Questões de Concurso Sobre análise sintática | syntax parsing em inglês

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Q2614587 Inglês
Text 6

One of the popular myths about the English language is that somewhere people are still speaking the kind of English that Chaucer or Shakespeare or Milton spoke. This myth does, of course, have some foundation in fact, though the mythical versions repeated above are gross exaggerations. The relevant fact is that some regional dialects of English retain old forms which have disappeared from the standard form of the language. This conservatism in colonial varieties is, rather unfortunately, termed 'colonial lag' - unfortunately because the term gives the impression that the colonial variety will (or should) one day catch up with the home variety, though this is unlikely ever to happen. Colonial lag is a potential factor in distinguishing colonial varieties from their home counterparts in all levels of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and lexis.

BAUER, L. An Introduction to International Varieties of English. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2003. [Adapted].
The levels of a language are mentioned in the last sentence in the text and refer to the different layers or components that make up a language, each contributing to its overall structure and function. Which level refers specifically to the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language?
Q2606986 Inglês
Read the sentence, “The poor brown shaggy starving puppy gobbled all the food”, then mark the alternative that presents the core syntactic argument of the subject.
Q2592868 Inglês

The grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence is called:

Q2574519 Inglês
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Na concordancia verbal, quando um substantivo coletivo representar um grupo, o verbo deverá estar no singular. por exemplo: The team doesn't like this kind of game.
Q2574510 Inglês
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Uma frase adverbial é um conjunto de palavras que age como um advérbio. Esse tipo de frase é igual às orações adverbiais e dos advérbios simples. Em comparação com uma cláusula adverbial, uma frase adverbial tem um sujeito e um verbo.
Q2574508 Inglês
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The following sentence can be used as an example of a coordinated conjunction: "I will go to the beach if the weather is nice".
Q2574491 Inglês
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We use Coordinating Conjunctions to join independent clauses (that is, clauses that have complete meaning on their own, without needing another clause to make sense), phrases or just words.
Q2574489 Inglês
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Na língua inglesa, os sujeitos coletivos podem ser tratados como singular ou plural, dependendo do contexto da frase.
Q2574488 Inglês
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We can use as an example of morphology conversion in English the words: teapot, armchair.
Q2574473 Inglês
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Determining phrases precede the noun to indicate its specificity, possession, quantity, and distance, among other characteristics. As in the sentence: Two students passed the exam with flying colors.
Q2574470 Inglês
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Em orações subordinadas relativas, para adicionarmos informações ao antecedente, usamos os pronomes relativos (who, whom, whose, which e that).
Q2574135 Inglês
Answer question according to TEXT 2 below.

Expand your horizons at the Social Sciences Conference of the year!

Welcome to the 6th International Conference on Modern Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences (ICMHS), taking place on 10-12 March 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.

We invite you to join us for three days of learning and networking. You are guaranteed to leave the event with a suitcase full of knowledge and inspiration. With 30+ countries present at the event; this is a unique opportunity to understand the challenges your peers are facing and come up with creative solutions.

See you in Prague!

Conference Themes and Topics

The humanities and social sciences conferences are seeking submissions related to the following conference topics: Social Sciences, Humanities, and Language and Literature. Other related tracks and topics will also be considered.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. If the abstract is accepted, the author agrees to send full-text paper, including results, tables, figures, and references. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Full-text papers (.docx and .doc) will be accepted by Electronic Submission Form. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review.

Avaliable at: Access on: Jan. 10th, 2023.
In the last paragraph of text 2, the syntactic-discursive resource used to convey a higher degree of formality, objectivity and academic legitimacy to the text is:
Q2572680 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão 

The words “eat, with and delivery” are classified as:

Q2558746 Inglês
Which option correctly represents the first conditional?
Q2555351 Inglês
Which question is correctly formed?
Q2553903 Inglês

     Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person asked the young Engineer fresh out of MIT, “And what starting salary were you looking for?”

      The Engineer said, “In the neighborhood of $75,000 a year, depending on the benefits package.”

      The HR Person said, “Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years say, a red Corvette?”

     The Engineer sat up straight and said, “Wow!!! Are you kidding?” And the HR Person said, “Of course,...but you started it.”

(Adapted from: ITA - 2004)
Identify the grammatically correct sentence:
Q2547331 Inglês

Read Text I and answer question.

Text I

How to have a healthier relationship with your phone

    A few years ago, a Google employee sent an email to thousands of her co-workers: What if for six weeks straight, you spent one night per week without technology? The email was from Laura Mae Martin, Google’s executive productivity adviser, a role that, among other things, was created to help staff members foster healthier relationships with their gadgets and apps. After she sent the note, Ms. Martin was flooded with responses from coworkers eager for a respite from some of the very products they helped build. Thousands of employees have since participated in the annual “No-Tech Tuesday Night Challenge,” said Ms. Martin.

    The problem she was trying to solve isn’t unique to Google workers. One survey found that Americans say they spend too much time on their phones. But dramatic solutions – a digital detox, a phone downgrade or a complete exit from social media – may feel impractical. 

    Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with technology while still using it daily? Fortunately, according to experts, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’ and here are a few things you can try:

    First, start with one simple question.

