Questões de Concurso Sobre falso cognatos | false cognates em inglês

Foram encontradas 73 questões

Q3166591 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo e marque em seguida a tradução das palavras em negrito:

One of most successful chat artists of the 1980s, Madonna (bom Madonna Louise Ciccone, 1959) worked in various dance troupes before joining disco artist Patrick Hernandez backing singers in 1979. Later that year she joined Breakfast Club as drummer and vocalist and in 1980 formed Emmenon (AKA Emmy), made solo demos and starred in her first film “A CertainSacrifice”.

Assinale corretamente:

Q3161501 Inglês
Cognates can help recognize meanings in English texts, while false cognates require more attention to avoid misinterpretations. Regarding the topic, analyze the following statements:

I.The word important is a true cognate that means "importante" in Portuguese.
II.The word fabric does not mean "fábrica" in Portuguese but rather "tecido."
III.The term eventually is not a true cognate of "eventualmente" because it means "finally" or "in the end."

The correct statements are:
Q3161498 Inglês
Cognates and false cognates can either facilitate or hinder the understanding of texts in English, depending on the context in which they are used. Regarding the topic, mark T for true statements and F for false ones.

(__)The word library means "livraria" in Portuguese.
(__)The term actually is equivalent to "atualmente" in Portuguese.
(__)The word parents refers to "parentes" in Portuguese.
(__)The word education is a true cognate that means "educação" or "ensino" in Portuguese.

The correct sequence is:
Q3156510 Inglês
In a TED Talk about space exploration, students understood terms like "constellation," "gravitational," and "atmospheric" without prior teaching. However, they misinterpreted "actually" as "currently" and "pretend" as "intend." The interpretation errors occurred due to:
Q3153138 Inglês
Understanding texts in English requires the use of efficient reading strategies. Analyze the following statements.

I.Skimming is a reading technique that searches for specific information, such as names and dates, in a text.
II.Scanning is a strategy used to quickly locate specific information without reading the entire text.
III.Inference consists of understanding the meaning of the text solely by identifying cognates.

The correct statements are:
Q3153130 Inglês
The English vocabulary consists of words with different meanings and contextual uses. Regarding this topic, mark T for the true statements and F for the false ones.

(__)True cognates are words that have similar spelling and meaning in English and Portuguese, such as information.
(__)In English, bored and boring can be used interchangeably to describe people and situations.
(__)In English, actually means "currently" and is synonymous with currently.
(__)The term false friends refers to words that look similar in English and Portuguese but have different meanings, such as pretend and "pretender."

The correct sequence is:
Q3133114 Inglês
Consider the sentence below:
"After a comprehensive meeting that lasted all morning, we eventually decided to take a break and have lunch."
How many false cognates did we find? 
Q3108929 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

Os falsos cognatos podem ser uma armadilha para quem está aprendendo um novo idioma, pois podem causar confusão e erros de tradução. Por isso, é importante conhecer os falsos cognatos, para evitar constrangimentos ou confusões. Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, o falso cognato é:
Q3077539 Inglês
São exemplos de palavras cognatas nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa, exceto:
Q3069660 Inglês
    The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented. In addition, the study aims to exemplify how English teaching is guided from the national level to the state and municipal level, looking particularly at the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. The case studies in these two states examine state policies related to English, with a particular focus on teachers and their careers, from training to work routine and 20 classroom pedagogical practices.

    Based on an in-depth analysis of these two Brazilian states and the results of questionnaires conducted with universities and with teachers, this report offers a set of recommendations for improving English teaching in these two states, which can also be applied to other states or federal entities in Brazil. The aim is to consolidate these recommendations into workable and meaningful propositions with the ultimate goal of improving English teaching 25 in Brazil through better quality education led by qualified teachers.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
“There is then, a window of opportunity that is opening to improve English instruction in Brazilian education and a chance to modernize the way school is structured in the country.” (2º§)

( ) The word “opportunity” is cognate, which means it is similar to Portuguese and has the same meaning in English.

( ) The word “improve” is cognate and the word “improbable” is one of its synonyms.

( ) The word “modernize” is a cognate word. It could be substituted by the word “update”.

( ) The word “country” is a false cognate. It seems to be a type of music, but it is actually referring to places far from the city.

