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Q1695468 Inglês
Based on the passage below, mark the correct option.

By the end of our first two weeks in Holland, we had fallen head over heels for the country. It's a historic, visual, artistic and cultural feast that is compact and easy to get around thanks to its efficient trains, buses and bike routes.
(Adapted from: Sail Magazine, August 2018.)

Considering the previous passage, the underlined phrase 'head over heels' is closest in meaning to:
Q1695467 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below.

Charter, Sail, Repeat: new ventures and old favorites in the Greek Isles
By Zuzana Prochazka
On our first day, we sailed southwest nearly 50 miles 011 a nice beam reach, winding through Kolpos Idras, or the Hydra Gulf. By the end, we were running out ______ daylight, so we pulled ___ the miniscule harbor on Spetses Island. I read the guides twice, but the most I got was a warning about tl1e inner harbor being only 4ft deep, which made me suck in my stomach as we crept in. The harbor turned ______ to be a mix of private yachts, commercial boats and fishing craft, and as we were looking round I happened to notice black clouds _____ the horizon. The wind was also now picking _______, so out we went again, making a U-turn back to the bay to drop anchor with the other cruisers who'd opted to skip the draft headaches. We made it just before the gale overtook us.

(Adapted from: Sail Magazine,March 2020).
Q1695466 Inglês
Choose the correct option.
Q1695465 Inglês
Choose the option with the correct prefixes to complete the sentences below.

I. Computing systems often deliberately _____ classify sensitive information.
II. Since then, every time I felt stressed, _____ aligned, or dissatisfied, I would refer back to them to get the source of my frustration." ·
III. My son-in-law was talking and acting in an ____ appropriate manner at the party.
IV. Crooks sometimes ____ run the police.
V. She had difficulty in writing anything but scribbles because she was ____ patient.
VI. Her latest article is quite ____ similar from the previous one.
Q1695464 Inglês
According to the text, it is possible to infer that:
Q1695463 Inglês
Passenger ship hits rock

        A passenger ship was inbound in daylight and fair visibility. The Master gave the Pilot a briefing regarding the ship's manoeuvring characteristics; the ship was highly manoeuvrable and would 'turn on a dirne,' he said. The Master told the Pilot that a three-degree helm order would create a rate of turn of 10-15 degrees per minute.
      The bridge team would consist of the Pilot at the con while the Master would bave overall navigational conunand. The staff captain would be in charge of communications while the first officer would be in charge of electronic navigation and collision avoidance. Finally, the second officer would be in charge of plotting the ship's position on the navigational chart,
        The Pilot and the . Master discussed and agreed the intended passage plan, noting a strong flood tide that would be running astern. However, the subsequent investigation found that, due to miscommunication during the exchange, the passage inwards began with the Master and Pilot having different understandings of how the first turn would be conducted.
        The ship was lined up with the leading navigation lights and entered the channel without incident. As the Pilot took the con, the Master brief ed the staff captain on the Master/ Pilot exchange and explained his understanding of how they were going to negotiate the tum to port. The rest of the bridge team were not included in this conversation and essentially relied on what they overheard.
        Under the Pilot's con, the first alteration of course to port was initiated using three degrees of port helm. At this time the vessel had a speed over ground (SOG) of nearly 18 knots. The initial helm order was followed by successive increases to five and then 10 degrees of rudder.
        About one minute after the initial three degree port helm order an offtrack: alarm flashed 011 the ECDIS, but this information was not brought to the attention of the Master or the Pilot. The alarm appeared only as a visual indicator on the radar screen because its audio had been muted prior to the ship entering the channel.
        Even so, the Master and Pilot soon realised that the ship was proceeding dangerously close to a known rock shoal, so 20 degrees of port rudder was ordered, immediately foll owed by maximum port rudder.
        About three minutes after the initial helm order of three degrees, and despite the emergency helm order, the ship's bilge keel and the starboard propeller made contact with the rock as the ship passed.
        The ship was then navigated back to the centre of the channel and continued on its passage to port without further incident.
        The official report on this accident discusses the concept of allowing a ship to depart from an intended track in the belief that other influences, such as tide in this case, would return the ship to the intended track. The report notes that this carries a high risk when manoeuvring large ships in narrow waterways, where margins for error are small. The report posits that there is less risk when a ship is kept strictly to the intended track by increasing or decreasing its rate of tum inresponse to the external influences such as tide and wind. This method has the advantage of being unambiguous for other members of the bridge team tasked with monitoring the progress of the ship against the planned track.

