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Q1986279 Inglês
Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.      For as long as humans have been traversing the seas, ships have been lost to the depths. And _________most vessels that sink beneath the waves are eventually forgotten, some remain prized treasures sought for generations.
(Adapted from https:/ 
Q1986278 Inglês
Which option is grammatically INCORRECT? 
Q1986277 Inglês
Which option is grammatically correct? 
Q1986276 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question. 

COVID Airborne Transmission v. Monkeypox: Key Differences between viruses 

By Aristos Georgiou 

  More than 1,000 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed around the world in several countries where the disease is not usually found - including the United States - raising questions about how the virus is spreading. But can monkeypox, a rare disease that is usually restricted to parts of Central and West Africa, spread via airborne transmission like the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

  Some infectious diseases can spread through airborne transmission via tiny respiratory droplets known as aerosols that can become suspended in the air. These droplets are produced when an individual exhales, sneezes, coughs, talks, or sings, for example. These droplets can contain live viruses or other pathogens that can potentially infect healthy people if they land in the eyes, nose or mouth.

  Airborne transmission does not require face-toface contact, and, in fact, an infected person does not even have to be in the same room as another individual to infect them because the droplets can linger in the air for some time,  

 Several diseases spread through airborne transmission, including measles and chickenpox. Others, meanwhile, can spread via larger respiratory droplets that do not float in the air as easily and fall to the ground faster.

  SARS-CoV-2' spreads through exposure to respiratory fluids containirig the infectious virus, and, while it was not clear if the early stages of the: "CÓVID-19 pandemic, we now kriow that this can include âerosols. poa tt

(Adapted from https://www.neiuswesk com) 

Aerosols are so important for the scientific issues raised in the text because: 
Q1986275 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question. 

COVID Airborne Transmission v. Monkeypox: Key Differences between viruses 

By Aristos Georgiou 

  More than 1,000 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed around the world in several countries where the disease is not usually found - including the United States - raising questions about how the virus is spreading. But can monkeypox, a rare disease that is usually restricted to parts of Central and West Africa, spread via airborne transmission like the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

  Some infectious diseases can spread through airborne transmission via tiny respiratory droplets known as aerosols that can become suspended in the air. These droplets are produced when an individual exhales, sneezes, coughs, talks, or sings, for example. These droplets can contain live viruses or other pathogens that can potentially infect healthy people if they land in the eyes, nose or mouth.

  Airborne transmission does not require face-toface contact, and, in fact, an infected person does not even have to be in the same room as another individual to infect them because the droplets can linger in the air for some time,  

 Several diseases spread through airborne transmission, including measles and chickenpox. Others, meanwhile, can spread via larger respiratory droplets that do not float in the air as easily and fall to the ground faster.

  SARS-CoV-2' spreads through exposure to respiratory fluids containirig the infectious virus, and, while it was not clear if the early stages of the: "CÓVID-19 pandemic, we now kriow that this can include âerosols. poa tt

(Adapted from https://www.neiuswesk com) 

According to the text, which fact called special attention to the spread of monkeypox around the world?  
Q1986274 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question.. 

Unmanned Vessel Plans Need Improvement, Agency Says

By Geoff Ziezulewicz

  While the U.S. Navy is steaming full speed ahead in developing unmanned surface and undersea drones to augment the fleet of the future, the information technology and the artificial intelligence that will drive these platforms remain a work in progress. The sea service needs to better map out its efforts, according to a recent government watchdog report.

  Navy shipbuilding plans call for spending more than $4 billion on such drones over the next five years, but that plan “does not account for the full costs to develop and operate these systems,” a Government Accountability Office report found. 

   Replacing crews requires IT and Al capabilities that the Navy has just begun to examine.

  GAO's audit, which began in October 2020, found that the Navy is “only beginning to assess (unmanned systems”) effects on existing shipbuilding plans.”

  “While the Navy has outlined a plan to spend $4.3 billion on uncrewed maritime systems in its shipbuilding plan, we found that this understates the costs associated with these systems because it does not account for all costs - specifically operations and sustainment, and the digital infrastructure necessary to enable them," the report states.

  Funding unmanned development could also come under pressure from competing shipbuilding demands. The report found that the Navy has yet to stand up criteria for evaluating prototypes or developing better schedules for such prototype efforts. 

