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Ano: 2018 Banca: PM-PI Órgão: PM-PI Prova: PM-PI - 2018 - PM-PI - Sargento |
Q1666396 Português

"Em um mundo marcado por conflitos em diferentes regiões, as operações de manutenção da paz das Nações Unidas são a expressão mais visível do compromisso solidário da comunidade internacional com a promoção da paz e da segurança.

Embora não estejam expressamente mencionadas na Carta da ONU, elas funcionam como instrumento para assegurar a presença dessa organização em áreas conflagradas, de modo a incentivar as partes em conflito a superar suas disputas por meio pacífico – razão pela qual não devem ser vistas como forma de intervenção armada."

Historicamente, o Brasil envia soldados para participar de operações de paz. Em 2004, foi criada pelo Conselho de Segurança da ONU a Missão das Nações Unidas para Estabilização do Haiti (Minustah).

De acordo com o texto, essa missão foi criada para

Q1666225 Português
I – Certifiquei-o ___ que uma pessoa muito querida aniversaria neste mês. II – Lembre-se ___ que, baseada em caprichos, não obterá bons resultados. III – Cientificaram -lhe ___ que aquela imagem refletia a alvura de seu mundo interno.
De acordo com a regência verbal, a preposição “de” cabe:
Q1666224 Português
No trecho está dito que: “Há muitos tipos de escravidão e muitos tipos de liberdade”. Do ponto de vista linguístico, especificamente no que concerne à concordância verbal, também seria correto dizer:
Q1666223 Português

A flor da paixão

Os índios a chamavam

de maracuya: alimento da cuia.

Contém passiflorina, um

calmante; pectina, um protetor

Do coração, inimigo do

diabetes. Rica em vitaminas A,

B e C; cálcio, fósforo, ferro. A

fruta é gostosa de tudo quanto

é jeito. E que beleza de flor !

MyltonSeveriano.Almanaque de Cultura e Popular,ano 10,set./2008,n.º 113(com adaptações). 

Na construção da textualidade, assinale a função do conectivo “E”, que inicia a última frase do texto,

Q1666222 Português


   Acontecia o indivíduo apanhar constipação; ficando perrengue, mandava o próprio chamar o doutor e, depois, e a botica para aviar a receita, de cápsulas ou pílulas fedorentas. Doença nefasta era a phtísica, feia era o gálico. Antigamente, os sobrados tinham assombrações, os meninos, lombrigas(...)

Carlos Drumond de Andrade.Poesia completa e prosa.Rio de Janeiro: companhia Jose Aguilar,p.1.184. 

O texto acima está escrito em linguagem de uma época passada.Observe uma outra versão, em linguagem atual.


    Acontecia o indivíduo apanhar um resfriado ; ficando mal , mandava o próprio chamar o doutor e, depois, e à farmácia para aviar a receita, de cápsulas ou pílulas fedorentas. Doença nefasta era a tuberculose, feia era sífilis. Antigamente,os sobrados tinham assombrações, os meninos, vermes(...)

Comparando-se esses dois textos, verifica-se que, na segunda versão houve mudanças relativas a: 

Q1666221 Português

Marque a alternativa correta

___ três anos que não __ vejo .

Q1666220 Português
Os períodos seguintes representam diferença e pontuação.Analise a letra que corresponde o período de pontuação correta.
Q1666219 Português

Novos Empregos

Quem folheia os classificados de emprego pode ter notado uma diferença.Em meio aos anúncios de empresas contratando engenheiros. arquitetos e advogados, há vagas para gestores de mudanças, webmasters, site aequisitors e uma série de outras funções com nomes igualmente estranhos. Essas profissões são as mais recente transformação feita no mercado de trabalho, principalmente em função da tecnologia.A popularização da Internet deu origem a algumas profissões. Uma delas é o webmaster, responsável por desenvolver e manter em funcionamentos os sites.

No texto haverá erro de regência caso se faça a substituição da expressão.

Q1666218 Português
Em termos linguísticos, a visão tradicional sobre a variação das línguas equivale, sob a luz das ciências, à ideia de que o sol é que gira em torno da terra. (Dante Luchesi,in Bravo !)
A respeito das estruturas gráfica e morfológica de palavras do texto acima, julgue os itens a seguir e marque a opção correta:
I- O grupo fonêmico/lingu/constitui o radical de “linguísticos”(linha 1). II- Em “variação”(linha 1),houve agregação de sufixo ao adjetivo primitivo vário, com perda da vogal temática. III- A pluralização de “Sol”(linha 2)exigirá acentuação gráfica pelo mesmo motivo da acentuação de “ideia”(linha 2).
Q1666217 Português
Qual é a alternativa que contém a frase corretamente acentuada?
Q1666216 Português
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as palavras grafadas corretamente.
Q1665280 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

How the American Dream has changed

The phrase ‘American Dream’ was officially coined just under 90 years ago in a book called The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams. He argued it was “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

Today: No single American Dream?

