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Q2247704 Direito Penal
Quando o agente, mediante mais de uma ação ou omissão, pratica dois ou mais crimes, idênticos ou não, aplicam-se cumulativamente as penas privativas de liberdade em que haja incorrido, Nessa hipótese, ocorre
Q2247703 Direito Penal
Caso um individuo seja preso em flagrante pela prática de furto a uma residência, ele será isento de pena se tiver cometido o crime em prejuízo de
Q2247701 Direito Penal

Em relação ao concurso de pessoas, assinale a opção correta.

Q2247700 Direito Penal

Admite-se punição para a forma tentada de

Q2247699 Direito Penal

Acerca da aplicação da lei penal, assinale a opção correta.

Q2247698 Direito Constitucional
Com base nas normas da CF acerca dos servidores públicos e de aspectos a eles relacionados, assinale a opção correta.

Q2247697 Direito Administrativo
Considerando as disposições gerais da CF acerca da administração pública, assinale a opção correta.

Q2247696 Direito Constitucional
Em relação aos municípios da Federação brasileira, assinale a opção correta.

Q2247695 Direito Constitucional
Na Federação brasileira, os estados 
Q2247694 Direito Constitucional
No Brasil, os partidos políticos
Q2247692 Direito Constitucional
A respeito da eficácia das normas constitucionais, assinale a opção correta.

Q2247691 Direito Constitucional
Considerando os princípios fundamentais, os direitos de nacionalidade e a organização do Estado brasileiro, assinale a opção correta de acordo com a Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF).

Q2237489 Noções de Informática
Assinale a opção em que é indicado o malware cujo objetivo é monitorar as atividades dos sistemas computacionais a partir da coleta de informações pessoais e confidenciais dos usuários, como senhas, histórico de navegação e e-mais, sem o conhecimento do usuário. 
Q2237488 Noções de Informática
Para o envio de dois arquivos, um de texto e outro com uma planilha, por correio eletrônico, é correto utilizar o aplicativo
Q2237487 Noções de Informática
Considerando que o sistema operacional Windows 10 esteja instalado em um computador, assinale a opção correta. 
Q2237486 Noções de Informática
A suíte do escritório LivreOffice, o aplicativo 
Q2237485 Noções de Informática
O endereço eletrônico refere-se 
Q2237484 Inglês

Text 1 A11-II

     "Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt lockling in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death.Which one do may be going 100km/h or faster. That car is zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. You don't have time to stop. The car that you locks up his or her brakes. 

     Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts cramp their style, or that seat belts are unconfortable. To them, I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car, of skidding across the road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives. Let's just take a you can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accidente. Hmmm... A small pleasure for a serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I'll avoid the serious pain.

Internet: <> (adapted).

In text 1 A11-II, the pronoun "their" (second sentence of the second paragraph) refers to
Q2237483 Inglês

Text 1 A11-II

     "Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt lockling in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death.Which one do may be going 100km/h or faster. That car is zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. You don't have time to stop. The car that you locks up his or her brakes. 

     Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts cramp their style, or that seat belts are unconfortable. To them, I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car, of skidding across the road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives. Let's just take a you can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accidente. Hmmm... A small pleasure for a serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I'll avoid the serious pain.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Without changing the meaning of texte 1 A11-II, the sentence "The car is zipping down the road" (seventh sentence of the first paragraph) could be correctly rewritten as
Q2237482 Inglês

Text 1 A11-II

     "Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt lockling in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death.Which one do may be going 100km/h or faster. That car is zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. You don't have time to stop. The car that you locks up his or her brakes. 

     Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts cramp their style, or that seat belts are unconfortable. To them, I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car, of skidding across the road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives. Let's just take a you can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accidente. Hmmm... A small pleasure for a serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I'll avoid the serious pain.

Internet: <> (adapted).

The main purpose oftext 1 A11-II is

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