  The Navy is looking to introduce several unmanned systems into the fleet in the coming decades, according to GAO, and while some software will be unique to each platform, the Navy also wants to have a lot of common digital infrastructure among these vehicles.

  This digital infrastructure would involve Al capabilities built over time to better help the platforms communicate, sense their surroundings and manage reams of data, the report states.

  Navy officials told GAO that the sea service needs a host of technologies, including simulation software, software for autonomy and mission planning, large datasets for machine learning, as well as commercial tech and software that can be quickly bought and melded into Navy systems.

  Among its recommendations, the report states that the Navy should provide Congress with a cost estimate for the full scope of work that will be required to make unmanned systems part of the fleet, while developing an approach to refine this estimate in the next shipbuilding plan.  

  The service should also establish an “uncrewed maritime systems portfolio” and offer more detail about how it intends to reach its unmanned objectives.

(Adapted from Navy Times. May 2022, p. 15.https://www  

in the sentence “While the U.S. Navy is steaming full speed ahead in developing unmanned surface and undersea drones to augment the fieet [...]" (para. 1), the verb “augment" means:  
Q1986273 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question.. 

Unmanned Vessel Plans Need Improvement, Agency Says

By Geoff Ziezulewicz

  While the U.S. Navy is steaming full speed ahead in developing unmanned surface and undersea drones to augment the fleet of the future, the information technology and the artificial intelligence that will drive these platforms remain a work in progress. The sea service needs to better map out its efforts, according to a recent government watchdog report.

  Navy shipbuilding plans call for spending more than $4 billion on such drones over the next five years, but that plan “does not account for the full costs to develop and operate these systems,” a Government Accountability Office report found. 

   Replacing crews requires IT and Al capabilities that the Navy has just begun to examine.

  GAO's audit, which began in October 2020, found that the Navy is “only beginning to assess (unmanned systems”) effects on existing shipbuilding plans.”

  “While the Navy has outlined a plan to spend $4.3 billion on uncrewed maritime systems in its shipbuilding plan, we found that this understates the costs associated with these systems because it does not account for all costs - specifically operations and sustainment, and the digital infrastructure necessary to enable them," the report states.

  Funding unmanned development could also come under pressure from competing shipbuilding demands. The report found that the Navy has yet to stand up criteria for evaluating prototypes or developing better schedules for such prototype efforts. 

  The Navy is looking to introduce several unmanned systems into the fleet in the coming decades, according to GAO, and while some software will be unique to each platform, the Navy also wants to have a lot of common digital infrastructure among these vehicles.

  This digital infrastructure would involve Al capabilities built over time to better help the platforms communicate, sense their surroundings and manage reams of data, the report states.

  Navy officials told GAO that the sea service needs a host of technologies, including simulation software, software for autonomy and mission planning, large datasets for machine learning, as well as commercial tech and software that can be quickly bought and melded into Navy systems.

  Among its recommendations, the report states that the Navy should provide Congress with a cost estimate for the full scope of work that will be required to make unmanned systems part of the fleet, while developing an approach to refine this estimate in the next shipbuilding plan.  

  The service should also establish an “uncrewed maritime systems portfolio” and offer more detail about how it intends to reach its unmanned objectives.

(Adapted from Navy Times. May 2022, p. 15.https://www  

According to the text, which option is correct?
Q924320 Economia
Comumente, nos estudos sobre a oferta agregada, os economistas costumam incluir a taxa esperada de inflação. Desse modo, no curto ou no longo prazo, há uma curva de oferta agregada correspondente a cada taxa esperada de inflação. Com base nessas informações, assinale a opção que relaciona corretamente as curvas de oferta de curto e longo prazos com a taxa de inflação.
Q924319 Administração Geral
Segundo Maranhão e Macieira (2010), para as organizações, a face mais representativa das medições e avaliações decorrentes são os indicadores. Esses autores afirmam que, idealmente, os indicadores devem satisfazer a duas condições de formulação, que são:
Q924318 Contabilidade de Custos

Um Laboratório Farmacêutico, ao calcular os custos incorridos em determinado mês, apurou os seguintes dados:

• Mão de Obra Direta- $900

• Custos Indiretos de Produção- $600

• Aquisição de matéria-prima- $750

Estoque existente:

• Inicial de Matéria prima- $180

• Inicial de Produtos em elaboração- $270

• Final de Produtos acabados- $300

Com base nesses dados, calcule o Custo da Produção Vendida (CPV) no mês e marque a opção correta.

