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Q1820815 Pedagogia

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Diferentemente do conceito de letramentos (múltiplos), que não faz senão apontar para a multiplicidade e variedade das práticas letradas, valorizadas ou não nas sociedades em geral, o conceito de multiletramentos aponta para dois tipos específicos e importantes de multiplicidade presentes em nossas sociedades, principalmente urbanas, na contemporaneidade: a multiplicidade cultural das populações e a multiplicidade semiótica de constituição dos textos por meio dos quais ela se informa e se comunica.

(ROJO, R.; MOURA, E. (orgs). Multiletramentos na escola. São Paulo: Parábola. 2012. p.13. Adaptado)

O trabalho com multiletramentos na escola

Q1820814 Inglês
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    L2 learning strategies are specific behaviors or thought processes that students use to enhance their own L2 learning. One of the six major groups of L2 learning strategies identified by Oxford (1990) is the one which comprises the “compensatory strategies”, that is, strategies that help the learner make up for missing knowledge. Each instance of L2 use is an opportunity for more L2 learning. Oxford and Ehrman (1995) demonstrated that compensatory strategies are significantly related to L2 proficiency in their study of native-English-speaking learners of foreign languages.
(Oxford, Rebecca: Language Learning Styles and Strategies, In IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 3rd edition. 2002. pp. 362;364. Adaptado

O professor propõe atenção ao contexto e pede ao aluno o sentido da palavra sublinhada no trecho “the one which comprises the “compensatory strategies””. A escolha do aluno deve recair sobre alternativa
Q1820813 Inglês
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L2 learning strategies are specific behaviors or thought processes that students use to enhance their own L2 learning. One of the six major groups of L2 learning strategies identified by Oxford (1990) is the one which comprises the “compensatory strategies”, that is, strategies that help the learner make up for missing knowledge. Each instance of L2 use is an opportunity for more L2 learning. Oxford and Ehrman (1995) demonstrated that compensatory strategies are significantly related to L2 proficiency in their study of native-English-speaking learners of foreign languages.
(Oxford, Rebecca: Language Learning Styles and Strategies, In IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 3rd edition. 2002. pp. 362;364. Adaptado
An activity aimed at developing the learners’ ability to read an authentic English text may require from the students the use of the following compensatory strategy:
Q1820812 Inglês
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    Although English is not the language with the largest number of native or ‘first’ language speakers, it has become a lingua franca. A lingua franca can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each other’s and where one or both speakers are using it as a ‘second’ language.
(HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. 4th ed. Longman, 2007. p.1. Adaptado)
No que concerne ao ensino da língua Inglesa, crescem os desafios para priorizar seu status como lingua franca, especialmente quando questões de política educacional linguística estão envolvidas. Assim, o ensino de inglês como língua franca ou língua internacional implica
Q1820811 Inglês
Collocation is the way in which words co-occur – combinations which, through custom and practice, have come to be seen as normal and acceptable. An acceptable collocation in the English language is being correctly used in alternative
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