(Adapted from:
Mark the option that is TRUE about the text.
Q1695462 Inglês
Passenger ship hits rock

        A passenger ship was inbound in daylight and fair visibility. The Master gave the Pilot a briefing regarding the ship's manoeuvring characteristics; the ship was highly manoeuvrable and would 'turn on a dirne,' he said. The Master told the Pilot that a three-degree helm order would create a rate of turn of 10-15 degrees per minute.
      The bridge team would consist of the Pilot at the con while the Master would bave overall navigational conunand. The staff captain would be in charge of communications while the first officer would be in charge of electronic navigation and collision avoidance. Finally, the second officer would be in charge of plotting the ship's position on the navigational chart,
        The Pilot and the . Master discussed and agreed the intended passage plan, noting a strong flood tide that would be running astern. However, the subsequent investigation found that, due to miscommunication during the exchange, the passage inwards began with the Master and Pilot having different understandings of how the first turn would be conducted.
        The ship was lined up with the leading navigation lights and entered the channel without incident. As the Pilot took the con, the Master brief ed the staff captain on the Master/ Pilot exchange and explained his understanding of how they were going to negotiate the tum to port. The rest of the bridge team were not included in this conversation and essentially relied on what they overheard.
        Under the Pilot's con, the first alteration of course to port was initiated using three degrees of port helm. At this time the vessel had a speed over ground (SOG) of nearly 18 knots. The initial helm order was followed by successive increases to five and then 10 degrees of rudder.
        About one minute after the initial three degree port helm order an offtrack: alarm flashed 011 the ECDIS, but this information was not brought to the attention of the Master or the Pilot. The alarm appeared only as a visual indicator on the radar screen because its audio had been muted prior to the ship entering the channel.
        Even so, the Master and Pilot soon realised that the ship was proceeding dangerously close to a known rock shoal, so 20 degrees of port rudder was ordered, immediately foll owed by maximum port rudder.
        About three minutes after the initial helm order of three degrees, and despite the emergency helm order, the ship's bilge keel and the starboard propeller made contact with the rock as the ship passed.
        The ship was then navigated back to the centre of the channel and continued on its passage to port without further incident.
        The official report on this accident discusses the concept of allowing a ship to depart from an intended track in the belief that other influences, such as tide in this case, would return the ship to the intended track. The report notes that this carries a high risk when manoeuvring large ships in narrow waterways, where margins for error are small. The report posits that there is less risk when a ship is kept strictly to the intended track by increasing or decreasing its rate of tum inresponse to the external influences such as tide and wind. This method has the advantage of being unambiguous for other members of the bridge team tasked with monitoring the progress of the ship against the planned track.

(Adapted from:
It is possible to infer from the text that:
Q1695461 Inglês
Development of world's first autonomous, zeroemission feeder postponed amid COVID-19 crisis

        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold, Norwegian company Yara announced.
        Yara has decided to pause further development of the vessel and will assess next steps together with its partners, the company stated. The hull of the Yara Birkeland vessel was launched to sea in Romania in February 2020. The ship is expected to arrive at the Norwegian shipyard in May where it will be fitted with various control and navigation systems and undergo testing before delivery to Yara.
       Yara and technology company Kongsberg teamed up in 2017 with the ambition to build the world's first autonomous and zero-emission container vessel.
        Replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year, Yara Birkeland seeks to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and improve road safety in a densely populated urban area in Norway.

(Adapted from:
Which statements are TRUE about the article?

