Questões de Inglês - Adjetivos | Adjectives para Concurso

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Q2815862 Inglês

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb to make the correct comparisons or superlatives.

I’m a terrible singer. You can sing _______ than me (good).

Paul is the _______ person in his family (tall).

Fortaleza is the _______ capital in Brasil (danger).

Select the CORRECT answer.

Q2808936 Inglês

Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks in the following quotes with the comparative form of WIDE1, the superlative form of GOOD2, the superlative form of BAD3, the superlative form of LONG4, the superlative form of BEAUFIFUL5, and the comparative form of GOOD6.

“The brain is ______1 than the sky.” (Emily Dickinson)

“It was the ______ 2 of times, it was the ______3of times.” (Charles Dickens)

“Time is the ______ 4 distance between two places.” (Tennessee Williams)

“The ______5 thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.” (Wallace Stevens)

“Most men are a little ______6 than their circumstances give them a chance to be.” (William Faulkner)

Q2808869 Inglês

Read the following passage then mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks.

“And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about.” (John Steinbeck)

This passage contains the recurrent use of a ______1 pronoun and an example of a ______2 adjective.

Q2760171 Inglês


Like Castles In An Aquarium, Offshore Drilling Platforms Are Sprawling With Residents

Just beneath the ocean’s surface, there’s an unseen world that most people will never have the opportunity to witness firsthand. A place where nature and mankind have struck a balance – a mutual respect, a friendship of sorts.

Offshore drilling platforms have become home to vast communities of sea life. Florid carpets of coral encrust their massive pylons, along with sponge, sea urchins, crabs, and snails. Swimming in the sanctuary of their enormous risers are schools of rockfish, bright orange garibaldi and angel fish. And splashing about on the surface is the occasional sea lion.

Now scientists have confirmed what some had suspected all along. Most of the sea life was actually created at the rig rather than having come from other parts of the ocean and settled there, according to the National Academy of Sciences. And fish that would otherwise perish in vast expanses of open ocean, settle within the safety of the structures.

Like castles in an aquarium, offshore platforms are sprawling with underwater residents. Scientists say these are the richest marine ecosystems on the entire planet. They are even more productive than coral reefs and estuaries, according to marine biologists.

The first thing anyone – trained scientist or casual recreational diver – notices around a rig is the big fish -- lots of them, say marine researchers and divers, alike.

For a decade and a half, researchers used submersibles to survey fish at 16 different platforms. When the researchers tabulated the data, they were surprised to discover that, by one standard, California’s oil rigs are among the most productive marine habitats ever recorded.

At the end of their production, however, the offshore rigs must be decommissioned. Scientific insight is adding momentum to efforts to convert some of these rigs into artificial reefs […].

(From Accessed July 18th, 2017)

The extract that presents a superlative is:

Q2759438 Inglês

As questões de números 56 a 60 verificam o domínio do conhecimento sistêmico da língua inglesa. Cada uma das questões apresenta uma frase com uma lacuna. Assinale a alternativa que contém a palavra ou expressão que completa a lacuna de maneira adequada quanto ao sentido e ao uso da norma-padrão da língua inglesa.

___________ time, I have dinner at seven.

1: D
2: A
3: C
4: E
5: B