Questões de Concurso Sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês

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Q3163586 Inglês
Choose the sentence with the correct use of prepositions: 
Q3158183 Inglês
Choose the correct sentence with the proper preposition:
Q3158176 Inglês
Which preposition is used for specific time periods like holidays or weekends? 
Q3148920 Inglês
In the sentence, "The project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget," the prepositional phrases function to:
Q3147564 Inglês
        Girls play outside in nature less than boys do, even at the age of two, according to the first national survey of play among preschool-age children in Britain. While researchers expect to see older children socialised to particular gender roles, they were shocked to see similar patterns of behaviour starting to emerge at such a young age. They fear it could have long-term implications for girls’ health, as girls are less physically active as they get older and are more likely than boys to have difficulties with their mental health.

         The study also found that preschool-age children from a minority ethnic background play less outdoors than their white counterparts, and children in urban areas play less outdoors than those in rural areas. “The results highlight inequalities in play even in the youngest age group, which may exacerbate existing inequalities in health,” the report concluded.

         The research surveyed more than 1,100 parents and carers of children aged two, three and four. They found that preschool children spent approximately four hours a day at play, of which one hour and 45 minutes was spent playing outdoors, mainly in back gardens at home. Away from home, children played in playgrounds and green spaces, with the most adventurous play usually associated with indoor play centres.

         “The popularity of these play centers is growing,” the report said. “This may be driven by indoor play centres providing adventurous play experiences that overcome some of the barriers to outdoor adventurous play such as traffic, weather and safety concerns.”

Sally Weale. Girls play outside less than boys even at two years old, UK survey reveals.
In: The Guardian. Internet:<>  (adapted). 

According to the preceding text, judge the following item.

It is correct to infer from the text that safety is a factor that stops parents from letting their children play in indoor play centers.

Q3144830 Inglês
Read the excerpt of the book entitled 'The Other Tongue: English across cultures' written by Joshua A. Fishman, published in 1992:

Sociology of English as an Additional Language

The ongoing nativization of non-native Englishes in various parts of the world proceeds within the penumbra of a rather stable and widespread image of English. This image is itself both influenced by and, in turn, contributory to an international sociolinguistic balance of power that characterizes the latter part of the twentieth century. This balance of power rests solidly on three realities: (1) not only is English increasingly associated with technological modernity and power, but this association is now being fostered by non-English mother-tongue interests; (2) English is both functionally fostered and regulated by local political authorities; and (3) indigenous "preferred languages" are complementary fostered and regulated by these same authorities.

Not only is English still spreading, but it is even being spread by non-English mother-tongue interests.

The world has previously witnessed the spread of languages of empire, the diffusion of lingua francas, and the growth of international languages. In most respects, therefore, the continued spread of English for international and intranational purposes is not novel in the annals of world history—or, if it is novel, it is so primarily in a quantitative sense, in terms of scale, rate, and degree, rather than in any qualitative sense or in terms of kind. If there is something qualitatively new under the sun in conjunction with the spread of English inthe non-English mother-tongue world, it is merely that the spread has reached such an order of magnitude that it is now significantly fostered by the non- English mother-tongue world, rather than being predominantly de- pendent on resources, efforts, or personnel of the English mother -

tongue world (Conrad and Fishman 1977). Whether we monitor the veritable army of English-speaking econo-technical specialists, advisors, and representatives, or whether we examine the diffusion of English publications, films, radio and television programs, literacy programs and educational opportunities, it is becoming increasingly clear that non-English mother-tongue countries are significantly active in each of these connections. Nor is their involvement merely that of Third World recipients of Western largesse. True, Third World nations are themselves fostering massive efforts via and on behalf of English. On the other hand, however, equally massive programs via English are being conducted by the Soviet Union, the Arab world, and mainland China-world powers that have their own well-developed standard languages and that normally oppose various political, philosophical, and economic goals of the English mother-tongue world.

Source: FISHMAN, Joshua A. Sociology of English as an additional language. The other tongue: English across cultures, v. 2, p. 19-26, 1992.
Which statement about the use of prepositions in relation to support or causation is accurate according to the text?
Q3139906 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
Check the item that CORRECTLY fills in the gaps in the text below.
_____ the library, she found herself engrossed _____ a book, while simultaneously balancing her laptop _____ the edge of the table. 
Q3139399 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna:

"The book is ______ the table."

Q3133112 Inglês
In which of the following sentences is the preposition used correctly? 
Q3129904 Inglês
Complete the sentence with the most appropriate word:
"Despite the unexpected delays, the project was completed ______ schedule." 
Q3128404 Inglês
Identify among the following sentences the one that CORRECTLYuses time and place indicators.
Q3123428 Inglês
Which of the sentences below are CORRECT?

I. I study Portuguese on the afternoon. II. I never get out in the winter. III. He was born at 1995. IV. Rio de Janeiro gets too hot on December. V. My videogame is in the bedroom. VI. We could live together, walking on the moon.

Are CORRECT only the alternatives
Q3108926 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

No trecho: “Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students…”, a preposição onto foi usada para expressar:
Q3103428 Inglês


The correct order of prepositions that complete the gaps in the text is:
Q3086625 Inglês

Judge the following item, about verbal agreement and prepositions in the English language.

In the sentence "He has lived in New York for five years," the preposition "for" is used correctly to indicate a period of time.

Q3086624 Inglês

Judge the following item, about verbal agreement and prepositions in the English language.

In the sentence "She is good at playing the piano," the preposition "at" is correctly used to show ability in an activity.

Q3086622 Inglês

Judge the following item, about verbal agreement and prepositions in the English language.

The phrase "They are responsible for the project" uses the preposition "for" correctly to show accountability or duty.

Q3076883 Inglês
Analyze the following sentences.

I. My children usually go camping __ July.
II. Andrew's school was built __ 1983.
III. Could we meet __ 6 pm?

Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences: 
Q3076879 Inglês
Choose the sentence in which the preposition indicates time. 
Q3070392 Inglês

Text II

Q43_47.png (277×428)


In the poster, the words “tough” and “through” when used in the sentences “He is tough” and “He can go through a side entrance” are, respectively:
1: B
2: D
3: B
4: B
5: E
6: A
7: C
8: B
9: B
10: A
11: C
12: E
13: C
14: E
15: C
16: C
17: C
18: D
19: A
20: B