The sequence is correct only in:
Q3061991 Inglês

Atenção! Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.


      Over the past few decades, South Korean culture has gained popularity worldwide. Since the 1990s, government-led cultural policies have transitioned from focusing on economic strategy to national branding and soft power and have had a positive impact on the domestic ecosystem of cultural industry and contributed to promoting South Korea abroad. There are three aspects contributing to the development of South Korean soft power—the successful history with economic development and democratization, the development of creative content that led to global competitiveness due to the compressed growth experience and the limited domestic market, and the development of digital technology, especially the change in the media environment. However, this increased soft power is still limited as a tool to handle problems facing South Korea, mainly because of the nation’s geopolitical situation. South Korea should pay more attention to active participation in specific global agendas— especially in development and cooperation, emerging technology, and human rights issues. As a beneficiary of the existing liberal international order, South Korea achieved a prosperous economy and democracy. This aspect provides a cornerstone upon which to build South Korean cultural resources and promote them beyond its borders. South Korea should contribute creating public goods through its active engagement and leadership on various global agendas. This dedication to the international community ultimately benefits South Korea in the long run.

KIM, Minsung. The Growth of South Korean Soft Power and Its Geopolitical Implications. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 ago. 2024. Adaptado.

Ao trabalharem com a leitura do resumo desse artigo, os estudantes apresentaram dificuldade para entender o trecho government-led cultural policies. Ao elicitar dos alunos possíveis interpretações gramaticais e lexicais, a professora recebeu as seguintes considerações:

I. ‘government-led’ é um exemplo de um substantivo composto.
II. Em ‘cultural policies’, ‘cultural’ qualifica o termo ‘policies’.
III. ‘policies’ pode ser considerado um falso cognato.
IV. ‘government-led’ qualifica o termo ‘cultural’.

Estão corretas as afirmações: 
Q3052132 Inglês
About the set of words, intended to enable oral practice and enhance world knowledge, correct perceptions are met in the options introduced, EXCEPT for:
Q3044787 Inglês

Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English word "fabric" is a cognate of the Portuguese word "fábrica," both referring to a place where cloth or textile materials are produced. 

Q3044786 Inglês

Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English word "eventually" and the Portuguese word "eventualmente" are false cognates, as "eventually" indicates something that will happen at some point in the future, while "eventualmente" means something that happens occasionally or at irregular intervals.

Q3044785 Inglês

Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English word "apparent" and the Portuguese word "aparente" are false cognates, as "apparent" in English means something that seems to be true or real but may not be, while "aparente" in Portuguese means something that is clearly visible or obvious.

Q3044784 Inglês

Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English verb "to assist" and the Portuguese verb "assistir" are cognates, both meaning "to help" or "to give support." 

Q3028604 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below.

I. Carla always pretends to care.
II. I can’t stand his comments, they’re full of all types of prejudice.
III. It’s an important topic to discuss.
IV. How much times do we have to go over this project?

Mark these statements as True (T) or False (F).
( ) “Care” and “stand” are regular verbs in sentences I and II, respectively.
( ) “Go over” is a phrasal verb in sentence IV.
( ) Even though “pretend”, “important” and “prejudice” are similar in spelling to words in Portuguese, they are all false cognates.
( ) In sentences II and IV, the use of quantifiers is correct.

The statements are, in the order presented, respectively:
Q3024630 Inglês
Capital One Sued Over Consumer-Data Disclosures to Meta, Google

Capital One Financial Corp. is facing a proposed class action alleging the financial giant disclosed the personal and financial information of millions of consumers to Meta Platforms Inc., Google LLC, Microsoft Corp., and other third parties without their consent in violation of state and federal privacy laws.

Vishal Shah and three other named plaintiffs accused Capital One of “knowingly and secretly” installing online tracking tools from third-party software providers and data-analytics companies on its website, allowing those third parties to collect information arising from consumer visits there.

Data allegedly disclosed to the third parties included information arising from consumers’ interactions with the website, information about bank and credit card accounts, information disclosed on credit card application forms, and employment information, according to the complaint filed Monday in the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Other third parties identified in the complaint included DoubleClick Inc., NewRelic Inc., Adobe Inc., Everest Technologies Inc., Kenshoo Ltd., Snowplow Analytics Ltd., BioCatch Inc., and Tealium Inc.

