Questões Militares
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“Bright Star is a joint exercise. It is _____ important part of combat training. Servicemen and women from _____ army, navy and air force participate in _____ exercise. It takes place in _____ north-east of Egypt, near _____ Mediterranean. They practise military skills.”
“As a soldier you may not make _____ money but you’ll make _____ true friends. Perhaps you’ll have _____ idle time than you expected but you’ll get a lot of glory in serving in your country.”
COMBAT ARMS NCO ACADEMY (ESA), Três Corações – Sergeant Major Rodrigo Pereira Menezes __________ (be) 17 years old when he ________ (decide) to become an NCO. He _______ (join) the Brazilian Army in March 7, 1994. He _______ (be) in the Army for 29 years. Since his graduation, he _______ (serve) in five different states across Brazil. For his exemplary service and impeccable career, the Combat Arms NCO Academy awards SGT MAJ Menezes with the prize NCO of the Year.
The Soldier’s Life: Radio Basics
Radios are vital military tools. They allow soldiers to stay in contact during combat and other operations. Most radios are made to hop frequencies. This system prevents enemy from listening to the full conversations. The SINCGARS (man-pack) and AN/PRC-148 (handheld) are common military radios.
Choose the right option to answer the question: What’s the meaning of “stay in contact” in the text?
Four soldiers were injured yesterday because a bomb ________ (explode) near their armored vehicle. The incident _______ (happen) at 4.30 pm while the soldiers _______ (return) to base after a routine patrol. Their vehicle _______ (travel) along the High Street when suddenly they _______ (have) to slow down because a bomb which was hidden in a rubbish bin _______ (explode).
A pistol is a sidearm. Soldiers can aim and fire it with one hand. Pistols are _____ than other firearms, making them useful in close combat.
No território brasileiro havia inúmeros grupos indígenas, que cultivavam rivalidades e construíam alianças entre si, muito antes da chegada dos portugueses. Essa interação passou a incluir os europeus quando estes iniciaram a exploração do Brasil. Nesse contexto, a fundação da cidade do Rio de Janeiro foi consequência de um processo que envolveu os:
Analise o mapa a seguir.
Qual estratégia geopolítica, representada no mapa, foi adotada pela Coroa
Portuguesa para ocupar o território amazônico, durante o século XVIII?
A partir do texto IV, leia as assertivas abaixo e depois responda:
I. A tirinha mostra uma ideia de linha do tempo da evolução da comunicação.
II. A ironia do texto está no último personagem que se assemelha ao primeiro, embora esteja com um artefato tecnológico moderno em mãos.
III. Ao lermos a tirinha, podemos inferir que o homem evoluiu na mesma medida da tecnologia.
Diante dos dados, marque o item correto:
A partir do trecho abaixo, retirado do Texto III:
“E o Brasil, por seus filhos amado,
Poderoso e feliz há de ser.”
Assinale a alternativa que faz a análise sintática correta dos termos do trecho.