I-The pandemic forestalled additional improvement ofthe feeder vessel.
II-The ship will enable a depletion of road freight and road hazards.
III-The vessel will be scrapped straight away.
IV-The Norwegian shipyard went bankrupt due to the changed global outlook.
V-The ship will be fitted with outdated controls and navigation systems.
Q1695460 Inglês
Development of world's first autonomous, zeroemission feeder postponed amid COVID-19 crisis

        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold, Norwegian company Yara announced.
        Yara has decided to pause further development of the vessel and will assess next steps together with its partners, the company stated. The hull of the Yara Birkeland vessel was launched to sea in Romania in February 2020. The ship is expected to arrive at the Norwegian shipyard in May where it will be fitted with various control and navigation systems and undergo testing before delivery to Yara.
       Yara and technology company Kongsberg teamed up in 2017 with the ambition to build the world's first autonomous and zero-emission container vessel.
        Replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year, Yara Birkeland seeks to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and improve road safety in a densely populated urban area in Norway.

(Adapted from:
In "[... ] the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold [... ].",the idiom in bold means:
Q1695459 Inglês
Development of world's first autonomous, zeroemission feeder postponed amid COVID-19 crisis

        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold, Norwegian company Yara announced.
        Yara has decided to pause further development of the vessel and will assess next steps together with its partners, the company stated. The hull of the Yara Birkeland vessel was launched to sea in Romania in February 2020. The ship is expected to arrive at the Norwegian shipyard in May where it will be fitted with various control and navigation systems and undergo testing before delivery to Yara.
       Yara and technology company Kongsberg teamed up in 2017 with the ambition to build the world's first autonomous and zero-emission container vessel.
        Replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year, Yara Birkeland seeks to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and improve road safety in a densely populated urban area in Norway.

(Adapted from:
According to the article:
Q1676881 Direito Processual Penal Militar
Segundo o Código de Processo Penal Militar, em relação às competências da polícia judiciária militar, informe se é verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) o que se afirma a seguir e assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.

( ) Prestar aos órgãos e juízes da Justiça Militar e aos membros do Ministério Público as informações necessárias à instrução e julgamento dos processos, bem como realizar as diligências que por eles lhe forem requisitadas.

( ) Cumprir os mandados de prisão expedidos pela Justiça Militar.

( ) Requisitar da polícia civil e das repartições técnicas civis as pesquisas e exames necessários ao complemento e subsídio de inquérito policial militar.

( ) Apurar os crimes militares, bem como os que, por lei especial, estão sujeitos à jurisdição militar, e sua autoria.

( ) Requisitar das autoridades civis as informações e medidas que julgar úteis à elucidação das infrações penais, que estejam ou não a seu cargo.
Q1676880 Direito Penal Militar
Considerando o Código Penal Militar, o agente que pratica a conduta de desrespeitar o superior diante de outro militar está sujeito a pena de
Q1676879 Direito Penal Militar
No que concerne ao Código Penal Militar, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1676878 Direito Penal Militar
José, militar da ativa, mediante o uso de arma de fogo, praticou o crime de violência contra o superior fora do horário de serviço. Considerando o Código Penal Militar e que a vítima é comandante da unidade a que pertence José, caso ele seja condenado, em tese, estará sujeito à pena de
Q1676877 Direito Constitucional
A respeito da Carta Constitucional, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1676876 Direito Constitucional
Conforme a Constituição Federal de 1988, conceder-se-á habeas data para
Q1676875 Direito Constitucional
Segundo a Constituição Federal de 1988, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1676874 Direito Constitucional
Assinale a alternativa correta referente às disposições constitucionais da segurança pública.
Q1676873 Direito Constitucional
De acordo com a Carta Constitucional, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q1676872 Direito Constitucional
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA, tendo em vista a Constituição Federal de 1988.
8361: D
8362: A
8363: C
8364: A
8365: D
8366: E
8367: A
8368: E
8369: C
8370: C
8371: E
8372: B
8373: A
8374: B
8375: A
8376: C
8377: B
8378: E
8379: D
8380: C