Questões de Concurso Sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês

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Q2577957 Inglês

FlexSea’s biodegradable plastics attract £3m investment

01 FlexSea, a startup with its roots at Imperial College London, has announced the completion

02 of a seed round worth £3 million in equity and grants. The investment will help the company

03 commercialize a range of sustainable packaging solutions it has developed, based on plastics

04 derived from seaweed. The aim is to address the catastrophic impact of conventional plastics

05 on the environment, in particular the single-use plastic products that persist in the ocean for

06 many hundreds of years after they are discarded. In contrast, the biodegradable plastics

07 devised by FlexSea will break down in the sea or the soil within a matter of weeks.

08 Carlo Fedeli, the co-founder and Chief Executive of FlexSea, first started to think about

09 biodegradable plastics during the COVID pandemic. “I noticed the amount of plastic packaging

10 that was piling up at home, because of the online groceries and other deliveries we relied on

11 at the time, and I just had enough,” he says. He started looking into the biodegradable plastics

12 that were already available, and found that they often had shortcomings. Some didn’t actually

13 break down very rapidly under day-to-day environmental conditions, while others involved

14 unsustainable production methods. For example, plastics derived from seaweed are often made

15 from brown seaweed, which is usually harvested from nature, rather than the commonly

16 cultivated red seaweed. He set out to develop a thin-film plastic from red seaweed. “By the

17 end of lockdown I had the first prototype, a transparent flexi-film, and that is still the backbone

18 technology of our solvent-cast thin films,” he says.

19 FlexSea was set up in 2021 with co-founder Thibaut Monfort-Micheo. Their first home was

20 at Scale Space, on the White City Campus, and they received support from across Imperial's

21 enterprising ecosystem. In 2021 they joined the Centre for Climate Change Innovation’s

22 Greenhouse Accelerator, and in 2022 they took part in Imperial’s Venture Catalyst Challenge,

23 winning the energy and environment track. "FlexSea has the potential to change the pattern

24 of human consumption of plastic and therefore change the sustainability path of our planet,”

25 says Stephan Morais, Managing General Partner of lead investor Indico Capital. "This

26 investment will allow us ___ (make) significant progress and penetrate the market effectively,”

27 says Carlo Fedeli, the co-founder and Chief Executive of FlexSea.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

Which alternative best describes FlexSea’s main objective in producing biodegradable plastic?

Q2577955 Inglês

FlexSea’s biodegradable plastics attract £3m investment

01 FlexSea, a startup with its roots at Imperial College London, has announced the completion

02 of a seed round worth £3 million in equity and grants. The investment will help the company

03 commercialize a range of sustainable packaging solutions it has developed, based on plastics

04 derived from seaweed. The aim is to address the catastrophic impact of conventional plastics

05 on the environment, in particular the single-use plastic products that persist in the ocean for

06 many hundreds of years after they are discarded. In contrast, the biodegradable plastics

07 devised by FlexSea will break down in the sea or the soil within a matter of weeks.

08 Carlo Fedeli, the co-founder and Chief Executive of FlexSea, first started to think about

09 biodegradable plastics during the COVID pandemic. “I noticed the amount of plastic packaging

10 that was piling up at home, because of the online groceries and other deliveries we relied on

11 at the time, and I just had enough,” he says. He started looking into the biodegradable plastics

12 that were already available, and found that they often had shortcomings. Some didn’t actually

13 break down very rapidly under day-to-day environmental conditions, while others involved

14 unsustainable production methods. For example, plastics derived from seaweed are often made

15 from brown seaweed, which is usually harvested from nature, rather than the commonly

16 cultivated red seaweed. He set out to develop a thin-film plastic from red seaweed. “By the

17 end of lockdown I had the first prototype, a transparent flexi-film, and that is still the backbone

18 technology of our solvent-cast thin films,” he says.

19 FlexSea was set up in 2021 with co-founder Thibaut Monfort-Micheo. Their first home was

20 at Scale Space, on the White City Campus, and they received support from across Imperial's

21 enterprising ecosystem. In 2021 they joined the Centre for Climate Change Innovation’s

22 Greenhouse Accelerator, and in 2022 they took part in Imperial’s Venture Catalyst Challenge,

23 winning the energy and environment track. "FlexSea has the potential to change the pattern

24 of human consumption of plastic and therefore change the sustainability path of our planet,”

25 says Stephan Morais, Managing General Partner of lead investor Indico Capital. "This

26 investment will allow us ___ (make) significant progress and penetrate the market effectively,”

27 says Carlo Fedeli, the co-founder and Chief Executive of FlexSea.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

Order the events below chronologically according to the text, 1 being the first thing that happened, and 5 being the last.