Q924317 Gestão de Pessoas
A Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) assimila duas posições antagônicas: de um lado, a reivindicação dos empregados quanto ao bem-estar e satisfação no trabalho; e, de outro, o interesse das organizações quanto a seus efeitos potenciadores sobre produtividade e qualidade. Segundo Chiavenato (2015), as necessidades humanas variam conforme as pessoas e a cultura organizacional, a QVT:
Q924315 Matemática
Suponha que a Marinha do Brasil adote em seus cursos o seguinte critério para emissão de Certificado de Conclusão de Curso com Distinção: "Receberão o Certificado de Distinção em Curso de Carreira os militares cuja nota individual final ultrapassar a média das notas da turma mais 0,9 vezes o desvio padrão da turma". Em um determinado curso, a turma foi formada por quatro Sargentos: João, Pedro, Henrique e Silva Lima, que ao final do curso, tiraram respectivamente as notas 7,80; 8,15; 7,85 e 8,10. Com base nessas informações, quantos Sargentos receberam o Certificado com Distinção?
Q924314 Auditoria Governamental
A Instrução Normativa 03/2017 do Ministério da Transparência e Controladoria-Geral da União, ao abordar a abrangência da auditoria interna governamental, define que a estrutura de controles internos dos órgãos e entidades da Administração Pública Federal deve contemplar as três linhas de defesa da gestão. Sobre a abrangência dessas três linhas de defesa, é correto afirmar que:
Q924313 Gerência de Projetos
Segundo Chiavenato (2011), todas as organizações desempenham algum tipo de trabalho, que geralmente envolve operações (trabalhos continuados e constantes) e projetos (trabalhos únicos e temporários) que se superpõem e se entrelaçam. Sobre as características comuns das operações e dos projetos, assinale a opção correta.
Q924312 Contabilidade de Custos
Marque a opção que apresenta somente Custos Indiretos de Produção.
Q924311 Contabilidade Pública

Em relação às despesas classificadas como Restos a Pagar, coloque V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) nas afirmativas, assinalando a seguir a opção que apresenta a sequência correta.

( ) As despesas inscritas em Restos a Pagar Não Processados são aquelas em que já foi transcorrido o estágio da liquidação da despesa.

( ) Restos a Pagar referem-se aos compromissos decorrentes de obrigação de pagamento criados em virtude de lei e reconhecidos após o encerramento do exercício.

( ) Os Restos a Pagar Processados não geram obrigação de pagamento pela Administração Pública por não ter transcorrido o estágio da liquidação da despesa.

( ) A inscrição em Restos a Pagar é feita na data do encerramento do exercício financeiro de emissão da nota de empenho, mediante registros contábeis.

Q924310 Economia
Pode-se afirmar que a composição das importações brasileiras pouco mudou nos últimos 30 anos. Fazem parte de nossa pauta de importações: matérias-primas e produtos intermediários; combustíveis e lubrificantes; bens de capital; bens de consumo duráveis; e bens de consumo não duráveis. Dessa forma, assinale a opção que apresenta corretamente a participação, do maior para o menor valor importado, dos componentes de nossa pauta de importações entre 2000 e 2015.
Q924309 Economia
As teorias do comércio internacional diferenciam-se pelas hipóteses sobre o que determina as possibilidades de produção. Cada uma dessas teorias ou modelos enfatiza ou omite alguns aspectos da realidade. Assinale a opção que apresenta corretamente as hipóteses do modelo sobre o comércio internacional.
Q924308 Contabilidade Pública
O estágio da receita orçamentária pública no qual a autoridade administrativa calcula o montante do tributo devido denomina-se:
Q924307 Economia
As operações de mercado aberto constituem um instrumento de política monetária ágil e de reflexos rápidos. Contudo, no Brasil, desde a segunda metade da década de 70 até o início dos anos 90, esse instrumento sofreu uma série de distorções. Sendo assim, assinale a opção que apresenta uma dessas distorções.
161: C
162: B
163: C
164: B
165: E
166: E
167: D
168: A
169: B
170: B
171: E
172: B
173: B
174: D
175: E
176: A
177: A
178: E
179: B
180: B