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Q2361120 Inglês
Text CB1A8

        The idea of giving rights to animals has long been contentious, but a deeper look into the reasoning behind the philosophy reveals ideas that aren’t all that radical. Animal rights advocates want to distinguish animals from inanimate objects, as they are so often considered by exploitative industries and the law. The animal rights movement strives to make the public aware of the fact that animals are sensitive, emotional, and intelligent beings who deserve dignity and respect. But first, it’s important to understand what the term “animal rights” really means.
         Animal rights are moral principles grounded in the belief that non-human animals deserve the ability to live as they wish, without being subjected to the desires of human beings. At the core of animal rights is autonomy, which is another way of saying choice. In many countries, human rights are enshrined to protect certain freedoms, such as the right to expression, freedom from torture, and access to democracy. Of course, these choices are constrained depending on social locations like race, class, and gender, but generally speaking, human rights safeguard the basic tenets of what makes human lives worth living. Animal rights aim to do something similar, only for non-human animals.
         Animal rights come into direct opposition with animal exploitation, which includes animals used by humans for a variety of reasons, be it for food, as experimental objects, or even pets. Animal rights can also be violated when it comes to human destruction of animal habitats. This negatively impacts the ability of animals to lead full lives of their choosing.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Considering the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the item below.

The discussion about giving rights to animals has been prevalent lately. 

Q2359887 Inglês
Considere o trecho e analise as assertivas a seguir:

Brazilian language policies have historically contributed to the invention of a monolingual ideology that served the purposes of the colonial project, that is, the erasure of indigenous languages and the establishment of Portuguese as the national language under the premise ‘one language-one nation-one culture’ as pre-condition for the creation of a supposedly homogenous nation-State (Duboc; Siqueira, 2020).

I. A problemática apresentada no trecho perpetua visões de identidade, cultura e língua fundamentadas em aspirações de pureza, estabilidade e uniformização das noções de língua(gem). 
II. As questões trazidas pelos autores negligenciam o caráter híbrido, fluido e complexo que as língua(gens) têm na construção de sentidos.
III. O debate trazido pelos autores celebra a visão multilíngue e multicultural da(s) língua(gens).

Quais estão corretas?
Q2359886 Inglês
Considere os trechos abaixo:

Cultures are not characterised as bounded entities within national borders, but fluid and dynamic with blurred boundaries. Furthermore, cultures are viewed as heterogeneous, containing a great deal of variety among members (Baker, 2018).
ELF (as in English as a Lingua Franca) is by definition intercultural in nature since ELF communication is typically defined as involving speakers from different linguacultures (Baker,2015).
ELF research demonstrates how problematic it is to posit an inexorable link between particular languages and cultures, especially at the national level in intercultural communication (Baker,2018).

Sobre a relação entre língua e cultura, é correto afirmar que:
Q2359884 Inglês
Considere o seguinte trecho:

Translanguaging is a theoretical lens that offers a different view of bilingualism and multilingualism (Vogel; Garcia; 2017).
Acerca do construto translanguaging, analise as assertivas a seguir, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.
( ) Ao mencionar que a translanguaging oferece uma visão diferente de bilinguismo e multilinguismo, os autores se referem à ruptura da visão estanque e compartimentalizada de línguas.
( )   A translanguaging implica a concepção de um repertório linguístico único para comunicação.
( ) As visões de translanguaging e code-switching são sinônimas, não havendo, portanto, diferenças epistemológicas entre os termos.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Q2350987 Inglês
Choose the sentence that correctly uses inversion for emphasis:
36: E
37: E
38: B
39: A
40: A