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Q2201208 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question.

The pursuit of happiness can end in pain  

Maggie Mulqueen, psychologist  

Adapted from

According to the text, we can infer that  
Q2201207 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question.

The pursuit of happiness can end in pain  

Maggie Mulqueen, psychologist  

Adapted from

The expression from the text that has the formula ‘adjective+noun’ is  
Q2201206 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

How sleep transformed professional football

       A few decades ago, professional footballers spent their nights partying. Now, they are much more aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
     The change began in the mid-1990s, when mattress salesman Nick Littlehales contacted the manager of the Manchester United football team, Alex Ferguson, asking whether he had ever considered how sleep affected performance on the pitch. Interested, Ferguson arranged for Littlehales to give a presentation to his team.
        Gradually, club managers began to pay more attention to scientific sleep research, and for good reason. (...)
         Now, many teams and players are making an effort to improve their sleep patterns, using various means. James Milner from Manchester City found it hard to sleep after evening games, so would play computer games into the early hours. As a result, he was too tired to train the following morning. Since these interventions are cheap and effective, even the less well-known teams can benefit. (...)
          Whereas in the past, playing after a party and a few hours’ sleep was seen as a badge of honour, a good sleep is now considered an essential part of performance.
Adapted from
Choose the alternative which best describes the text. 
Q2201205 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

How sleep transformed professional football

       A few decades ago, professional footballers spent their nights partying. Now, they are much more aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
     The change began in the mid-1990s, when mattress salesman Nick Littlehales contacted the manager of the Manchester United football team, Alex Ferguson, asking whether he had ever considered how sleep affected performance on the pitch. Interested, Ferguson arranged for Littlehales to give a presentation to his team.
        Gradually, club managers began to pay more attention to scientific sleep research, and for good reason. (...)
         Now, many teams and players are making an effort to improve their sleep patterns, using various means. James Milner from Manchester City found it hard to sleep after evening games, so would play computer games into the early hours. As a result, he was too tired to train the following morning. Since these interventions are cheap and effective, even the less well-known teams can benefit. (...)
          Whereas in the past, playing after a party and a few hours’ sleep was seen as a badge of honour, a good sleep is now considered an essential part of performance.
Adapted from
Which tag question would be correct for the sentence underlined in the text? 
Q2201204 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

How sleep transformed professional football

       A few decades ago, professional footballers spent their nights partying. Now, they are much more aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
     The change began in the mid-1990s, when mattress salesman Nick Littlehales contacted the manager of the Manchester United football team, Alex Ferguson, asking whether he had ever considered how sleep affected performance on the pitch. Interested, Ferguson arranged for Littlehales to give a presentation to his team.
        Gradually, club managers began to pay more attention to scientific sleep research, and for good reason. (...)
         Now, many teams and players are making an effort to improve their sleep patterns, using various means. James Milner from Manchester City found it hard to sleep after evening games, so would play computer games into the early hours. As a result, he was too tired to train the following morning. Since these interventions are cheap and effective, even the less well-known teams can benefit. (...)
          Whereas in the past, playing after a party and a few hours’ sleep was seen as a badge of honour, a good sleep is now considered an essential part of performance.
Adapted from
Choose the opposite to the adjective “cheap” in bold in the fourth paragraph. 
Q2201202 Português
Considerando as regras de concordância verbal, marque a alternativa cujo verbo em destaque pode ir para o plural.
Q2201201 Português
Leia o poema e assinale a alternativa correta.
Pequenos tormentos da vida
“De cada lado da sala de aula, pelas janelas altas, o / azul convida os meninos, / as nuvens desenrolam-se, lentas como quem vai inventando / preguiçosamente uma / história sem fim... Sem fim é a aula: e nada acontece, / nada... Bocejos e moscas. Se ao menos, pensa Margarida, se ao menos um / avião entrasse por uma janela e saísse por outra!” (Mário Quintana)
Existe hipérbole no trecho: 
Q2201200 Português
Considerando o gênero dos substantivos, assinale a alternativa correta.
     “Achava-se ali de passagem, era hóspede. Sim, senhor, hóspede que demorava demais, tomava amizade à casa, ao curral, ao chiqueiro das cabras, ao juazeiro que os tinha abrigado uma noite”. (Graciliano Ramos)  
Q2201199 Português
Em relação à concordância nominal, assinale a alternativa incorreta.  
Q2201198 Português
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto à pontuação.  
Q2201197 Português
Em “Meninas numa tarde brincavam de roda na praça.”(Geraldo França de Lima), os termos em destaque, do ponto de vista sintático, são classificados como 
Q2201196 Português
Leia o trecho seguinte.
Circuito fechado
      “Chinelo, vaso, descarga. Pia, sabonete. Água. Escova, creme dental, água, espuma, creme de barbear, pincel, espuma, gilete, água, cortina, sabonete, água fria, água quente, toalha. Creme para cabelo, pente. (...)” (Ricardo Ramos)
Reescrevendo-se as frases, em qual alternativa há somente predicado verbal?
Q2201195 Português
Avalie as afirmações abaixo sobre a palavra em destaque.
No período “Contextualizado no fim do século XIX, no Rio de Janeiro, Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma, o principal romance de Lima Barreto, narra as ideias e frustrações do funcionário público Policarpo Quaresma, homem metódico e nacionalista fanático”. (Cereja e Magalhães)
I- Caso o acento fosse suprimido, seria formada uma palavra inexistente na língua portuguesa. II- A palavra elétrico segue a mesma regra de acentuação. III- É classificada como um adjetivo uniforme. IV- Segue a mesma regra da flexão numérica dos substantivos.
Está correto o que se afirma em 
Q2201194 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o uso correto da crase obedece à mesma regra aplicada na oração “Chamou as filhas e entregou a chave à mais velha.” 
Q2201193 Português
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta classificação incorreta da oração reduzida em destaque. 
Q2201192 Português
Assinale a alternativa cujo termo em destaque pode ser substituído por um pronome pessoal reto. 
Q2201191 Português
Marque a alternativa em que há erro de regência nominal.  
Q2201190 Português
O grau do adjetivo destacado em “[...] Se soubesse, não teria falado, mas falei pela veneração, pela estima, pelo afeto, para cumprir um dever amargo, um dever amaríssimo.” (Machado de Assis) é classificado como 
Q2201189 Português
       “O sertanejo é, antes de tudo, um forte. Não tem o raquitismo exaustivo dos mestiços neurastênicos do litoral.      A sua aparência, entretanto, ao primeiro lance de vista, revela o contrário. Falta-lhe a plástica impecável, o desempenho, a estrutura corretíssima das organizações atléticas.        É desgracioso, desengonçado, torto. Hércules-Quasímodo, reflete no aspecto a fealdade típica dos fracos.” (Euclides da Cunha)         Marque a alternativa cujo termo retirado do trecho acima classifica-se em aposto. 
Q2201188 Português
No trecho Como eu não podia caminhar, Melissa veio ao meu encontro, a oração em destaque é classificada como oração subordinada  
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3122: D
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