    You know that urge you get to reach for your phone without realizing it? And then, before you know it, you’re an hour into a social media binge? If you want to peacefully coexist with technology, you need to get a handle on those impulses, said Richard J. Davidson, the founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. According to him, people should start by noticing when they have an urge to lift their phone or open social media on their browser window. By becoming conscious of what you’re about to do, you’re interrupting an automatic behavior and awakening the part of your brain that governs self-control, he added. As one research article suggests, awareness of your actions can help you rein in bad habits.

    Secondly, take the “mobile” out of your mobile devices.

    Dr. Anna Lembke, a professor of psychiatry and addiction medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, said one of the biggest problems with smartphones is what she calls “texting while running to catch a bus.” Using our devices while we’re on the move – walking from meeting to meeting, taking a child to school or catching a bus – prevents us from being more engaged in our lives, Dr. Lembke said.

    One way to create harmony with technology is to limit your phone use when you’re on the move. Headed out for a walk? Turn off your notifications. Going to grab a coffee? Leave your phone on your desk. If you’re feeling brave, try powering down your phone while in transit. It won’t buzz with notifications, text messages or phone calls, which Dr. Lembke said could help you focus on the world around you.

    Last of all, make technology work for you.

    One thing experts agree on: To forge a healthy relationship with technology, you need to be in control of it and not the other way around. Think about your gadgets as tools that you decide how to use. 

    “Make it work for you, not against you; whether it’s an email program or your dishwasher, it’s the intention behind how you’re using it that really makes the big difference”, said Ms. Martin, the productivity expert at Google.

(Adapted from:

Analyze the sentences below.
I - “The problem she was trying to solve (…)”. II - “First, start with one simple question.” III - “(…) or a complete exit from social media – may feel impractical.” IV - “Last of all, make technology work for you”. V - “(…) eager for a respite from some of the very products they helped build”.
Choose the correct answer:
Q2527208 Inglês
The Problems with the Classroom Environment

By Emma Foley

1.    My suggestions for changing the school environment are as follows: educate Teachers on Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: In my educational career, the majority of the ableism I experienced didn’t come from other students, but teachers and other school authorities I believed were supposed to help me. I remember in my Sophomore year of high school, I emailed my English teacher to let her know I had ADHD. Her only reply was to drop the class; it was too hard for someone like me. Mind you, the school year hadn’t even started. I still took the class, and received quite high marks, but she would belittle my efforts consistently, chastising me from everything to my discussion points being “wrong” to my handwriting. Thank God for my high school’s strictness about fair grading. Secondly, educating teachers about neurodivergencies would help them with classroom and coursework planning, as well as help them to better understand disabled students.

2.     Make Classrooms More Comfortable: Cramped, uncomfortable classrooms are no good for all students, thus we need to get rid of the desk-chair model, and provide students with larger desks that have unconnected chairs, as well as space out desks. Though this is a reach, lecture halls needs to be completely redesigned to space students out (which is also helpful to prevent the spread of COVID!) and allow them greater desk space, as well as leg space! Another issue is lighting, with many classrooms lit by bright, irritating industrial lights. All classrooms should have windows, or at least less abrasive lighting, in order to combat seasonal mental illnesses, and make the classroom appear more “open” than cramped. The spaces between desks should also be accessible, to prevent others from tripping, and for students with mobility issues to access the entire classroom.

3.     Classroom Rules: It was always embarrassing for me when I had to ask for the bathroom, especially when a teacher denied my request. These rules are generally ridiculous, especially for younger children, who often are barely potty-trained. Neurodivergent children, especially those with autism, often have gastrointestinal disorders as a result of their disabilities. Some neurodivergent children simply can’t hold it either, as often times our basic needs are only sensed by us when they’re demandingly present. Asking to go to the bathroom is frankly antiquated and only hurts the student, a child shouldn’t need permission to complete such a necessary task. Another issue is that neurodivergent students are often prohibited from engaging in focus-strategies, such as doodling or using fidget toys. Both of these are proven to help maintain a neurodivergent person’s focus and help them relax. Making sweeping generalization about if the student is listening or not is simply unfair to the student, as this doubts their ability.

4.    Class Structure: Many classes are just based upon listening to the teacher/professor, with little stress placed on applying the learned material within the classroom. Therefore, lessons should be much more dynamic, whether that be through inclusive, smaller-group discussions, or via hands-on activities. Just reading notes off of slides doesn’t cut it for most students anyways, so a more dynamic model of teaching is absolutely necessary! Teachers should also assign course-long classroom groups in larger classroom environments, which helps neurodivergent students initiate connects with their peers, and be able to seek help out easier, especially if these groups have TA leaders, which help coordinate the groups. 

5. Overall, the standardized learning environment that’s currently in place in most schools and universities totally excludes the needs of neurodivergent learners, and the need to be changed in order to benefit both disabled students and the student body as a whole.

Spring, E. (2022, March 17). The problems with the classroom environment.
Retrieved from environment/.
In the text 2, third paragraph, the phrase “who often are barely potty-trained “ functions as:
Q2482289 Inglês

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Nominal clauses cannot stand alone as complete sentences because they are dependent clauses. Instead, they function as nouns within a sentence and rely on an independent clause to form a complete thought.

Q2475778 Inglês
Dentre os elementos de linguagem que compõem a estrutura de uma língua, qual está relacionado principalmente à organização e à relação entre as palavras em uma frase, influenciando a compreensão do significado geral da mensagem?
61: B
62: B
63: A
64: C
65: E
66: C
67: C
68: C
69: C
70: C
71: C
72: A
73: C
74: E
75: C
76: D
77: D
78: E
79: C
80: C