Questões de Inglês - Orações condicionais | Conditional Clauses para Concurso

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Q2012931 Inglês
Check the alternative that correctly completes the following conditionals:
“If I were you, I would get a new dress for the dinner”.
Q1998004 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

How do people see disability today?

Some time ago, people’s idea of disability was very distressing, especially towards people with disability and their families. If a child was born with any kind of disability, they _____________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.

Today, disability is seen very differently. Education, information, support services, policy and accessibility efforts by many modern societies have empowered people with disabilities, together with _____ families, to rise to their fullest potential. Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society. Many people with disability have grown to become great, successful people.

Ray Charles and Steve Wonder, both blind from childhood, are some of ____________ musicians in the world. Marlee Matlin, ______ lost her hearing from childhood, is a great Standup Comedian and Actress. Chris Burke, a favorite American TV character, and writer, is a person with Down Syndrome. Nick Vujicic is _______ Australian Christian Evangelist and Motivational Speaker. Born ______ 1982 with a rare disorder, characterized by no hands and legs, has lived to inspire millions and continue to empower people.

Disability is part of life. People with disability have potential too, just like people without a disability. They have the same rights as everyone else and if people with disabilities, families, and society can work together on policy, we can make society all-inclusive and every person will have a fair chance to be the best they can be. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)

What is the best verb form to complete the sentence “If a child was born with any kind of disability, they __________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.”?
Q1858196 Inglês

Instruction: answer based on the following text.

(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).

Find the sentence with the same conditional structure as “If your pooch, new or old, is struggling with basic commands, take a step back and evaluate their demeanor.” (l. 26-27):
Q1794200 Inglês
Choose ONLY the third conditional sentence:
51: A
52: E
53: A
54: A
55: B