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Sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês
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Person 1: "Have you ever been to Paris?"
Person 2: "Well, I've been planning a trip there for years, but something always comes up."
Choose the correct option that best interprets the response of the second person.
Europe’s tourism will most probably have to navigate the travel disruptions experienced last summer in terms of short-staffed airports and accommodation establishments, and soaring travel costs. Nevertheless, the EU has also demonstrated some economic resilience so far in 2023 with lower energy prices, encouraging employment rates, and gradually receding inflation1. However, risks to the tourism outlook remain and are notably stemming from stubbornly high core inflation and uncertainty around the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine. One in four reporting destinations surpassed pre-pandemic levels of foreign tourist arrivals, including value for money destinations such as Serbia (+27%), Bulgaria (+21%), Montenegro (+12%) and Türkiye (+9%)
Source (adapted):
Considering the information provided in the text, what factors contributed to the economic resilience of the European Union in 2023?
Leia o Texto 4 para responder a questão.
Texto 4
According to information from the MetSouth, the heat wave has already begun, affecting mainly the South and Southeast of Brazil, with atypically high temperatures for the month of November, a period that is already historically hot, but which, in 2023, could see records broken.
Until Friday (10), the most intense heat should be concentrated in the Central-West and in the interior of São Paulo, but from the weekend onwards the mass of hot air increases and the maximum temperatures begin to reach more areas of Brazil, just as it was in September and October. (...)
Disponível em: <
maior-onda-de-calor-da-historia/>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2023. [Adaptado].
According to the text, judge the item from.
According to the text, agronomists are specialized in
ecology as well as in science. Therefore, they can be
called environmental scientists and they share a very
peculiar perspective of agriculture.

The Internet has changed people lives, speech styles, jobs, communication, and education. Modern cell phones, digital cameras, and other new devices have affected the way we use language. People communicate with each other through electronic mail, instant messaging, and texts. They might “chat” in different virtual rooms, join interesting online groups, comment on news websites, and write in blogs and “wikis.” These practices construct new forms of “discourse, identity, authorship, and language” (Kern, 2006, p.183). The English language is widely used on the Internet and is considered to be the most common Internet language. English language has many new expressions and abbreviations that appear on the Internet. These Internet expressions have grown in popularity. People use several terms to describe them, such as texting language, textese, Internet language, digital language, and chatting language. Such expressions build up a new variety of English that is very common among Internet users, bloggers, chatters, gamers, and teenagers in general. It is considered an informal written language, much like slang, which is an informal spoken variety of the language. This paper uses the term “texting language” (TL) to mean all these kinds of messages, expressions, and abbreviations.
If you like to share your opinion in comment threads or chat rooms politely, you should use the abbreviation
For the foreign language teachers,
Reading the cartoon, we infer that
Erten & Razı: The effects of cultural familiarity on reading comprehension
Regarding the suggestions for reading activities that require the student to use Skimming, rate T for true sentences and F for false sentences:
( ) Prepare a text for a treasure hunt, which must be enigmatic so that students highlight the key words and find clues to the treasure.
( ) Distribute short texts in English, with vocabulary already known to the students, and ask them to read for a few minutes. Afterwards, ask each student to tell you what their perception of the text was.
( ) Write short advertising texts and ask students to read and guess what type of advertising it is.
( ) Distribute texts in English of different genres to students, ask them to read them quickly and answer what the text is about.
This control, Block (1992) has referred to as
This implication of the National Common Curricular Base concerns (BNCC):