Questões de Concurso Sobre análise sintática | syntax parsing em inglês

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Q2452358 Inglês
Sentence can be defined as a group of one or more words. On the other hand, sentence structure is understood as the way basic grammatical elements (a subject, predicate, and sometimes direct or indirect objects) of a sentence are combined. The rules for how a sentence is constructed are simple. These include the necessity for a subject, predicate, and object (in that order) in every sentence. Beyond that, we can also add elements like prepositions and conjunctions. In English, for example, sentences can be classified as simple, complex and compound. That being said, check the answer that provides the correct information about the types of sentence structure in English.
Q2424754 Inglês

Qual das alternativas a seguir apresenta sintaxe correta da língua inglesa padrão?

Q2421827 Inglês

The only sentence which is NOT grammatically correct is:

Q2421819 Inglês

The words: atypical, bilingual, drainage, guarantee are examples of English words with affixes.

I. Yes – two – instance of – object of the verb

II. Yes – two – instance of – object of the noun

III. Not – two – instance of – object of the verb

IV. Not – two – instance of – object of the noun

The meaning of the affixes in the words listed above are:

Q2411485 Inglês

Syntactically classify each word of the sentence below and choose the answer CORRECTLY.

"He might drive down his street!"

Q2410262 Inglês

Read the sentences below.

I - We looked after the children at the party.

II – Especially I like sweet things.

III – He look like his father.

Grammatically correct sentences are:

Q2410256 Inglês

Consider the sentence below.

Peter likes to work ______ home office.

The right alternative to complete the sentence is

Q2406454 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as grammar is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).

The referent of the word “them” (line 34) is “civil rights” (line 31).

Q2406453 Inglês

Text to answer the question. 

In: Political thought: the problem with liberalism.

The Economist, Edição impressa, p. 74, 27 jan. 2018. 

As far as grammar is concerned, mark the statements below as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “this” (line 18) refers to “lie” (line 17).

Q2404793 Inglês

Read the sentence below.

“Last Wednesday we saw Doctor Hill at the bus stop.”

Mark the option that indicates the correct question for the sentence above.

Q2404791 Inglês

Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.

Q2404771 Inglês

Which one is the ONLY correct sentence?

Q2402996 Inglês
Which sentence is grammatically incorrect?
Q2392979 Inglês
Read the three idioms below and check the alternative which represents their correct usage.

Idiom 1: Better late than never Idiom 2: go back to the drawing board Idiom 3: make a long story short
Q2392606 Inglês

Text 06 – Levels of Language (Variation). 

From: English Around the World (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language). P. 19 (topic 2.2) Kindle Book. At

“Fuzzy” in line 18 is working as:
Q2392603 Inglês
Text 05 - Syllabus - See an explanation of the term ‘Syllabus’.

A syllabus is a document that describes what the contents of a language course will be and the order in which they will be taught. The content of a syllabus normally reflects certain beliefs about language and language learning.


A syllabus might be designed around the order in which grammatical items are introduced. Starting with 'present simple' then 'past simple', then 'present perfect' etc.

In the classroom

There are many different types of syllabus (although often in language classrooms the syllabus from the course book is the only document). Syllabus types include grammatical, lexical and functional, which focus on the building blocks of language, and task-based and learner-centred, which focus on processes of communication and learning. 

Adapted from: accessed on July 18th, 2023.

In Text 05...
Q2392602 Inglês
Text 05 - Syllabus - See an explanation of the term ‘Syllabus’.

A syllabus is a document that describes what the contents of a language course will be and the order in which they will be taught. The content of a syllabus normally reflects certain beliefs about language and language learning.


A syllabus might be designed around the order in which grammatical items are introduced. Starting with 'present simple' then 'past simple', then 'present perfect' etc.

In the classroom

There are many different types of syllabus (although often in language classrooms the syllabus from the course book is the only document). Syllabus types include grammatical, lexical and functional, which focus on the building blocks of language, and task-based and learner-centred, which focus on processes of communication and learning. 

Adapted from: accessed on July 18th, 2023.

There are three selections in Text 05 that appear underlined. All of them bring sentences...
Q2392597 Inglês
In “As AI developers madly rush forward to develop and deploy AIs, we are reminded of the frenzied early days of the internet.”, we may find:
Q2392593 Inglês

Text 03 – Idioms and proverbs 

Adapted from , accessed on July 18th.

In “An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the literal definition of the words that make it up, often used to convey a figurative or metaphorical meaning.”, the term “whose” is working as:
Q2357618 Inglês
The sentence started by ‘but’ (l.19) and independent from the previous one has the meaning of:
81: B
82: A
83: C
84: C
85: D
86: A
87: A
88: E
89: E
90: D
91: D
92: E
93: A
94: A
95: A
96: C
97: B
98: C
99: C
100: C