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Ano: 2023 Banca: FCC Órgão: PM-BA Prova: FCC - 2023 - PM-BA - Soldado |
Q2085893 Português

Atenção: Para responder à questão, leia a crônica O importuno, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, publicada originalmente em 13/07/1966

1.     − Que negócio é esse? Ninguém me atende?

2.     A muito custo, atenderam; isto é, confessaram que não podiam atender, por causa do jogo com a Bulgária.

3. − Mas que tenho eu com o jogo com a Bulgária, façam-me o favor? E os senhores por acaso foram escalados para jogar?

4.     O chefe da seção aproximou-se, apaziguador:

5.   − Desculpe, cavalheiro. Queira voltar na quinta-feira, 14. Quinta-feira não haverá jogo, estaremos mais tranquilos.

6.     − Mas prometeram que meu papel ficaria pronto hoje sem falta.

7.     − Foi um lapso do funcionário que lhe prometeu tal coisa. Ele não se lembrou da Bulgária. O Brasil lutando com a Bulgária, o senhor quer que o nosso pessoal tenha cabeça fria para informar papéis?

8.     − Perdão, o jogo vai ser logo mais, às quinze horas. É meio-dia, e já estão torcendo?

9.     − Ah, meu caro senhor, não critique nossos bravos companheiros, que fizeram o sacrifício de vir à repartição trabalhar quando podiam ficar em casa ou na rua, participando da emoção do povo…

10.     − Se vieram trabalhar, por que não trabalham?

11.     − Porque não podem, ouviu? Porque não podem. O senhor está ficando impertinente. Aliás, disse logo de saída que não tinha nada com o jogo com a Bulgária! O Brasil em guerra − porque é uma verdadeira guerra, como revelam os jornais − nos campos da Europa, e o senhor, indiferente, alienado, perguntando por um vago papel, uma coisinha individual, insignificante, em face dos interesses da pátria!

12.     − Muito bem! Muito bem! − funcionários batiam palmas.

13.     − Mas, perdão, eu… eu…

14.    − Já sei que vai se desculpar. O momento não é para dissensões. O momento é de união nacional, cérebros e corações uníssonos. Vamos, cavalheiro, não perturbe a preparação espiritual dos meus colegas, que estão analisando a Seleção Búlgara e descobrindo meios de frustrar a marcação de Pelé. O senhor acha bem o 4-2-4 ou prefere o 4-3-3?

15.     − Bem, eu… eu…

16.    − Compreendo que não queira opinar. É muita responsabilidade. Eu aliás não forço opinião de ninguém. Esta algazarra que o senhor está vendo resulta da ampla liberdade de opinião com que se discute a formação do selecionado. Todos querem ajudar, por isso cada um tem sua ideia própria, que não se ajusta com a ideia do outro, mas o resultado é admirável. A unidade pela diversidade. Na hora da batalha, formamos uma frente única.

17.     − Está certo, mas será que, voltando na quinta-feira, eu encontro o meu papel pronto mesmo?

18.     − Ah, o senhor é terrível, nem numa hora dessas esquece o seu papelzinho! Eu disse quinta-feira? Sim, certamente, pois é dia de folga no campeonato. Mas espere aí, com quatro jogos na quarta-feira, e o gasto de energia que isso determina, como é que eu posso garantir o seu papel para quinta-feira? Quer saber de uma coisa? Seja razoável, meu amigo, procure colaborar. Procure ser bom brasileiro, volte em agosto, na segunda quinzena de agosto é melhor, depois de comemorarmos a conquista do Tri.

19.     − E… se não conquistarmos?

20.   − Não diga uma besteira dessas! Sai, azar! Vá-se embora, antes que eu perca a cabeça e… 21.     Vozes indignadas:

22.     − Fora! Fora!

23.     O servente sobe na cadeira e comanda o coro:

24.     − Bra-sil! Bra-sil! Bra-sil!

