Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês
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I. Identificar o assunto de um texto, reconhecendo sua organização textual e palavras cognatas. II. Explorar ambientes virtuais e/ou aplicativos para construir repertório lexical na língua inglesa. III. Mobilizar conhecimentos prévios para compreender um texto oral. IV. Identificar argumentos principais e as evidências/exemplos que os sustentam. V. Escrever palavras e frases simples, utilizando um modelo e vocabulário estudado previamente.
Considerando que o Documento Curricular elaborado tem a preocupação de progressão didática para o desenvolvimento das competências e habilidades do aprendizado de Língua Inglesa, assinale a alternativa que representa as habilidades pensadas para os Anos Finais.
I. Audiolingual Approach está baseada em uma concepção estruturalista de linguagem e na visão behaviorista de aprendizagem (estímuloresposta). Sua técnica inclui exercícios orais de ouvir e repetir para se alcançar um nível de precisão das formas e padrões linguísticos. II. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) é uma abordagem centrada no desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa, ou seja, desenvolver a competência comunicativa dos alunos em todas as quatro habilidades. III. Natural Approach é uma abordagem usada para preparar os alunos para leitura de textos. Seu método e técnica dão pouca ênfase na fala, consistindo no aprendizado de regras gramaticais e lista de vocabulário aplicadas à tradução escrita de textos. IV. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) é uma abordagem que combina a aprendizagem de um assunto específico com a aprendizagem da língua-alvo. As atividades buscam integrar as quatro competências, levando o aluno ao uso significativo da linguagem e ao desenvolvimento de competências transferíveis para utilização no mundo real. V. Dogme é uma abordagem baseada na noção de que a linguagem compreende unidades lexicais (partes, frases fixas, colocações). Seu método concentra-se no aprendizado de vocabulário e quadros linguísticos em nível de frase que podem ser manipulados pelo aluno realizando substituições e adaptações.
Fonte: (adaptado).
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Questions 37 and 38 refer to the text below
Listening challenges for English language learners
There are many difficulties an individual may face in understanding a talk, lecture or conversation in a second language (and sometimes even in their first language). The speaker, the situation and the listener can all be the cause of these difficulties.
Contributing factors include the speaker talking quickly, background noise, a lack of visual clues (such as on the telephone), the listener’s limited vocabulary, a lack of knowledge of the topic, and an inability to distinguish individual sounds.
While the challenges posed by the speaker or the situation may be out of the listener’s hands, there are a few skills or 'strategies' that English learners can use to help them along
Choose the alternative with the CORRECT order of procedures for learners to improve their listening skills.
According to Brown (2007), the two most valuable reading strategies for English learners are:
Brazilian Portuguese learners of English tend to mispronounce and misperceive ‘final s’ in plural forms (nouns) and third person singular forms (in the present simple tense) as well as ‘final ed’ in simple past forms of regular verbs. Another common difficulty is choosing between “a” or “an”. In fact, there are simple phonological rules that can help learners overcome such difficulties. Mark (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false ones.
( ) The words moved, laughed, played, and rained have the same final sound.
( ) The words moved, laughed, hated, and shaked have two syllables.
( ) Considering the use of the indefinite article (a, an), it is correct to say: a car, a house, a dog, a one-eyed man, a university, an umbrella, and, an apple.
( ) The words cats, umbrellas, candles, and birds have the same final sound.
( ) The words books, chiefs, tops, and fakes have the same final sound.
Mark the alternative which contains the CORRECT sequence from the first to the last propositions.
Differences between Brazilian Portuguese and English can result in difficulties in oral comprehension and production due to transfer. These difficulties can result in intelligibility and comprehensibility problems that can be overcome when teachers understand why and how the difficulties happen. Mark the alternative in which only common phonological processes that trigger mispronunciations produced by Brazilians when speaking English are mentioned.
The use of authentic materials in the classroom can be beneficial to the learner because of the real language exposure supporting a more creative approach to teaching, the possibility of practicing skimming and scanning, the encouragement to reading for pleasure, among others. Nevertheless, using authentic materials in ESP classes can also have some disadvantages, such as:
Leia as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Na frase “i took a swim” ocorre um verbo que pode ser melhor traduzido como correr.
II. O aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira deve possibilitar que o aluno, ao se envolver nos processos de construir significados nessa língua, se constitua em um ser discursivo no uso de uma língua estrangeira.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Leia as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Ao ensinar uma língua estrangeira, é essencial uma compreensão teórica do que é a linguagem, tanto do ponto de vista dos conhecimentos necessários para usá-la quanto em relação ao uso que fazem desses conhecimentos para construir significados no mundo social.