For some today the American Dream means a chance for fame and celebrity, while for others it means succeeding through the old adage of family values and hard work. Still others believe that the American Dream just represents a world closed to all but the elite with their wealth and contacts […]. Meanwhile, surveys have found that almost half of all millennials believe the American Dream is dead. In an ever-changing country, the idea of what the American Dream means to different people is changing too.

(Disponível em:

One meaning described in the paragraph related to the American Dream today is that:
Q1665279 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

How the American Dream has changed

The phrase ‘American Dream’ was officially coined just under 90 years ago in a book called The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams. He argued it was “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

Today: No single American Dream?

For some today the American Dream means a chance for fame and celebrity, while for others it means succeeding through the old adage of family values and hard work. Still others believe that the American Dream just represents a world closed to all but the elite with their wealth and contacts […]. Meanwhile, surveys have found that almost half of all millennials believe the American Dream is dead. In an ever-changing country, the idea of what the American Dream means to different people is changing too.

(Disponível em:

According to the part of the text that starts with “For some today the American Dream…”, how many different meanings can be related to the American Dream today? 

Q1665278 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

How the American Dream has changed

The phrase ‘American Dream’ was officially coined just under 90 years ago in a book called The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams. He argued it was “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

Today: No single American Dream?

For some today the American Dream means a chance for fame and celebrity, while for others it means succeeding through the old adage of family values and hard work. Still others believe that the American Dream just represents a world closed to all but the elite with their wealth and contacts […]. Meanwhile, surveys have found that almost half of all millennials believe the American Dream is dead. In an ever-changing country, the idea of what the American Dream means to different people is changing too.

(Disponível em:

According to the text, it is correct to say that James Truslow Adams: 
Q1665277 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

How the American Dream has changed

The phrase ‘American Dream’ was officially coined just under 90 years ago in a book called The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams. He argued it was “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

Today: No single American Dream?

For some today the American Dream means a chance for fame and celebrity, while for others it means succeeding through the old adage of family values and hard work. Still others believe that the American Dream just represents a world closed to all but the elite with their wealth and contacts […]. Meanwhile, surveys have found that almost half of all millennials believe the American Dream is dead. In an ever-changing country, the idea of what the American Dream means to different people is changing too.

(Disponível em:

In the first sentence of the text, the underlined words mean that ‘American Dream’ was:
Q1665276 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

More Than Just Children’s Books

Krumulus, a small bookstore in Germany, has everything a kid could want: parties, readings, concerts, plays, puppet shows, workshops and book clubs.

“I knew it was going to be very difficult to open a bookstore, everyone tells you you’re crazy, there will be no future,” says Anna Morlinghaus, Krumulus’s founder. Still, she wanted to try. A month before her third son was born, she opened the store in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district.

BERLIN — On a recent Saturday afternoon, a hush fell in the bright, airy “reading-aloud” room at Krumulus, a small children’s bookstore in Berlin, as Sven Wallrodt, one of the store’s employees, stood up to speak. Brandishing a newly published illustrated children’s book about the life of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, he looked at the crowd of eager, mostly school-aged children and their parents. “Welcome to this book presentation”, he said. “If you fall asleep, snore quietly”. Everyone laughed, but no one fell asleep. An hour later, the children followed Wallrodt down to the bookstore’s basement workshop, where he showed them how Gutenberg fit leaden block letters into a metal plate. Then the children printed their own bookmark using a technique similar to Gutenberg’s, everyone was thrilled.

(Disponível em:

Taking into consideration the expression “Brandishing a newly published illustrated children’s book”, it is correct to say that Sven Wallrodt was: 
Q1665275 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

More Than Just Children’s Books

Krumulus, a small bookstore in Germany, has everything a kid could want: parties, readings, concerts, plays, puppet shows, workshops and book clubs.

“I knew it was going to be very difficult to open a bookstore, everyone tells you you’re crazy, there will be no future,” says Anna Morlinghaus, Krumulus’s founder. Still, she wanted to try. A month before her third son was born, she opened the store in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district.

BERLIN — On a recent Saturday afternoon, a hush fell in the bright, airy “reading-aloud” room at Krumulus, a small children’s bookstore in Berlin, as Sven Wallrodt, one of the store’s employees, stood up to speak. Brandishing a newly published illustrated children’s book about the life of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, he looked at the crowd of eager, mostly school-aged children and their parents. “Welcome to this book presentation”, he said. “If you fall asleep, snore quietly”. Everyone laughed, but no one fell asleep. An hour later, the children followed Wallrodt down to the bookstore’s basement workshop, where he showed them how Gutenberg fit leaden block letters into a metal plate. Then the children printed their own bookmark using a technique similar to Gutenberg’s, everyone was thrilled.

