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Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês
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The National Education Plan foresees a progressive increase in public investment in education until reaching the level of 15% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the end of the plan's validity period.
Educational Psychology is one of the possible applications of psychology to educational issues, with significant contributions to the development of its own body of knowledge.
In the psycholinguistic approach to reading, texts are typically authentic and chosen with the purpose of informing, and pre-reading activities aim to arouse students' interest in reading and anticipate the subject to be addressed in the text.
Interdisciplinarity significantly contributes to the development of students by integrating content from various areas of knowledge, stimulating critical understanding of everyday events.
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The National Common Curricular Base recommends that English language activities in elementary education exclusively focus on grammar and language structure, neglecting the practice of conversation and oral interaction.
In the communicative approach, decontextualized teaching is widely used to facilitate the understanding of grammatical structures.
Mark the correct option about Methods and Approaches.
A morpheme is the smallest unit of grammar with meaning making up all words in the English language. Because learning morphemes unlocks the structure and significance within words, analyse the word group to choose the appropriate option.
Fun - night - dog - but - shake - girl - after - ball - play - joke - the - fish - book - run - happy - she - free - kiss - time - milk
Depending upon the purpose, different texts have specific styles and structure. The communicative purpose and genre
conventions present in the text that follows make it a:
(Available in: Acessed: July, 2024)
( )Written English is more complex grammatically than spoken English, with longer and more complex sentences, fewer contractions, and more subordinate clauses.
( ) Spoken English is more likely to be face-to-face communication, while written English is more likely to be communication through the written word.
( ) Spoken English is more fixed and stable than written English, which is more fleeting.
( ) Spoken English is usually more organized and carefully formulated than written English.
( ) Written English is typically more structured and forms a monologue rather than a dialogue, while spoken English is more likely to be a dialogue.
( ) Written English communicates across time and space for as long as the medium exists and the language is understood. Spoken English is more immediate.
( ) Spoken English normally uses a generally acceptable standard variety of the language, whereas written English may sometimes be in a regional or other limited-context dialect.
( ) In Spoken English, the content is presented much more densely. In written English, the information is “diluted” and conveyed through many more words: there are a lot of repetitions, glosses, “fillers”, producing a text is noticeably longer and with more redundant passages.
( A ) Flipped classroom. ( B ) Project-based learning. ( C ) Case studies. ( D ) Peer teaching. ( E ) Gamification. ( F ) Inquiry-based learning.
( ) Students learn from each other through pairing and sharing learning objectives. It is an effective way to encourage collaboration and communication, and can help students retain information.
( ) It involves the use of game elements in non-game situations to increase motivation and learning. It can also be used in the classroom to increase student engagement, motivation, and knowledge retention while helping them to develop a positive attitude towards learning.
( )Students find solutions to problems mainly by themselves, and then present their findings to the class. It is an active approach that encourages students to become self-directed learners. It also emphasizes contextual and experiential approaches to learning.
( ) Students apply their knowledge to real-world problems, often open-ended. They also work on projects over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engage them in answering a complex question.
( ) Students are placed in an active learning role, promoting research, problem-solving, and highlevel cognitive skills. It challenges students to think critically and creatively to develop solutions.
( ) It focuses on problem solving and learning activities in the classroom, while content transmission happens outside of the classroom. Students learn content at home through readings, videos, or other activities before class. In class, students participate in activities like practice, application exercises, discussions, and team-based learning.
( ) Grammatical rules are not presented formally and the texts used for reading and writing activities are no longer literary since this method is based on certain principles, such as: selection, gradation and presentation.
( ) Learning is associated with syntactic, morphological and phonological structures which are learned from a system of stimulus, response and reinforcement.
( ) In this method, the writing skill is also developed, but not with a communicative purpose.
( ) Adopting the monolingual principle, this method involves the use of objects, gestures and images to explain the meanings of words, since the students' native language is prohibited from being used.
( ) Language learning would be associated with the formation of readers and the intellectual development of students.
( ) This method involves automatic correction and immediate assessment of students' mistakes by teachers in order to prevent the students from forming or acquiring bad habits and behaviors during the learning process.
( ) As a theoretical systematization of foreign language teaching, its objective would be the development of students' oral skills as the vocabulary and grammatical structures they have learned would be controlled in terms of frequency of occurrence.
( ) In this method, learning must be directly connected to the target language without going through the process of translation into the students' native language.
( ) The language to be taught is the spoken language and the new elements of the language are practiced situationally as the grammatical items are proposed gradually, that is, from the simplest to the most complex forms.
( ) In this method, language is both seen and considered as a behavior, for it is a means of oral communication.