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Q997231 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast 

More than 200,000 people ___________ evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China’s east coast, state media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency reports, citing provincial flood control headquarters. 
A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said. The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said. 
Summer is China’s typhoon season, although casualties ____________ minimised in recent years by early government planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones. 

Adapted from

According to the text, we can infer that
Q997230 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast 

More than 200,000 people ___________ evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China’s east coast, state media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency reports, citing provincial flood control headquarters. 
A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said. The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said. 
Summer is China’s typhoon season, although casualties ____________ minimised in recent years by early government planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones. 

Adapted from

Complete the text with the correct alternative.
Q997229 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

To tip, or not to tip? 

The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons. 
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service. 
 usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________. 
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though, your behavior is (important) _____________ than your money. Always treat service providers with respect. 
Adapted from Interchange
“low wages”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to
Q997228 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

To tip, or not to tip? 

The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons. 
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service. 
 usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________. 
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though, your behavior is (important) _____________ than your money. Always treat service providers with respect. 
Adapted from Interchange
According to the text, choose the best response.
In “Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and (...)”, the word “TIP” is closest in meaning to
Q997227 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

To tip, or not to tip? 

The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons. 
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service. 
 usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________. 
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though, your behavior is (important) _____________ than your money. Always treat service providers with respect. 
Adapted from Interchange
In (...) “you are not sure” about how much (...)”, the underlined words are closest in meaning to “you ____________”.  
891: A
892: D
893: C
894: D
895: C