete gaps (1) and (2) in paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively.
Q845109 Inglês

                          A handwritten note from September 11

      In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in contact with the people we love. September 11, 2001, was a day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones were safe. At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists who crashed an airplane into the western side of the building.

      Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed then, but few were successful. Franklin and Daria Gaillard (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and worked at the Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the building and had a previous agreement that they would meet at their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency.

      Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to Franklin saying "Frank - Sweetie I am okay. I'm w/ my office over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I'll stay there till you come. Love lots & lots, Chip." Frank found the note and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the attack.

      What makes this story so interesting is the handwritten note. Today, in our digital culture, we have a variety of ways to let people know that we are safe. Text messages, voicemail, and different forms of social media can be used to get the information out to loved ones. In 2001, when these attacks__________(1), the cellular network was still growing and was not as robust as it is today.

      This letter is just one of the many objects that The National Museum of American History_________ (2) since 2001. To learn more, visit our online exhibition September 11th: Bearing Witness to History.

              Adapted from


In the sentence "the cellular network... was not as robust as it is today" (paragraph 4), the word robust means
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