Questões de Concurso Sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

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Q3206836 Inglês
Swan (2005) explains that phonology is the study of the sound systems of languages, particularly how sounds function to convey meaning. This involves analyzing the arrangement and patterns of sounds (phonemes) in a particular language.
Which phonological process is responsible for the phenomenon where the sound /t/ is pronounced as [ʧ] (a voiceless postalveolar affricate) in the word "nature" due to the influence of the following /ʊr/? 
Q3191522 Inglês
Identify the grammatically incorrect sentence:
Q3184338 Inglês
Na literatura e na comunicação cotidiana, as figuras de linguagem desempenham um papel importante na construção de significados. No trecho abaixo, qual figura de linguagem está presente?

"The wind howled through the trees, whispering secrets of the night."
Q3181987 Inglês
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
As vogais podem representar diferentes fonemas na língua inglesa. Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, aquela na qual a vogal /i/ tem como representação fonética o símbolo /ai/ é:
Q3181424 Inglês
At the beginning of the word CAKE, the letter 'c' when pronounced is presented as:
Q3179429 Inglês
The varieties of English exhibit significant phonological differences influenced by historical, regional, and cultural factors. These differences affect the pronunciation of specific sounds, rhythm, and intonation patterns.
Consider the following phonological characteristics and analyze the alternatives to identify the only CORRECT statement regarding the differences between British English (Received Pronunciation), American English (General American), and Australian English:
Q3179420 Inglês
English, as a global language, exhibits notable variations between its regional forms, particularly British English and American English. These differences encompass spelling, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, reflecting distinct historical and cultural developments.
Regarding the distinctions between British and American English, select the CORRECT alternative. 
Q3173638 Inglês
What is the primary function of "scaffolding" in the context of teaching writing and speaking skills in English?
Q3171505 Inglês
Consider the pronunciation of the following irregular verbs and their forms:

Lead – Led, led
Feed – Fed, fed
Bleed – Bled, bled
Breed – Bred, bred
Read – Read, read

Which statement is correct?
Q3171504 Inglês
Read the following sets of words and analyze their vowel sounds.

1 - cat, hat, map
2 - sheep, meet, deed
3 - cup, luck, bus

Which statement describes the vowel sounds in these word sets?
Q3171503 Inglês
Analyze the following words.

1 - cup 2 - look 3 - shut 4 - bug 5 – truck

Which number corresponds to the word that has a different vowel sound from the others?
Q3167546 Inglês


Plastic Dreams

by Sarah Thompson

Plastic dreams, oh plastic dreams, a vision turned nightmare,

Once a symbol of progress, now a burden we must bear.

Our landfills overflow with your synthetic remains,

A haunting testament to our unsustainable chains.

Plastic dreams, oh plastic dreams, a promise unfulfilled,

Your convenience a facade, your consequences concealed.

Let us wake from this slumber, this toxic desire,

To create a world where nature's essence can inspire.

In our hands lies the power, to choose a different fate,

To abandon plastic dreams and embrace a sustainable state.

For only through conscious choices, can we break this vicious spell,

And ensure a future where our planet and poetry can dwell.


The vowel sound in “bear” (2nd line) is the same as in
Q3162558 Inglês

A pragmática estuda o uso da linguagem em contextos específicos, considerando a intenção do falante e as implicações comunicativas.

No diálogo abaixo, qual é a implicatura gerada pela fala de B?

A: Are you going to the party tonight?

B: I have a lot of work to do.

Q3162555 Inglês
A estilística foca na análise de estilos literários e linguísticos em diferentes textos. No texto poético, por exemplo, a aliteração é uma figura de linguagem comum. Qual das alternativas apresenta um exemplo de aliteração em inglês?
Q3156528 Inglês
Regarding English consonant sounds, mark the incorrect option:
Q3156520 Inglês
Look at the following images that show the lateral sections of the mouth during the articulation of different consonant sounds.

Q42.png (164×497)

Correctly associate the sagittal diagrams with their respective consonant sounds and examples in English:
Q3156513 Inglês
Identify the option that contains words whose pronunciation does not rhyme with the others.
Q3149346 Inglês
Which of the following pairs of words are homophones in English, and how can practical activities help students differentiate them in various contexts?
Q3147602 Inglês
        O hábito de buscar referências na língua materna pode ser uma das principais armadilhas no aprendizado de um novo idioma. Embora a língua inglesa esteja presente em boa parte do mundo por meio da Internet, dos livros, dos filmes e das séries, para muitas pessoas a compreensão do idioma ainda é um bicho de sete cabeças. Por esse motivo, é comum ouvir queixas durante as aulas como “não consigo aprender inglês” ou “inglês não é para mim”.

         A diferença da língua materna é o que mais causa dificuldade para os estudantes lusófonos, principalmente pelo fato de a principal origem do português ser o latim e a do inglês ser o anglo-saxão. Essa disparidade causa impactos no som, na escrita e na estrutura do idioma. Pela mistura do anglo-saxão com outros idiomas e culturas, o inglês difere-se do português não apenas na escrita, mas também na pronúncia. Se desprender do habitual idioma materno e precisar falar palavras de uma outra forma é uma dificuldade recorrente entre os estudantes.

Internet:<>  (com adaptações).  

Considerando os aspectos suscitados pelo texto precedente no que concerne à aquisição de língua inglesa por pessoas lusófonas, julgue o próximo item.

Lusofalantes podem usar artigos de forma incorreta ao falar inglês porque em português é mais frequente o uso de artigos definidos ou indefinidos antes de substantivos.

Q3147601 Inglês
        O hábito de buscar referências na língua materna pode ser uma das principais armadilhas no aprendizado de um novo idioma. Embora a língua inglesa esteja presente em boa parte do mundo por meio da Internet, dos livros, dos filmes e das séries, para muitas pessoas a compreensão do idioma ainda é um bicho de sete cabeças. Por esse motivo, é comum ouvir queixas durante as aulas como “não consigo aprender inglês” ou “inglês não é para mim”.

         A diferença da língua materna é o que mais causa dificuldade para os estudantes lusófonos, principalmente pelo fato de a principal origem do português ser o latim e a do inglês ser o anglo-saxão. Essa disparidade causa impactos no som, na escrita e na estrutura do idioma. Pela mistura do anglo-saxão com outros idiomas e culturas, o inglês difere-se do português não apenas na escrita, mas também na pronúncia. Se desprender do habitual idioma materno e precisar falar palavras de uma outra forma é uma dificuldade recorrente entre os estudantes.

Internet:<>  (com adaptações).  

Considerando os aspectos suscitados pelo texto precedente no que concerne à aquisição de língua inglesa por pessoas lusófonas, julgue o próximo item.

A ortografia da língua inglesa é mais regular que a do português, o que facilita a leitura do inglês para os lusofalantes, uma vez que as palavras são, em sua maioria, pronunciadas conforme são escritas.

1: D
2: D
3: D
4: B
5: A
6: D
7: D
8: C
9: C
10: A
11: D
12: A
13: D
14: B
15: E
16: E
17: C
18: C
19: C
20: E