No third party is named as a defendant.

Meta’s Facebook and the others used the information for their own purposes, including for marketing and advertising, and made further disclosures to other third parties “who will profit off of the use of that information,” the complaint said. The plaintiffs seek to represent a nationwide class and a California subclass of people whose information was disclosed by Capital One without their consent.

The complaint alleges negligence, negligence per se, invasion of privacy, breach of express contract, breach of implied contract, unjust enrichment, bailment, breach of confidence, declaratory judgment, and violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, the Consumer Protection Law, the Consumer Privacy Act, the Customer Records Act, and the Invasion of Privacy Act. The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages; three years of credit-monitoring services for class members; restitution and disgorgement; attorneys’ fees and costs; and pre- and post-judgment interest.

(Available at: Acesso em: 28 de agosto de 2024.)
The plaintiffs are seeking actual, compensatory, statutory, and punitive damages. Which of these words is a false cognate?
Q3008319 Inglês

Leia o fragmento de texto a seguir e responda a questão.

    Cultural stereotypes are fixed ideas that people have about what specific social groups or individuals are like, especially an idea that is wrong. Other terms that are associated with the term stereotype are prejudice and cliché. The term has a Greek origin: stereos means solid or firm and typos mean blow, impression, engraved, or mark. The term was first used in the printing business. The first modern English use of the term was in 1850, meaning “image perpetuated without change.”

    Because stereotypes are standardized and simplified ideas of groups based on some prejudices, they are not derived from objective facts but rather from subjective and often unverifiable ideas. As Sociologist Charles E. Hurst states, “one reason for stereotypes is the lack of personal, concrete familiarity that individuals have with persons in other racial or ethnic groups. Lack of familiarity encourages the lumping together of unknown individuals”.

    The existence of stereotypes may be explained by the need for groups of people to view themselves as more normal or superior to other groups. Consequently, stereotypes may be used to justify ill-founded prejudices or ignorance and prevent people of stereotyped groups from entering or succeeding in various activities or fields. The stereotyping group is, generally, reluctant to reconsider their attitudes and behavior towards the stereotyped group.

    Stereotypes may affect people negatively. This includes forming inaccurate and distorted images and opinions of people. Stereotypes may also be used for scapegoating or for making general erroneous judgments about people. Some stereotyping people may feel comfortable when they prevent themselves from emotional identification with the stereotyped group, which leads to xenophobic or racist behavior. Finally, another serious consequence of stereotypes is the feeling of inferiority that the stereotyped people may have, which may impair their performance.

Fonte: HURST, Charles. Social Inequality: Forms, Causes and Consequences. Boston: Pearson Education, 2007.

Sobre as palavras em destaque no texto, assinale a que indica um falso cognato (inglês-português). 
Q2691628 Inglês

Considere o fragmento inicial de um texto publicado na internet. Utilize-o para responder as questões 32, 33 e 34 a seguir.


March 24, 2019


A Whole New World is the first book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of five titles published over the past four years, with the sixth due in April 2019. Each of the novels is standalone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you the most in whichever order you feel like. For reviewing purposes, I will be reading the full series in chronological order of publication, and I will be completely honest and spoiler-free in letting you know what I thought!

A Whole New World by Liz Braswell follows an alternate plotline of what would have happened if, at the mouth of the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin had passed the magic lamp to the villain Jafar, granting him the power of the Genie… and the reign of Agrabah. This triggers the rise of a terrifying dictatorship, prompting a revolution on the streets of Agrabah led by slick army of Street Rats.

Did it show me the world? Most definitely. Was it shining, shimmering, splendid? Read on. (...)

WOW News Today. (adaptado)

As palavras em inglês “series”, “novels”, “chronological” e “revolution” são muito semelhantes, na escrita, com as respectivas palavras em português “série”, “novelas”, “cronológico (a)” e “revolução”. Uma delas, no entanto, é um falso cognato, pois seu significado não equivale ao da palavra de escrita similar em português.

Assinale a única alternativa que apresenta um falso cognato.

1: C
2: C
3: D
4: B
5: B
6: C
7: C
8: B
9: B
10: B
11: C
12: C
13: E
14: C
15: C
16: E
17: D
18: A
19: C
20: D