Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês
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Action 1: Teacher has students repeat pronunciation of specific words in a text. Action 2: Teacher asks students about their favorite sports after reading a text on rugby. Action 3: Teacher uses a well-known short story to present the simple past. Action 4: Teacher plays the corresponding audio to a text presented in class.
I have 12 years old. - I goed to school yesterday. - I am with a headache. - She work in the morning.
Corrected – worked – seemed – studied
Sheep –ship – Cheap – Chip
The vowel sounds present in the words below correspond to the minimal pair:
Heat – hit
According to researchers in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University, hummingbirds have extreme aerial agility and flight forms, which is why many drones and other aerial vehicles are designed to mimic hummingbird movement. Using a novel modeling method, Professor Bo Cheng and his team of researchers gained new insights into how hummingbirds produce wing movement, which could lead to design improvements in flying robots.
“We essentially reverse-engineered the inner working of the wing musculoskeletal system — how the muscles and skeleton work in hummingbirds to flap the wings,” said first author and Penn State mechanical engineering graduate student Suyash Agrawal. “The traditional methods have mostly focused on measuring activity of a bird or insect when they are in natural flight or in an artificial environment where flight-like conditions are simulated. But most insects and, among birds specifically, hummingbirds are very small. The data that we can get from those measurements are limited.”
Penn State researchers used muscle anatomy literature, computational fluid dynamics simulation data and wing-skeletal movement information captured using micro-CT and X-ray methods to inform their model. They also used an optimization algorithm based on evolutionary strategies, known as the genetic algorithm, to calibrate the parameters of the model. According to the researchers, their approach is the first to integrate these disparate parts for biological fliers.
With this model, the researchers uncovered previously unknown principles of hummingbird wing actuation. While Cheng emphasized that the results from the optimized model are predictions that will need validation, he said that it has implications for technological development of aerial vehicles.
Internet: <> (adapted).
In the text, the term ‘reverse-engineered’ (first sentence of the second paragraph) is not referring to an industrial product, which represents a variation of its conventional meaning.
United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved
Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).
In order to delve into the basics of English phonology, it is important to establish a clear understanding of what phonology is and its scope of study. Phonology is a subfield of linguistics that focuses on the systematic study of sounds within a particular language or languages. It examines the patterns, organization, and rules governing the sounds and their usage in speech.
The scope of phonology encompasses several key aspects. Firstly, it examines the inventory of sounds in a language, identifying the distinct phonemes and their distribution within words. It also investigates the rules and patterns governing the combination and sequencing of sounds, known as phonotactics. These rules determine which sounds can appear in specific positions within words or syllables (Dodd, et al, 2003).
What is the main objective of phonology?
“Imagining that you are a web journalist, your job is to create interesting and engaging news articles about various topics for your online readers. You have been tasked with writing a news article about a recent technological discovery that has the potential to change everyday life.”
In order to create an effective and enticing article for a target audience, which of the following aspects should your students prioritize in their writing?
Considering the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.
The fragment “of the fact” (third sentence of the first
paragraph), can be deleted without affecting the meaning or
correctness of the original text.
Considering the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.
We can infer from the text that even the act of eating animals
may be considered infringe animal rights.
Considering the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.
Lawyers who defend animal rights claim that animals and
inanimate objects are different.
Considering the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.
The discussion about giving rights to animals has been
prevalent lately.
Brazilian language policies have historically contributed to the invention of a monolingual ideology that served the purposes of the colonial project, that is, the erasure of indigenous languages and the establishment of Portuguese as the national language under the premise ‘one language-one nation-one culture’ as pre-condition for the creation of a supposedly homogenous nation-State (Duboc; Siqueira, 2020).
I. A problemática apresentada no trecho perpetua visões de identidade, cultura e língua fundamentadas em aspirações de pureza, estabilidade e uniformização das noções de língua(gem).
II. As questões trazidas pelos autores negligenciam o caráter híbrido, fluido e complexo que as língua(gens) têm na construção de sentidos.
III. O debate trazido pelos autores celebra a visão multilíngue e multicultural da(s) língua(gens).
Quais estão corretas?