( ) FlexSea received a great sum of money to intensify commercial actions.

( ) Fideli searched existing biodegradable plastic solutions.

( ) FlexSea took part in an important event promoted by Imperial College London.

( ) Fideli worried about the amount of disposable plastic people throw away every day.

( ) Fideli built a prototype with red seaweed.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:

Q2574528 Inglês
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When considering the linguistic context of a specific word in a sentence, we have to consider your denotative (literal) meaning in the sentence. Because the connotative (associative) meaning does not interfere with the interpretation and meaning of the message.
Q2574527 Inglês
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Utilizamos a anáfora para evitar repetições de palavras em um texto, empregando elementos como artigos, advérbios, pronomes e numerais. Essa técnica torna o texto mais coeso e fluido.
Q2574523 Inglês
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Na leitura de um texto em inglês, nos deparamos com os falsos cognatos, cujos exemplos podem ser vistos a seguir: competition,other and offensive.
Q2574522 Inglês
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Usamos como técnica de leitura no inglês instrumental palavras cognatas que são aquelas que têm a mesma origem que as usadas em português. Assim, suas grafias são iguais ou semelhantes, e seus significados são os mesmos, com pequenas diferenças, no máximo.
Q2574516 Inglês
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When we are reading a text where we find unknown words, we do not recommend stopping reading, because the context can help you figure out that, through which, you can infer the meaning of certain vocabulary.
Q2574513 Inglês
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When writing a text, we understand that understanding it is not related to the context to which the reader belongs. As long as it contains all the information that accompanies the text, the way in which ideas are linked together in speech.
Q2574499 Inglês
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Para garantir a compreensão imediata do leitor em um texto coerente, é essencial estabelecer uma conexão fluida e clara entre as ideias apresentadas. Isso é alcançado ao assegurar a coesão textual, promovendo a ligação harmoniosa entre as partes do texto, independentemente da sequência lógica entre os termos e as frases.
Q2574497 Inglês
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Ao fazer uso da técnica de leitura skimming, analisamos o título, as ilustrações (se houver), as datas, os nomes próprios e todas as figuras tipográficas (reticências, itálico, negrito etc.).
Q2574493 Inglês
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Chamamos de inferência ou dedução a pressuposição da ideia geral de um texto através da identificação de algumas palavras. Esse método é normalmente utilizado para compreender itens lexicais desconhecidos ou segmentos do texto que não são claros.
Q2574478 Inglês
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Ao realizar a leitura de um texto em inglês, você pode praticar a estratégia chamada Scanning. Essa técnica envolve uma leitura minuciosa do texto, na qual o leitor busca por informações específicas dentro do texto.
Q2574474 Inglês
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When we write a text where the messages have an isolated meaning, and we carry out the incorrect ordering, our understanding of the text's meaning is not affected.
Q2574469 Inglês
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Ao realizar a leitura de um texto desenvolvendo a técnica de Inglês Instrumental, podemos fazer uso das seguintes estratégias de leitura: antecipação, previsão, inferência, skimming e skanning.
Q2574468 Inglês
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Historical Fiction is a literary subgenre that takes place in the past, with all elements of the story following the norms of the time. Often the setting is real, but the characters are not.
Q2574465 Inglês
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A elipse é um mecanismo de coesão que consiste em coisas que não têm significado sozinhas. Esse mecanismo remete ou faz referência a outros itens do discurso.
Q2574463 Inglês
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Ao lermos um texto seguindo os princípios da psicolinguística da compensação, podemos superar lacunas em uma fonte de conhecimento usando conhecimentos de outro domínio. Por exemplo, se não conhecermos o significado de uma palavra, nosso entendimento prévio sobre o assunto do texto pode nos ajudar a deduzir o significado do termo desconhecido.
Q2574153 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
In the same book, bell hooks (2003, p. 11) states that “Teaching is a performative act”. This means that teachers:
Q2574152 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
In the introduction of the book “Teaching to Transgress: education as the practice of freedom”, bell hooks (2003) shares her experience as a student in “all-black grade schools” and “desegregated, white schools” and then at undergraduate and graduate schools in the U.S. How were these experiences different?
Q2574151 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
In the chapter “Da aplicação de Linguística à Linguística Aplicada Indisciplinar”, Moita Lopes (2009) proposes the term “Linguística Aplicada Indisciplinar” as an area of study that:
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