25.     Estava salva a honra da torcida, e o importuno retirou-se precipitadamente.

(Adaptado de: ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. Quando é dia de futebol. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2014)

Na crônica, o chefe da seção acusa o homem que foi à repartição em busca de um documento de ser
Q2078860 Inglês
Read the text, and analyse the statements below to answer.
The relationship of fire with the evolutionary history of vegetation in Brazil
Brazil's biomes and ecosystems differ in their response and vulnerability to fire. Ecosystems characterized by the dominance of grasses – grasslands and savannas – coevolved with fire, and their plants and animals show several adaptations and synergies with fire; therefore, they are considered as fire-dependent from an ecological perspective. The opposite is true for the country's tropical forests that are not fire-adapted and do not easily burn, unless when suffering extreme drought or degradation that can make them more vulnerable to fire. When these forests do burn, fire can cause severe negative effects on their biodiversity, and thus they are considered as fire-sensitive. Natural fire regimes have been modified by human activities – usually related to land use practices or due to climate extremes linked to global warming and to climate change – and often towards higher frequency and extent, as well as altered seasons. Such altered fire regimes usually bring negative effects, not only on biodiversity but also on ecosystem processes and services for human populations. However, in the case of most protected areas, fire has been banished even though the ecosystem is firedependent, what will also lead to important ecological changes and often to a rather rapid loss of their natural characteristics. The trade-offs among the distinct effects of fire on the environment, from biodiversity to ecosystem services, must be considered in all discussions about the fire issue.
    Since colonial times a “Zero Fire” policy prevailed in Brazil, even in fire-dependent ecosystems. Only from the 1970's on, other perspectives on fire have slowly developed, as fire became a subject of scientific studies. By then, negative effects of fire exclusion in fire-dependent ecosystems, such as loss of biodiversity and fuel buildup that would lead to catastrophic fires, have been documented. From 2008 on, an Integrated Fire Management Strategy (IFM) was developed and has been increasingly applied in federal protected areas. Besides controlling fuel and decreasing the risk of wildfire, this strategy allows for the integration of traditional fire management practices of local people or at least sets a framework to find joint solutions in the case of conflicts. Despite successes, IFM is yet not widely implemented across the country, and remains restricted to a relatively small number of protected areas, mainly in the firedependent Cerrado. For private land, no general fire management strategy exists. Fires are used for different purposes: in the context of land clearing for future agricultural use (deforestation fires), to manage agricultural or grazing systems, or as part of slash-and-burn systems (swidden cultivation) often practiced by subsistence farmers. While fire may be legally used for agricultural purposes (requiring authorization), a great part of the current fires is illegal, especially when associated with deforestation and suppression of native vegetation. In some cases, policy has been able to reduce the use of fire when alternatives exist, e.g., in sugarcane plantations in the southeastern region. In other types of land management, however, fire remains a cheap and, at the moment, often the only feasible alternative for smallholders exist, but support is needed for their implementation and to allow market access to local producers who change their land management. A clear general strategy to deal with fire on private land – allowing its controlled use when it is overall beneficial, and avoiding it where negative effects overwhelm – still needs to be developed.
(Available: Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation Volume 19, Issue 3, July–September 2021, Pages 233-255. Adapted.)
Choose the sequence matching text and assertions’ analysis. ( ) A long rain lack might be able to prompt the susceptibility to fire in rain forests. ( ) Fire’s negative effects overwhelm in smallholders’ lands due to livelihood tilling. ( ) A “Zero Fire” police had been in action since colonial times, but it changed round about the 1970’s. ( ) The fire-dependent Cerrado remains the focus of Integrated Fire Management Strategy (IFM) on private and protected areas alike. ( ) It is clear that a general strategy to deal with fire on private and public lands still needs to be averted, if the aim is to allow fire controlled use.

