Questões de Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension para Concurso

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Q2691630 Inglês

Utilize o texto a seguir para responder às questões 35 e 36.



Skimming and scanning are two different reading skills. Skimming means looking at a text or chapter quickly in order to have a general idea of the contents. Scanning means looking at a text to find some particular information. For example, we skim through a report to have a rough idea of what it says but we scan a page of the telephone directory to find a particular name or number. Skimming requires a __________ degree of reading and word recognition skills as it involves a more thorough understanding of the text. Scanning to find a particular piece of information can be achieved successfully by relatively poor readers and is therefore a very satisfying achievement for those daunted by texts in a foreign language. As the students become more confident of their reading ability in the mother tongue and in English, they will learn how to approach texts with different reading skills depending on the purpose of the text and the purpose they have for reading it. The more students are encouraged to approach a text by first using skimming or scanning techniques, the sooner they begin to realise that they do not have to read and understand every word of a text. Slow readers are 'textbounded', that is, they think that they have to work laboriously through every word in order to understand a text.

Considere a seguinte passagem:

“Skimming requires a __________ degree of reading and word recognition skills as it involves a more thorough understanding of the text.”

No contexto indicado, assinale a alternativa que preencha corretamente a forma do adjetivo “great”:

Q2691629 Inglês

Utilize o texto a seguir para responder às questões 35 e 36.



Skimming and scanning are two different reading skills. Skimming means looking at a text or chapter quickly in order to have a general idea of the contents. Scanning means looking at a text to find some particular information. For example, we skim through a report to have a rough idea of what it says but we scan a page of the telephone directory to find a particular name or number. Skimming requires a __________ degree of reading and word recognition skills as it involves a more thorough understanding of the text. Scanning to find a particular piece of information can be achieved successfully by relatively poor readers and is therefore a very satisfying achievement for those daunted by texts in a foreign language. As the students become more confident of their reading ability in the mother tongue and in English, they will learn how to approach texts with different reading skills depending on the purpose of the text and the purpose they have for reading it. The more students are encouraged to approach a text by first using skimming or scanning techniques, the sooner they begin to realise that they do not have to read and understand every word of a text. Slow readers are 'textbounded', that is, they think that they have to work laboriously through every word in order to understand a text.

Sobre o texto, considere as seguintes afirmativas:

I. Um exemplo da técnica de “scanning” é a busca de informações em uma lista telefônica.

II. A técnica de “skimming” corresponde à leitura minuciosa de um texto, com a atenção do leitor para a compreensão de seus pontos específicos.

III. O uso inicial de ambas as técnicas contribui para o entendimento dos estudantes de que não é necessário, na atividade de leitura, procurar entender cada palavra que constitui o texto.

Estão corretas as afirmativas:

Q2691626 Inglês

Considere o fragmento inicial de um texto publicado na internet. Utilize-o para responder as questões 32, 33 e 34 a seguir.


March 24, 2019


A Whole New World is the first book in the Twisted Tales series. At the time of writing, the series consists of five titles published over the past four years, with the sixth due in April 2019. Each of the novels is standalone, meaning you can read whichever stories intrigue you the most in whichever order you feel like. For reviewing purposes, I will be reading the full series in chronological order of publication, and I will be completely honest and spoiler-free in letting you know what I thought!

A Whole New World by Liz Braswell follows an alternate plotline of what would have happened if, at the mouth of the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin had passed the magic lamp to the villain Jafar, granting him the power of the Genie… and the reign of Agrabah. This triggers the rise of a terrifying dictatorship, prompting a revolution on the streets of Agrabah led by slick army of Street Rats.

Did it show me the world? Most definitely. Was it shining, shimmering, splendid? Read on. (...)

WOW News Today. (adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta corretamente o gênero textual a que o texto pertence.

Q2691322 Inglês

“The picnic was called off because of the rain”.

What does this sentence mean?

Q2691311 Inglês

“Cut it out!”.

What does this sentence mean?

701: B
702: C
703: B
704: A
705: A