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I. São exemplos de objetivos fundamentais da República Federativa do Brasil: garantir o desenvolvimento nacional; promover o bem de todos, sem preconceitos de origem, raça, sexo, cor, idade e quaisquer outras formas de discriminação; e construir uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária.
II. São exemplos de princípios que regem a República Federativa do Brasil em suas relações internacionais: independência nacional; não-intervenção; repúdio ao terrorismo e ao racismo; erradicação da pobreza e da marginalização para reduzir desigualdades sociais e regionais; solução pacífica dos conflitos e defesa da paz.
III. São fundamentos da República Federativa do Brasil: a soberania; a dignidade da pessoa humana; o pluralismo político; a cidadania; e os valores sociais do trabalho e da livre iniciativa.
IV. São Poderes da União, independentes e harmônicos entre si, o Legislativo, o Executivo e o Judiciário.
Analisando as assertivas acima, é CORRETO afirmar que:
Nas atividades de defesa civil é muito comum a utilização de sismógrafos para estimar as possibilidades de terremotos e sua magnitude e, assim, adotar medidas de contingência visando a redução de danos. A Escala de Magnitude de Momento (MW ) mede a magnitude dos terremotos em termos de energia liberada. Ela é a escala mais utilizada na atualidade e é uma escala logarítmica em que MW e M0 se relacionam pela fórmula:
MW = -10,7 + 2/3log10(M0)
Nessa fórmula, M0 é o momento sísmico (estimado com base nos registros de movimento da superfície por meio dos sismógrafos).
Sabendo que um terremoto teve a magnitude MW de 5,3 dina . cm qual foi o valor do seu
momento sísmico M0 registrado no sismógrafo?
“É indispensável trabalhar, pois um mundo de criaturas passivas seria também triste e sem beleza.”
Considerando o trecho acima, analise as assertivas a seguir:
I- De acordo com o texto, pode-se dizer que a ambição descontrolada foi a principal causa dos dramas, das injustiças, da incompreensão da época.
II- De acordo com o texto, o ódio incontrolável gerou a fúria cega dos homens, o que contribuiu para os dramas e injustiças da época.
III- Segundo o autor, o trabalho é indispensável, mas faz-se necessário dar um sentido humano às nossas construções.
IV- Segundo o autor, as relações humanas precisam ser mais importantes que os bens materiais.
Estão CORRETAS as assertivas:
Dentre as classes de palavras, temos o verbo. Essa classe reveste diferentes formas para indicar a pessoa do discurso, o número, o tempo, o modo e a voz. Observe o termo em destaque, na frase abaixo, e marque a alternativa que define o seu modo verbal.
“Chovia forte, agora. Borrada, a inscrição tornara-se ilegível.”
A partir dessas considerações, marque a alternativa que NÃO contém aspectos da oralidade:
Nesse sentido, indique a alternativa que apresenta um pronome relativo.
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now
_______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake
of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at
vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences
and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've
seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.
Adapted from
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now
_______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake
of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at
vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences
and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've
seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.
Adapted from
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now
_______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake
of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at
vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences
and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've
seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.
Adapted from
Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some Fresh Air
A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s, about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and reminded her not to touch the button that opened the emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour. Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police detention and a fine.
In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in compensation to the airline.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and given a fine of 500 baht before being deported.
Adapted from
Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some Fresh Air
A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s, about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and reminded her not to touch the button that opened the emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour. Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police detention and a fine.
In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in compensation to the airline.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and given a fine of 500 baht before being deported.
Adapted from