Q2078859 Inglês
Read the text, and analyse assertions I and II to answer.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
    The pandemic and the remote learning that followed highlighted what educators have known for a long time: that learning is a highly individualized endeavor, and everyone learns in different ways and at different speeds. At a time when many parents and educators are concerned about students falling behind due to covid-related illness or school closures, the stakes for keeping kids on track couldn’t be higher.
     Even before the pandemic, schools’ reliance on one-sizefits-all learning activities and assessments had calamitous results for students. Students who are continuously behind their peers in reading level become defeated and lose interest in learning – a pattern that continues into their adult life. With 85% of all curriculum based on text(books, handouts, assessments), providing students with an equitable education also means providing an equitable experience with literacy and reading comprehension. The good news is that there is a solution: personalized digital text. This can make a huge difference for students who are struggling readers, both in terms of academic achievement and with the confidence gained by becoming a successful reader. And it turns out that these features benefit all students, not just struggling readers. Even students who are already successful can become more efficient and literate readers.
    Tech companies like Adobe are already developing solutions to literacy inequities. Apps like Acrobat Reader have integrated “Liquid Mode”, where users can customize the size, character and line spacing of digital texts in PDF documents. The ability of textbook companies, websites and digital book publishers to adopt similar features and standards provides opportunities for learners of all levels to reach their true potential. The problem with literacy may not be the reader, but the reading material.
(Available: Adapted.)
I. Technology is enabling the reading of texts which display lexicon issues. II. Evaluation is mostly grounded in texts, and thus depends on literacy command. 
Point out the correct item 
Q2078858 Inglês

Read the text to answer.

Effect of Protective Clothing and Fatigue on Firefighters’ Functional Balance

     Every year, more than 38,000 firefighters are injured on the fireground. Among causes of moderate or severe injuries of firefighters, slips, trips, and falls are the most significant cause (28%) of firefighting injuries, followed by overexertion (23%), struck by objects (17%), exposure to detrimental environment (15%), and others (17%). Firefighters regularly work in hot, smoky, and slippery fireground conditions with many obstacles and to provide protection under these circumstances, they wear fully encapsulating “bunker gear style” personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes bunker coat, bunker pants, boots, helmet, face mask, gloves, and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The primary design requirements for firefighting PPE are to provide protection from the by-products of combustion, but current designs and typical materials have significant negative impacts on balance, mobility, thermoregulation etc. Furthermore, during emergency operations, firefighters may become fatigued by the strenuous firefighting activity and heat stress, which can further impair balance control.

    In spite of the obvious benefits of PPE in protecting firefighters from heat, smoke and fire, the use of PPE may negatively affect firefighters’ functional balance. Functional balance is defined as the ability to prevent a loss of balance and maintain body posture while performing functional tasks. Wearing PPE may impair the functional balance of firefighters due to its heavy weight, bulkiness of the material, and a SCBA face mask, which limits vision. Wearing PPE also changes the firefighter’s center of gravity, increases fatigue, and imposes physiological burdens, e.g., increased oxygen consumption and heart rate. The heavy, insulative aspect of PPE also contributes to increased metabolic work done by the firefighter, resulting in increased heat stress that might negatively impact functional balance. During firefighting activity, heat stress and the resulting elevation in body temperature hastens muscular fatigue, promotes dehydration, increases cardiovascular strain, and interferes with cognitive function. While relatively few studies have investigated the effects of firefighting PPE on functional balance, no studies have been found related to the effects of fatigue due to firefighting activity on the functional balance of firefighters.

(P. Hur, KS Rosengren, GP Horn, DL Smith. – 2013. Adapted.)

According to text content, it is consistent to state that:
Q2078857 Inglês

Analyse the image to answer 47.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão


Linguistic knowledge strengthens by means of language practice, together with analysis, and insight about its use, always considering context in articulation with reading, writing, and speaking. Having observed verbal and non verbal data in the featured image, it is possible to claim that the building of humor is based on: 
331: B
332: C
333: B
334: C
335: E