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I. O prazo de validade do concurso público será de até dois anos, prorrogável uma vez, por igual período
II. A administração pública obedecerá aos princípios de legalidade, impessoalidade, moralidade, publicidade e eficiência.
III. É garantido ao servidor militar o direito à livre associação sindical.
IV. É vedada a vinculação ou equiparação de quaisquer espécies remuneratórias para o efeito de remuneração de pessoal do serviço público.
Estão CORRETAS as assertivas:
I. Prevalência dos direitos humanos. II. Intervenção federal. llI. Cooperação entre os povos indígenas. IV. Concessão de asilo político.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA. São princípios previstos no art. 4º da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 os dispostos nos itens:
sofreram violência doméstica.
Do depoimento transcrito a seguir, foram extraídas frases as quais estão apresentadas isoladamente na sequência.
Preencha as lacunas do texto com as frases destacadas e, a seguir, assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência CORRETA na ordem de cima para baixo:
“Angela's story:
In my case, it started as verbal abuse. I'd known my pariner for 20 years and he was a good person. ________________________. After his mum died, he bought several guns including a machete and a shotgun. He became more combative, not only with me but with others and through his social media. I couldn't do anything right.
One evening in early November it turned physical. We were having a conversation and at some point it escalated and I asked him to leave. I walked over to the door, opened it and said we could have the Conversation another day. - ___________________ I managed to yell for our oldest son and he got off of me and left.
We'd broken up, but we were starting to work thin
9S Out again, when one morning we had a disagreement.________________________ I can only remember the last two gunshots. _____________________ - He retumed with my cel! phone and | told him to dial 911. I felt as though I was dying. My legs felt prickly. I didn't realize he'd shot me in the back and I was already paralyzed. (...)
Fonte: httos!/AMww.amnesty.ora/en/latestnews/201 9/10/aun-violence-report/
l. He grabbed me by the hood of my Sweatshirt, threw me out my door and got on top of me and started choking me.
II. was in the bathtub, when he came in and shot me.
lIl. He started changing in 2015.
IV. I look upathim and he Says “Look what you made me do Angie", “You made me shoot you.
Leia o trecho da reportagem a seguir e responda o que se
Peru: Parents
arrested for sexually abusing baby, selling images
19 May 2021 - Specialized
officers across four continents raced to remove the child from harm.
Authorities in Peru have arrested a couple accused of
producing sexual abuse material of their two-month old baby, following an
international effort to save the child from harm. In early April, specialized
investigators in Canada and Australia contacted INTERPOL after identifying a
user who was not only sharing abusive images, but also offering to produce
additional material in exchange for payment. Investigators worked to gather
data on the suspect, who had been active on Darknet forums since 2014. Further
analysis showed that the same user had recently sought advice on child and
organ trafficking. [...]
Considerando as informações contidas no texto, assinale a alternativa CORRETA: