Questões de Concurso Sobre adjetivos | adjectives em inglês

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Q3077537 Inglês
O uso do grau superlativo do adjetivo é observado em: 
Q3072530 Inglês
“In his new job, he has ______ meetings than in his previous one.”
Q3071296 Inglês
What the Paris Olympics opening ceremony really meant

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games traditionally offers the host city the opportunity to celebrate sporting excellence and international unity while also presenting to the world a flattering portrait of its own nation, informed by its own culture. [...]

[...] Entitled ‘Ça ira’ (‘It’ll be all right’), the show garnered mixed reviews in the French press. It was described variously as magical or catastrophic, as an astonishing apotheosis or a distressing accumulation of kitsch. Lady Gaga performed up and down a flight of stairs, dressed in feathers. The French singer Philippe Katerine, covered in blue body paint and dressed up as Bacchus, reclined in a platter of fruit. A threesome blossomed in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Decapitated figures of Marie-Antoinette holding their singing heads appeared at the windows of the Conciergerie. A floating piano was set on fire. The ceremony was conceived over two years by a committee made up of historian Patrick Boucheron (a member of the prestigious research institute, the Collège de France), the scriptwriter Fanny Herrero (creator of the Netflix series 10 Pour Cent/Call My Agent), the novelist Leïla Slimani (winner of the Goncourt literary prize for her novel Chanson douce/Lullaby), and the dramatist Damien Gabriac, who were all assembled in 2022 by the event’s master of ceremonies, theatre director Thomas Jolly. to co-write the script of their celebration of France. 


The man behind Le Puy du Fou is entrepreneur and politician Philippe de Villiers. Although de Villiers briefly served as Secretary of State for Culture under Socialist President François Mitterand, he is currently a member of French nationalist party Reconquête!, whose leader is the far-right firebrand Eric Zemmour. De Villiers is a Christian traditionalist who has expressed hostility towards Islam and has maintained that during the French Revolution a political ‘genocide’ was perpetrated against the Royalist people of Vendée.

It was therefore important for Jolly and his team firmly to distance their own project from Le Puy du Fou and to offer instead, as Jolly said: ‘the opposite of a virile, heroic and providential history’, of ‘an ode to grandeur’ or to the ‘manifestation of force’. Besides de Villiers’ theme park, another anti-model may have been the opening ceremony of the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Hosted by the popular actor Jean Dujardin and featuring a playful celebration of traditional French life, it was criticised for portraying a nostalgic and ‘rancid’ version of France. To be sure, at a time when France is politically and culturally riven, it would have seemed important to tell a national story that would unite rather than divide. In contrast, Jolly aimed for a celebration of ‘planetary multi-ethnicity’. But was it not in hindsight a mistake, a missed opportunity, to throw out, for fear that it might be politically toxic, anything that might be perceived as a celebration of French history, or the shared heritage that binds all French people together? 

Patrick Boucheron, the historian in Jolly’s team, has declared his ‘resistance’ to the idea of a ‘roman national’, the strengthening story a nation collectively weaves about itself – the word roman meaning in this instance at once a narrative and a romance. Boucheron favours instead a decentring of national consciousness and a deconstruction of national history. There was always a danger in rejecting historical greatness for ideological reasons. Louis XIV and Napoleon Bonaparte – both absent from the celebration – really do belong to all French; including them in the narrative would not have made it reactionary. Meanwhile Jolly’s desire systematically to foreground pop culture in order not to appear elitist often felt parochial. What is the long-term cultural significance of Nicky Doll, Paloma and Piche, stars of the reality show Drag Race France? Was the performance of John Lennon’s song Imagine really, as a sports historian declared in the newspaper Libération, ‘heavy with meaning’ because of its nature as a ‘political and cultural allegory’?

Wasn’t it also a pity not to celebrate France’s contemporary achievements, especially the rebuilding of Notre-Dame after its devastation by fire, and the Grand Paris Express transport network being developed for better integration of central Paris and its banlieues?

But above all, what was missing from the show, with rare exceptions – such as the sight of the Olympic cauldron rising into the sky tethered to a gigantic hot air balloon – was beauty. This signalled a lack of cultural confidence on the part of the ceremony’s storytellers. It was telling, for example, that Marcel Proust, one of France’s most exceptional writers, was featured as a caricatured carnival head, alongside Little Red Riding Hood and Marcel Marceau. Nor was placing the ceremony under the auspices of ‘Ça ira’, a 1790 anthem of the French Revolution as familiar to the French as the Marseillaise, an expression of intellectual confidence. Like the Marseillaise, ‘Ça ira’ is a call to violence – an ode to the systematic hanging of aristocrats from lamp-posts – and insisting, as Jolly did, that it can be reframed as a message of hope and of ‘union and unity within diversity’ is meaningless.

Ultimately, whether any of this landed with its audience remains doubtful. In spite of the driving rain, the French enjoyed the show’s wackiness, the party atmosphere, the excitement and anticipation of the Games. And the Games themselves were a wonderful success. But a message was sent nevertheless. And now that the Olympic truce is over, Emmanuel Macron must once again face up to a divided nation

O adjetivo utilizado no texto para descrever a cerimônia é:
Q3070392 Inglês

Text II

Q43_47.png (277×428)


In the poster, the words “tough” and “through” when used in the sentences “He is tough” and “He can go through a side entrance” are, respectively:
Q3069667 Inglês
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Given the panorama of English instruction in Brazil, particularly in the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and considering the results of the surveys conducted with universities and teachers in both states, some conclusions and recommendations could be drawn.

    Nationally, English instruction has been gaining importance and visibility through curriculum reform and the new model of upper secondary school. It is an enormously significant achievement that, for the first time, English has become mandatory in all public and private schools from 6th grade onward. The BNCC offers clarity on the competencies and abilities that students should develop at each education level. However, if, on the one hand, making English compulsory was an important step, on the other hand, the implementation of this policy is still incomplete. The main issue is the limited amount of instructional time in English in the national curriculum guidelines. As the cases of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais illustrate, the result is that students have insufficient exposure to the language, with only two classes per week in secondary schools and one class per week in upper secondary. Under these conditions, it is unlikely that learners will develop full proficiency in the language, and teachers will have the instructional time to focus on all the necessary competencies and abilities required by the BNCC.

    Another important consideration is the link between initial training for English teachers and how it interacts with the routines and challenges of the classroom. There is room for improvement when considering the mismatch between the programs of study at universities and the pedagogical practice required of English teachers and strengthened ties and communication between State Education Departments and the teacher training programs at universities.

    Universities face additional challenges, such as the low English proficiency of students in the initial training courses. Initial training institutions face difficulties in thoroughly preparing future teachers regarding language proficiency and the pedagogical elements related to being an effective teacher. In this sense, the situation can create a vicious cycle; students leave schools with a low proficiency level in English, and those who decide to take the initial training courses to become English teachers and enter universities cannot fully develop proficiency as pedagogical competencies. Therefore, they enter schools not fully prepared to be teachers and face all the challenges of a classroom.

    Another critical challenge is class size and the heterogeneity of students’ ability levels, which could limit teachers’ ability to implement some pedagogical practices, such as working with practicing speaking. This is not only a challenge faced by English teachers, but all teachers and that policymakers need to keep in mind. In addition, teachers commonly work in more than one school at a time and sometimes teach other subjects to meet the required hours of instructional time stipulated in their contracts.

   The surveys with teachers demonstrated that many have never participated in a professional development session specifically designed for English teachers. For those who have, not all considered the helpful training to improve their knowledge and practice. This points to the fact that more attention needs to be paid to the continuous training courses offered to English teachers. These training courses should be frequent and address specific challenges, taking into account the pedagogical issues and areas that English teachers identify as most critical.

    Briefly, it is important to highlight the windows of opportunity that have been opened in Brazil with the BNCC and the new upper secondary model. Through their education ministries, state governments have made significant efforts to adapt their regional curricula to the competencies and abilities listed on the BNCC and implement the first pilots and designed pathways for upper secondary schools. It remains a question of how the rest of those two processes will be implemented, but there are positive signs that English may gain more importance at a national level. At least in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, there is already a movement to increase the importance of the discipline.

    While Minas Gerais has developed a few specific training courses for English teachers focused on improving their pedagogical knowledge through the program “Pathways for Educators” and intends to create a training pathway for upper secondary students focused in English, Mato Grosso has implemented English in all primary schools in the state and launched the program “More English,” with resources to help teachers and students. Those efforts are aligned with the national reforms and illustrate the political willingness of states to promote more actions to improve teachers’ and students’ proficiency in English.

    In these states and, to some extent, at the national level, the foundations have been set to put English instruction in the spotlight as a crucial discipline to the integral development of students. However, much work and resources are still needed to realize this goal. Therefore, the following recommendations are intended to advise decision-makers at universities and State Education Departments.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
In 5º§, what is the possessive adjective “their” referring to?
Q3064106 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses a comparative adjective?
Q3060361 Inglês
All sentences below use superlatives, EXCEPT:
Q3046732 Inglês
Julgue o item a seguir.

Adjectives are words that modify nouns and usually describe qualities or characteristics.
Q3035579 Inglês

Read the text II to answer the question.



The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father

Got a lot farther by workin' a lot harder

By bein' a lot smarter

By bein' a self-starter

By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter


And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted

Away across the waves, he struggled and kept his guard up

Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of

The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow, or barter



Well, the word got around, they said, "This kid is insane, man!"

Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland

"Get your education, don't forget from whence you came, and

The world's gonna know your name! What's your name, man?"

Excerpt from the musical Hamilton, with lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Which of the senteces below has the correct opposite meaning of “Don't forget from whence you came.”? 
Q3031080 Inglês
Text for the question.

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, IT professionals are increasingly playing a pivotal role in enhancing the fields of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. By integrating advanced technology into therapeutic practices, IT experts are helping to create innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes and streamline clinical processes.
    One significant contribution is the development of sophisticated software and applications that enable therapists to design personalized treatment plans. These digital tools allow for precise tracking of patient progress, making it easier to adjust therapies in real‑time based on data analytics. For instance, motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient.
    Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are revolutionizing rehabilitation methods. IT professionals are creating immersive VR environments where patients can perform therapeutic exercises in a controlled, engaging setting. This approach is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries or surgeries, as it can make repetitive exercises more enjoyable and less monotonous.
    Telehealth platforms are another area where IT expertise is crucial. These platforms enable remote consultations and therapy sessions, ensuring that patients have access to care regardless of their location. IT professionals ensure that these systems are secure, user‑friendly, and efficient, thereby expanding the reach of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
    Moreover, data security and patient confidentiality are paramount in healthcare. IT professionals implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient information. By doing so, they help maintain trust and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring that therapeutic practices are both effective and safe.
    In conclusion, the collaboration between IT professionals and therapists is fostering a new era of healthcare where technology and therapy converge. This synergy not only enhances the quality of care but also empowers patients on their journey to recovery, demonstrating the invaluable role of IT in advancing physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
In the sentence, “Motion‑sensing technology and wearable devices can monitor a patient’s physical movements during exercises, providing immediate feedback to both the therapist and the patient,” the word “immediate” is a/an 
Q3028613 Inglês

Regarding the sentence

“It’s no wonder that you don’t support their ideas; after all, their lack of knowledge is utterly conspicuous”

it is CORRECT to affirm that:

Q3028608 Inglês
As regards adjectives, analyze the sentences below.
I. What a blue beautiful skirt. II. He has short brown hair. III. José wants to buy a round wooden table.
The sentence(s) in which the adjectives are NOT placed in the correct order is(are):
Q3024633 Inglês
Action for Global Health publishes Stocktake Review

Unlimit Health is a proud member of Action for Global Health (AfGH), an influential network of more than 50 organisations working towards a world where health equity is achieved and everyone has access to the quality healthcare they need without being forced into financial hardship.

Harnessing the expertise and strength of its members and partners, including people with lived experience of health inequity globally and civil society organisations based in low- and middle-income countries, AfGH works to secure political action and commitments in the UK to improve health equity globally.

Today, AfGH publishes the Stocktake Review. This report, created with the support of its membership and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides an assessment and a series of recommendations for the UK’s role in global health.

Reflecting on the report, Wendy Harrison, Unlimit Health’s CEO said, “While the UK Government has long been committed to global health, this commitment should be supported through implementation plans and financial allocations, to achieve healthy outcomes for all. Recent cuts to UK overseas aid have impacted negatively on people affected by neglected tropical diseases and other health inequities, and set back efforts to strengthen health systems. As members of Action for Global Health, we call on the UK Government to maintain their world leading role in providing long-term, bold pledges to key global health goals and partnerships, stepping up efforts to build resilient, inclusive and strong health systems.”

The review provides a snapshot of the UK Government’s current political, financial and programmatic commitments to global health, as well as reviewing progress towards recommendations made in the previous Stocktake Review.

(Available at: Acesso em 25 ago. 2024.)
“Harnessing the expertise and strength”. What’s the antonym of Harnessing?
Q3024629 Inglês
Capital One Sued Over Consumer-Data Disclosures to Meta, Google

Capital One Financial Corp. is facing a proposed class action alleging the financial giant disclosed the personal and financial information of millions of consumers to Meta Platforms Inc., Google LLC, Microsoft Corp., and other third parties without their consent in violation of state and federal privacy laws.

Vishal Shah and three other named plaintiffs accused Capital One of “knowingly and secretly” installing online tracking tools from third-party software providers and data-analytics companies on its website, allowing those third parties to collect information arising from consumer visits there.

Data allegedly disclosed to the third parties included information arising from consumers’ interactions with the website, information about bank and credit card accounts, information disclosed on credit card application forms, and employment information, according to the complaint filed Monday in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Other third parties identified in the complaint included DoubleClick Inc., NewRelic Inc., Adobe Inc., Everest Technologies Inc., Kenshoo Ltd., Snowplow Analytics Ltd., BioCatch Inc., and Tealium Inc.

No third party is named as a defendant.

Meta’s Facebook and the others used the information for their own purposes, including for marketing and advertising, and made further disclosures to other third parties “who will profit off of the use of that information,” the complaint said. The plaintiffs seek to represent a nationwide class and a California subclass of people whose information was disclosed by Capital One without their consent.

The complaint alleges negligence, negligence per se, invasion of privacy, breach of express contract, breach of implied contract, unjust enrichment, bailment, breach of confidence, declaratory judgment, and violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, the Consumer Protection Law, the Consumer Privacy Act, the Customer Records Act, and the Invasion of Privacy Act. The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages; three years of credit-monitoring services for class members; restitution and disgorgement; attorneys’ fees and costs; and pre- and post-judgment interest.

(Available at: Acesso em: 28 de agosto de 2024.)
Data allegedly disclosed to the third parties included information. The word “included” is
Q3024623 Inglês
Who wants a therapist who’s robotic? But a robot therapist?

Imagine feeling overwhelmed and in need of someone to talk to, but no one is available. You have no idea what to do, who to talk to and what to say. Chatbot AI is your new best friend. Essentially, it can take over basic human interaction and problems, answering even the most absurd questions. An artificial intelligence chatbot provides support and guidance. But there are some aspects that AI can not replace, things like having a physical person in front of you. Still, you feel a bit better knowing you have some support. The 1980s were referred to as the rapid “AI boom.” Joseph Weizenbaum, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed the first chatbot to simulate an entertaining human conversation. He envisioned it as taking on the persona of a psychotherapist. Its original purpose was “to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve the kinds of problems now reserved for humans and improve themselves.” Ideally, a user would input a message on an electric typewriter linked to a mainframe, and shortly after, the “psychotherapist” would respond. Decades later, in 2017, chatbots finally became recognized as a stable form of communication. Because of continuous innovations in technology, chatbots have been created as a type of artificial intelligence application that poses as a sort of digital friend that you can lean on. 
“Still, you feel a bit better knowing you have some support.” Still is
Q3016399 Inglês
The underlined word in “The project was completed efficiently” is classified as a/an:
Q3016394 Inglês

Choose the alternative in which there is, correctly and respectively the bold words:

“The blue car is hers and the red car is ours,” 

Q3016393 Inglês
Choose the alternative in which there is, correctly and respectively, the comparative form of an adjective and the superlative form of an adjective:
Q3016381 Inglês
Which possessive adjective is used to show that something belongs to a group of people or animals?
Q3016041 Inglês
Select the correct alternative, according to the superlative adjectives:
41: A
42: D
43: A
44: B
45: A
46: C
47: D
48: C
49: E
50: D
51: D
52: A
53: C
54: C
55: D
56: B
57: B
58: D
59: D
60: A