Questões de Concurso Sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês

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Q273950 Inglês
Students’ mother tongues play a central role in the teaching of beginners.
Q273696 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items from 111 to 120.
The choice of language used in the second paragraph indicates the author’s certainty both about the existence of a large quantity of tongues spoken by humans and about the number of such languages.
Q273695 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items from 111 to 120.
In the first paragraph the author emphasizes the biological similarities presented by human beings and claims that people are the same but for the different languages they speak.
Q273694 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items from 111 to 120.
For the author, the act of translation is connected with philosophical issues which have a straightforward and easy explanation: “men speak different languages” (L.1-2).
Q273690 Inglês
Judge the following item on translation and semiotics.

The relationships between the different signs of a specific language are unique. However, such relationships can be identically reproduced during the translation process depending on the skills of the translator.
Q273684 Inglês
Considering the text and the topics to which it refers, judge theitems below.
The notion of context has been extensively invoked and elaborated in the study of translation and interpreting.
Q273680 Inglês
Considering the text and the topics to which it refers, judge theitems below.
Context should be treated as a constraint or a set of restrictions on what one can or cannot achieve in translation.
Q273677 Inglês
Judge the following items based on the text above.
The translation act can be described as the rephrasing of original verbal utterances.
Q273676 Inglês
Judge the following items based on the text above.
Inter-semiotic translation can be said to be a translation between two different communication systems.
Q273675 Inglês
Judge the following items based on the text above.
Translators are near-omniscient beings consciously selecting solutions to semiotic translational problems.
Q273674 Inglês
Judge the following items, which refer to text tipology

Argumentative texts are types of text in which a thesis is cited and then extensively defended.
Q273673 Inglês
Judge the following items, which refer to text tipology

Texts can be classified in terms of their communicative intentions.
Q273672 Inglês
Judge the following items, which refer to text tipology

Attempts at building text type based models for translation practice has proved controversial because text types often exhibit overlapping features.
Q273671 Inglês
Judge the following items, which refer to text tipology

The following text, adapted from the website can be said to be a descriptive text: “There is a surprising truth about how we all see the world. You may think a rose is red, the sky is blue and the grass is green, but it now seems that the colours you see may not always be the same as the colours I see. Your age, sex and even mood can affect how you experience colours".
Q273670 Inglês
Judge the following items, which refer to text tipology

In technical translation, the effect on the readers matters more than the actual words or the syntactic layout and the translator will probably follow an idiomatic or a free translation.
Q273664 Inglês

Considering translation and some of the notions it envolves, judge
the following items.

Translation should be understood as communication and the search for an exact equivalence between the languages involved in the process.

Q273657 Inglês
In the text, the word “bias” (R.5)
can be correctly understood as the expressing of an unquestionable preference towards a particular subject or thing, while rejecting others.
Q273645 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the following items.
Language users set up which style to adopt regardless of the text to be presented.
Q273644 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the following items.
Several factors are supposed to be considered whenever a choice of style is required.
Q273639 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Not only cultural theorists but also technophiles have quickly foreseen unimagined changes in our present-day orderly society.
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