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Q2182906 Inglês
Complete the sentence by writing a word or phrase to emphasize that although something may happen or may be true, another situation remains the same.
There are many reasons why voters might be concerned about violent crime, ______ official statistics do not show an increase in the nation’s total violent crime rate.
Q2182905 Inglês
Read the extracts below and then answer the following questions.


Annual government surveys from the Bureau of Justice Statistics show no recent increase in the U.S. violent crime rate.

In 2021, the most recent year with available data, there were 16.5 violent crimes for every 1,000 Americans ages 12 and older. That was statistically unchanged from the year before, below pre-pandemic levels and far below the rates recorded in the 1990s, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey.
For each of the four violent crime types tracked in the survey – simple assault, aggravated assault, robbery and rape/sexual assault – there was no statistically significant increase either in 2020 or 2021.

The National Crime Victimization Survey is fielded each year among approximately 240,000 Americans ages 12 and older and asks them to describe any recent experiences they have had with crime. The survey counts threatened, attempted and completed crimes, whether or not they were reported to police. Notably, it does not track the most serious form of violent crime, murder, because it is based on interviews with surviving crime victims. 


While the total U.S. violent crime rate does not appear to have increased recently, the most serious form of violent crime – murder – has risen significantly during the pandemic
Both the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a roughly 30% increase in the U.S. murder rate between 2019 and 2020, marking one of the largest year-over-year increases ever recorded. The FBI’s latest data, as well as provisional data from the CDC, suggest that murders continued to rise in 2021. 


Read again the sentence below:
Both the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a roughly 30% increase in the U.S. murder rate between 2019 and 2020, marking one of the largest year-over-year increases ever recorded.
What the word roughly means in the sentence?
Q2182904 Inglês
Read the extracts below and then answer the following questions.


Annual government surveys from the Bureau of Justice Statistics show no recent increase in the U.S. violent crime rate.

In 2021, the most recent year with available data, there were 16.5 violent crimes for every 1,000 Americans ages 12 and older. That was statistically unchanged from the year before, below pre-pandemic levels and far below the rates recorded in the 1990s, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey.
For each of the four violent crime types tracked in the survey – simple assault, aggravated assault, robbery and rape/sexual assault – there was no statistically significant increase either in 2020 or 2021.

The National Crime Victimization Survey is fielded each year among approximately 240,000 Americans ages 12 and older and asks them to describe any recent experiences they have had with crime. The survey counts threatened, attempted and completed crimes, whether or not they were reported to police. Notably, it does not track the most serious form of violent crime, murder, because it is based on interviews with surviving crime victims. 


While the total U.S. violent crime rate does not appear to have increased recently, the most serious form of violent crime – murder – has risen significantly during the pandemic
Both the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a roughly 30% increase in the U.S. murder rate between 2019 and 2020, marking one of the largest year-over-year increases ever recorded. The FBI’s latest data, as well as provisional data from the CDC, suggest that murders continued to rise in 2021. 


Read Text 1 again and check what the underlined words refer to.
Q2169387 Direitos Humanos
Analise as assertivas abaixo:
I. O reconhecimento de que mulheres e meninas com deficiência estão frequentemente expostas a maiores riscos, tanto no lar como fora dele, de sofrer violência, lesões ou abuso, descaso ou tratamento negligente, maus-tratos ou exploração.
II. O destaque para a necessidade de incorporar a perspectiva de gênero aos esforços para promover o pleno exercício dos direitos humanos e liberdades fundamentais por parte das pessoas com deficiência.
III. A garantia de que as crianças com deficiência tenham o direito de expressar livremente sua opinião sobre todos os assuntos que lhe disserem respeito, tenham a sua opinião devidamente valorizada de acordo com sua idade e maturidade, em igualdade de oportunidades com as demais crianças, e recebam atendimento adequado à sua deficiência e idade, para que possam exercer tal direito.
IV. O reconhecimento e promoção do uso de línguas de sinais.
É CORRETO afirmar que correspondem a considerandos constantes expressamente do Preâmbulo da Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência os enunciados: 
Q2169386 Direitos Humanos
Um dos documentos mais significativos do século XX é a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, proclamada pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas em 10 de dezembro de 1948. É CORRETO afirmar que o preâmbulo considera que
121: A
122: D
123: B
124: A
125: E