II. Na frase “he eats him out of house and home”, o verbo 'eats' pode ser melhor traduzido como reformar.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
According to Kumaravadivelu (2001), “The postmethod learner is an autonomous learner. The literature on learner autonomy has so far provided two interrelated aspects of autonomy: academic autonomy and social autonomy”. Choose the alternative that corresponds to the author’s idea of autonomy:
In his attempt to find a definition for a postmethod pedagogy, Kumaravadivelu (2001) states that an option is to look at the term and consider it a “pedagogy of particularity, practicality, and possibility”. Which of the alternatives below represents the author’s idea of practicality?
Study the sentence ‘We asked Mrs. Cooper for her advise’. What type of mistake does it contain?
Choose the word that rhymes with NOW.
The terms aims, materials and class profile are traditionally used to refer to
Choose the term that best represents the following description:
Vocabulary is the main focus for syllabus design and classroom teaching. |
Read text 4 and answer questions 23 and 24.
The sense of individuality and nationalism that has been borne from the diversity of ethnicities and traditions in Brazil is extremely strong; people take great pride in the uniqueness of their culture. The idea of ‘Brazilianism,’ which examines Brazil’s powerful history and how its distinct communities have come together to form a cohesive and unified nation, is now being offered at the university level as a subject of study. Cultivated partially by decades of unfavourable sentiment directed at different times towards the Portuguese, Spanish, British and Americans, the Brazilian identity is also defined to a certain extent by its anti-imperialist views.
The English language specifically has long been denied special consideration in Brazilian politics, policy and education due in part to the association between the language and the notion of cultural imperialism; generations of Brazilians have prospered without knowledge of the language and many in the country associate English with the United States and its role in the military regime from the 1960s to the 1980s. Due to this and the diversity of Brazilian history and the Brazilian people, it has been important not to refer to English as a second language - of which many exist in the form of indigenous languages – but as one of many foreign languages. Examples of the democratisation of language is exemplified by the fact that seven foreign languages are offered to middle schoolers in Sao Paulo as well as the historical role of Spanish and French as the foreign languages of choice. Our research has shown that the popular sentiment towards English is slowly changing, especially with the new generation of citizens that has no experience with the former dictatorship and an awareness of the increasingly globalised knowledge economy, of which Brazil is an important part.
Access on August 18th, 2018
In the passage ‘how its distinct communities have come together to form a cohesive and unified nation, ITS refers to
Read text 3 and answer questions 19, 20 and 21.
In Chloe Snow`s diary: confessions of a high school disaster, author Emma Chastain uses diary entries to tell the story of 14-year-old Chloe Snow. Read the following excerpt from the book.
Thursday, August 27
After dinner, Dad and I watched Midnight in Paris. The point of the movie is, everyone idealizes the past, not realizing that their own era is pretty great and will be idealized by future generations. After it was over, I said, “I still think I’d be happier in the Jazz Age,” and Dad said, “You wouldn’t last five minutes without your phone,” which doesn’t make sense, because if I were born back then, I wouldn`t know about smartphones, so I couldn’t miss them, which I said, thereby winning the argument. For dessert, Dad had whiskey, and I had a lemon Italian ice, which I flipped over so I could eat the mushy super-sweet part first.
(Chastain, E. Chloe Snow’s diary: confessions of a High School disaster. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2017. p.17)
The conjunction SO in ‘I wouldn`t know about smartphones, so I couldn’t miss them’, is closest in meaning to
As questões de números 52 a 55 verificam conhecimentos relativos à cultura e a escritores dos países de língua inglesa. Em cada uma delas, assinale a alternativa correta.
The famous poem, The Raven (1845), depicts an unhappy young man who asks if he will again meet his dead loved one, Lenore. “Nevermore!” is the repeated, machine-like answer of the big black bird. This poem was written by
As questões de números 52 a 55 verificam conhecimentos relativos à cultura e a escritores dos países de língua inglesa. Em cada uma delas, assinale a alternativa correta.
A Christmas Carol (1843) is the story of a bad character who improves his behaviour after a ghost tells him how he will die. It was written by
As questões de números 52 a 55 verificam conhecimentos relativos à cultura e a escritores dos países de língua inglesa. Em cada uma delas, assinale a alternativa correta.
The plot of pure and tragic love of Shakespeare’s first great tragedy is known all over the world. This work is called