(Disponível em:

Taking into consideration the last sentence of the text, it is correct to say that after the workshop everybody was:
Q1665274 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

More Than Just Children’s Books

Krumulus, a small bookstore in Germany, has everything a kid could want: parties, readings, concerts, plays, puppet shows, workshops and book clubs.

“I knew it was going to be very difficult to open a bookstore, everyone tells you you’re crazy, there will be no future,” says Anna Morlinghaus, Krumulus’s founder. Still, she wanted to try. A month before her third son was born, she opened the store in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district.

BERLIN — On a recent Saturday afternoon, a hush fell in the bright, airy “reading-aloud” room at Krumulus, a small children’s bookstore in Berlin, as Sven Wallrodt, one of the store’s employees, stood up to speak. Brandishing a newly published illustrated children’s book about the life of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, he looked at the crowd of eager, mostly school-aged children and their parents. “Welcome to this book presentation”, he said. “If you fall asleep, snore quietly”. Everyone laughed, but no one fell asleep. An hour later, the children followed Wallrodt down to the bookstore’s basement workshop, where he showed them how Gutenberg fit leaden block letters into a metal plate. Then the children printed their own bookmark using a technique similar to Gutenberg’s, everyone was thrilled.

(Disponível em:

Based on the text, consider the following items:
1. The name of the person who established a small bookstore in Germany. 2. The procedures a person has to undergo in order to open a bookstore in Germany. 3. Some of the activities Krumulus can make available for children. 4. The neighborhood where the entrepreneur decided to open her bookstore.
The item(s) that can be found in the text is/are:
Q1665273 Inglês

O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

More Than Just Children’s Books

Krumulus, a small bookstore in Germany, has everything a kid could want: parties, readings, concerts, plays, puppet shows, workshops and book clubs.

“I knew it was going to be very difficult to open a bookstore, everyone tells you you’re crazy, there will be no future,” says Anna Morlinghaus, Krumulus’s founder. Still, she wanted to try. A month before her third son was born, she opened the store in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district.

BERLIN — On a recent Saturday afternoon, a hush fell in the bright, airy “reading-aloud” room at Krumulus, a small children’s bookstore in Berlin, as Sven Wallrodt, one of the store’s employees, stood up to speak. Brandishing a newly published illustrated children’s book about the life of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, he looked at the crowd of eager, mostly school-aged children and their parents. “Welcome to this book presentation”, he said. “If you fall asleep, snore quietly”. Everyone laughed, but no one fell asleep. An hour later, the children followed Wallrodt down to the bookstore’s basement workshop, where he showed them how Gutenberg fit leaden block letters into a metal plate. Then the children printed their own bookmark using a technique similar to Gutenberg’s, everyone was thrilled.

(Disponível em:

In relation to the owner of the bookshop, it is correct to say that:

Q1665244 Português

Leia o trecho abaixo, de Relato de um certo oriente, de Milton Hatoum:

No meu íntimo, creio que deixei a família e a cidade também por não suportar a convivência estúpida com os serviçais. Lembro Dorner dizer que o privilégio aqui no norte não decorre apenas da posse de riquezas.

– Aqui reina uma forma estranha de escravidão – opinava Dorner. – A humilhação e a ameaça são o açoite; a comida e a integração ilusória à família do senhor são as correntes e golilhas.

Havia alguma verdade nesta sentença.

(HATOUM, Milton. Relato de um certo oriente. São Paulo:

Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 88.)

A respeito desse romance, considere as seguintes afirmativas:

1. Quem narra essa parte do relato é Hakim, filho preferido de Emilie, a quem ela ensinou o árabe na infância e que muito jovem se mudaria para o Sul do Brasil, jamais vendo a mãe novamente.

2. Dorner é um comerciante alemão, concorrente da loja da família de Emilie, a Parisiense, mas que se mantivera próximo à família por sua antiga amizade com Emir, o irmão suicida da matriarca.

3. O julgamento de Dorner, com o qual o narrador concorda, é injusto, e o tratamento cordial que toda a família de Emilie dedica à serviçal Anastácia Socorro é prova desse equívoco.

4. A referência à escravidão permite que se localize a ação de Relato de um certo oriente no final do século XIX, período em que o Ciclo da Borracha atraiu imigrantes para a região Norte.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

3621: B
3622: A
3623: C
3624: B
3625: A
3626: A
3627: C
3628: D
3629: D
3630: D
3631: B
3632: D
3633: B
3634: A
3635: E
3636: C
3637: B
3638: D
3639: A
3640: A