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Q2172836 Matemática
Considere um quadrado de lado igual a π unidades de comprimento e um círculo de raio medindo R unidades de comprimento. Se as áreas dessas duas figuras são iguais, quanto deve medir o raio R do círculo?

Q2172835 Matemática
Certa receita pedia que fossem usados “tomates” no preparo de certo alimento, sem mais instruções. Um homem, que nunca havia cozinhado, teve várias dúvidas sobre o preparo e percebeu que não havia uma forma única de se usar os tomates. Ao ir ao supermercado, viu que havia a opção de comprar “tomate cereja”, “tomate saladete” e “tomate longa vida”. Em casa, ficou em dúvida se deixaria com ou sem pele, da mesma forma que não sabia se deixava as sementes ou retirava. Se considerarmos todas as maneiras de se cozinhar, desde a escolha do tipo de tomate, escolher deixar ou retirar a pele, deixar ou retirar as sementes, quantas são essas maneiras?
Q2172834 Matemática
Certa mercadoria era vendida a R$200,00 a unidade e teve um aumento de 25%, chegando a custar R$250,00. Caso o dono deseje dar um desconto sobre os R$250,00 para que o valor volte a ser R$200,00, qual deve ser o percentual de desconto?
Q2172833 Matemática
Durante uma patrulha diária, uma viatura se desloca com uma velocidade média de 40Km/h, completando certo percurso em 3 horas. Em quanto tempo faria esse mesmo percurso se a velocidade utilizada fosse de 48 km/h?
Q2172832 Inglês

People who read books are nicer than those who don’t, study finds.

People often think that, yes, books make you smarter but at the same time people who read a lot struggle when it comes to social relationships. A new study reveals that this is not true. In fact, reading could actually make you a _____, _____ person. It also makes you act in a _____ acceptable manner.

The study, conducted by Kingston University in London, involved 124 participants. Participants were quizzed on their preferences for books, TV, and plays. They were also tested on interpersonal skills including how much they considered other people’s feelings and whether they acted to help others.

The study found that those who preferred books were more likely to act in a socially acceptable manner compared to those who preferred watching TV. Those who preferred watching TV, on the other hand, came across as less friendly and less understanding of others’ views.

However, not all types of books tend to have the same effect. The study shows that the type of literature you choose also has a huge impact on your emotional intelligence. In particular, the study revealed that fiction fans showed more positive social behavior while readers of drama and romance novels were found to be the most empathic. In the same vein, fans of experimental books were most able to see things from alternative perspectives, and readers who favored comedy fans were best at relating to others.

“Exposure to fiction relates to a range of empathetic abilities […] Engaging with fictional prose and comedy in particular could be key to enhancing people’s empathetic abilities,” said the researchers during the British Psychological Society conference in Brighton. It should be borne in mind, however, that the study did not prove cause-and-effect. It may very well be that nicer people are more drawn to reading books.

Adapted from: Accessed on: 28 Feb. 2023.
The following extract, Text 2, comes from the introductory paragraph of the article:
In fact, reading could actually make you a _____, _____ person. It also makes you act in a _____ acceptable manner.
The alternative with the sequence of words that accurately completes the extract is

61: B
62: A
63: C
64: B
65: B